Audio problem: The dialogue that Michael Douglas hears Glenn Close saying when he walks into his apartment to find Glenn Close talking to his wife is the exact same thing that she says just before she leaves when Ann Archer gives her their phone number.

Audio problem: The source music in the ballroom does not match the Poseidon orchestra's motions.

Audio problem: When the lottery winner is in his apartment he actually puts his hi-fi into "standby" mode when the music starts. You can tell this because the red standby light comes on at the same time as the blue display goes off.

Audio problem: There is a scene where Eric is following the crow through a dark room. The camera trails off to show the crow's shadow and there is a sound as of wings fluttering yet the shadow is perfectly still. (00:10:10)

Audio problem: As the trio break into the club, they take on some bouncers. One of them gets his gun turned on him by Trinity, pushed right into his chest - we hear two gunshots, with corresponding wounds, then a third shot which has no effect. (00:14:50)

Audio problem: When the band starts to play the guitar solo doesn't match the guitar player's fingers or picking. (00:41:10)

Audio problem: After Tor Johnson drops her, Paula says, "Oh, I'll be alright" but her lips don't move. (01:13:30)

Audio problem: When the female TX is stopped by police during the intro credits, before the officer speaks you can see the TX's lips moving saying "Is there a problem officer" but her audio is muted. (00:08:50)

Audio problem: Near the end of the movie the helicopter is flying into the area where the troops were held. The radio traffic isn't pilots or air traffic controllers, it's railroad dispatchers and trackside detectors.

Audio problem: When Constance informs David that he has been put on official "sabbatical" and unofficially released (as a professor), she adds vocally that the vote was "4-2". However, her lips do not move, and the exact vote turnout sounds distorted, because it was edited later.

Audio problem: When John Rivers is installing his new audio equipment, he says to his son "So you can watch your favourite show and I can watch my favourite show". John's mouth movements don't match what he is saying.

Audio problem: A mistake with one of the audio tapes: They mixed the dialogue of two scenes in Silence of the Lambs, you can hear Lecter saying "you have not more vacations to bargain" which happens in the cell from which he escapes, and following that sentence asks "what it will be? quid pro quo, poor Catherine is waiting" and other lines that are from the scene when Lecter is still at the glass cell, the first time Clarice gives him the fake offer from the Senator. (00:37:06)

Audio problem: When Cole and Railly discover the twelve monkeys symbol on the walls, Cole grabs Railly's arm and shouts "Hey!" twice, but his lips don't move the second time. (00:57:45)

Audio problem: In the bar Marlowe says to Mars' thugs, "Yeah, Mrs. Rutledge wants to see me". But his lips doesn't match what he's saying. (01:10:55)

Audio problem: Near the beginning of the movie, while Selene is looking at the CCTV video from outside the subway station, Kraven enters the room and talks to her. Throughout their conversation, the sound quality of his voice changes as he walks away from where the mic is located (by Selene). (00:17:35)

Audio problem: Just after the captain of the other boat (Bill's friend) breaks the bottle, and looks over the side, you hear a voice say "What the hell was that" although the guy's mouth doesn't move, also the voice sounds more like Bill's low voice than this guy's Australian-sounding accent.

Audio problem: When the cowboy is talking to the hotel concierge about the slim brunette girl who signed the hotel register his dialogue is hopelessly out of lip sync.

Audio problem: The Batmobile is supposed to be powered by a Jet engine. The sound in the sequel is dubbed rather flawlessly except for two brief instances when you can hear the 8 cylinder piston engine.
Suggested correction: Can you be more specific as to what point in the film these errors occur?

Audio problem: In the Prom Gazebo scene, Bella wonders why Edward will not turn her into a vampire. Edward says, "I'm not going to END your life for you." These words do not match his mouth and appear to be dubbed. "End" being dubbed over some other word, possibly beginning with a "B". (01:46:40)

Audio problem: When Snakehead grabs the medallion from Jackie, Jackie screams in pain. However, any Jackie Chan fan can hear that it isn't actually Jackie screaming. (01:05:25)