Audio problem: When the Terminator breaks into the police station, he has a Franchise SPAS 12 semi-automatic (or selectable pump action) shotgun in his left hand, and an Armalite AR 180 machine gun in his right. Before he kills the power in the building, he comes to the end of a hall, points his shotgun through a doorway, and shoots. A machine gun sound is used for the blast, instead of a shotgun sound. (01:00:28)

Audio problem: Nancy is watching 'The Evil Dead' in order to stay awake, but the audio of the film heard doesn't match with what scene is playing on the TV. (00:33:10)

Audio problem: When Winston says "Bugger." at the start of the film when he has the cigarette in his mouth, his lips are most definitely not in sync with the word. And it even sounds dubbed over.

Audio problem: When Axel is first arrested you hear Axel talking to the police officers as they pull up to the station and you hear the police officer talking back to him as he gets out of the car but none of their lips are moving.

Audio problem: Melanie Griffith's mic goes out a little in this scene when she says, "And you need professional helpÂ… yelled at." (01:31:20)

Audio problem: After Charlie has set the mans feet on fire, her dad picks her up and carries her out the door. She says "I didn't mean it daddy," but her lips aren't moving. (00:11:50)

Audio problem: When the nerds have their first party to impress the Tri-Lams, the first song that's playing when they are all sitting around does not match the equalizer on the stereo lighting wise.

Audio problem: When Sarah's mother is on the phone with her husband, she says, "I'm worried Dave, the fever's gone from 101 to 104," yet her mouth doesn't move. (00:02:30)

Audio problem: The first motorbike cop killed by the ninja screams in agony with his mouth properly closed. (00:07:05)