Best thriller movie audio problems of all time

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The Long Kiss Goodnight picture

Audio problem: When Charlie is driving the truck, you see her press the brake, but you hear the engine rev.

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The Spy Who Loved Me picture

Audio problem: After Bond sets the timer on the bomb at the end, the ticks don't add up. There's a definite tick each second, and you can count 12 of them after he starts it, then we cut back to the bomb and only 7 seconds have passed. (As a vague trivia aside, coincidence though it is, on the UK DVD he pulls the pin out at the DVD second timer ticks onto "07").

Jon Sandys

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Robocop 2 picture

Audio problem: Near the end, just as Robocop2 has locked onto Robocop, Lewis holds up a container of nuke, she starts to say something, but the editor decided to cut that bit out and move on.

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Total Recall picture

Audio problem: Just after Arnie accepts the cab driver's offer and the other one complains, Arnie's driver gives him the finger and says something like, "Eat this", but his lips don't match what he's saying. (00:52:45)

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Witness picture

Audio problem: When John milks the cow you hear the milk splashing into the bucket but you don't see any. (00:57:05)


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The Wicker Man picture

Audio problem: In the theatrical cut only, there is a scene where Willow goes into Howie's room and wakes him in the morning. She is heard to say something like "Wake up Sergeant", but her lips do not move.


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8mm (1999)

8mm picture

Audio problem: Right after Max and Tom watch the two fake snuff films, Max mentions the record company's lack of interest. At one point his lip movements don't seem to match his words. (00:50:35)

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Charley Varrick picture

Audio problem: In the scene at the end where Joe Don Baker is chasing Walter Matthau's plane around the junkyard, you hear the unmistakable sound of tires screeching on pavement, yet the surface of the junkyard is all dirt.

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Spider-Man 2 picture

Audio problem: Just before Aunt May does her hero speech she tells Peter that he 'Did a very brave thing, telling me, and I'm proud'. There is a pause between each clause of the sentence and the 'Telling me' line is obviously dubbed, the shot is from behind but the sound of the line is different.

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The Untouchables picture

Audio problem: Ness grabs a man who's trying to blackmail him and throws him out of the office. When he does, his voice changes abruptly, much cleaner, obviously overdubbed, and the sentence "You tell Capone that I'll see him in hell" is heard but Ness doesn't mouth it.


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The Departed picture

Audio problem: When Colin answers Costello's phone, we hear the girl ask, "Where the hell are you?" but her mouth actually asks, "Where the f*** are you?"

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Child's Play 2 picture

Audio problem: When Kyle takes the knife from the closet and pulls it out of the leather, it makes a sound like metal scraping on metal. (00:50:45)


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The Gauntlet picture

Audio problem: After the bus crashes to a halt on the courthouse steps, the gunfire stops. A few seconds later, a bullet hole opens up on the side of the bus - but there is no sound.

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Wolf Creek picture

Audio problem: In the end of the movie, when Ben is found by two Swedish backpackers, the subtitles doesn't match with what the the woman is saying. The subtitles say something like "Come on, lets get him out of here", when in fact she says "Herregud hur kom han hit?", which roughly translates as "Oh my god, how did he get here?"

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Equilibrium picture

Audio problem: When Preston is confronted with the dog he says "My name is John Preston". In the following shot his mouth is still moving but it's only at the end of this shot that he starts talking again. (00:50:20)

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From Hell picture

Audio problem: Near the beginning of the film Katie Eddowes tells Mary Kelley 'There's one over there'. As she walks past Martha Tabram and Annie Chapman, we hear some dialogue between them about not having very much luck that night. If you look at all three women, their mouths are not matching the dialogue. They appear to be saying something completely different.

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Batman Forever picture

Audio problem: When boiling acid starts spraying inside of the bank vault that Batman and a security guard are in, the security guard shouts "It's boiling acid." But his lips does not match with what he is saying. It happens again when the guard yells to Batman, "Don't let go." (00:08:15)

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The Crush picture

Audio problem: When Darian is playing the piano at the party, her hand movements are not consistent with the piece that is being played.

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Identity picture

Audio problem: When Paris goes to get her money from the hotel room and runs into Ed, in one shot Paris is talking, then it changes to Ed's face and Paris is still talking, but her mouth isn't moving. (00:45:55)

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The Hand that Rocks the Cradle picture

Audio problem: When Claire is in the car about to leave hospital, she turns around to tell Emma to put her seat-belt on. Though you hear her say "fasten your seat-belt sweetheart" - her lips aren't moving when you hear "sweetheart".

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