Other mistake: In the championship game, the Yankees batter hits a foul ball when they score their winning runs.

Other mistake: For the entire length of the movie, Bam Magera is referred to as Bam. But in the credits, his character's listed as Chad.

Other mistake: During the Baer and Braddock fight, when the camera angle is from far away, you can see that Braddock is not actually connecting with his punches on Baer. Yet Baer still reacts like he's been hit. This also true with Baer hitting Braddock when the camera is showing the fight from far away in the stands.

Other mistake: Jim Lampley reacts to a knockdown by saying "That could be the end of the fight right there," then quickly adds "but no!" when he sees that Rocky is getting up. The problem is, we hear the "but no!" just before we see any sign that Rocky is going to get up.

Other mistake: When the setup for the first match is announced, the Ram is said to fight Tommy Rotten "for the strap", which is pro wrestling slang for a belt, meaning it was a title match. But after the match, which he won legitimately, The Ram is not announced as a new champion, nor is he ever referred to as such, and no belt is given to him after the match.

Other mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Brit's parents announce that her father has lost his job, but only a few seconds later he says that the company is relocating to Crenshaw Heights. If he has lost his job, there would be no reason to follow the company to Crenshaw Heights.

Other mistake: When Downtown is in the manager's office receiving his punishment (being benched), as he leaves he slams the door on the cinderblock wall. If you look closely, you can see the cinderblock wall sway. (00:26:34)

Other mistake: During the Toros last routine at the Nationals competition, they throw two girls in the air while they're lying horizontally. Look at the group standing around the people throwing the girl on the right; you can see one of the guys lift his arms up as if to cheer and then looks behind himself to watch the others.

Other mistake: In the Super Bowl, both end zones are painted with the Vikings logo (you can see the far end zone as they go to kick the game winning field goal). One end zone should bear the Bills' logo.

Other mistake: After his wife has a party at their house, Thorton Melon (Dangerfield) decides to have a swim in his pool. The camera shows Melon as he is about to dive into the pool from the edge. The camera cuts away and a much "thinner" Melon is seen doing a flip into the water. Watch carefully as the "thinner" man makes his dive. You can clearly see his hairpiece fly off the top of his head.

Other mistake: When Ricky is pinned to the table and has his arm broken by Jean, he has the bone between his elbow and shoulder broken. However, when they show him trying to saw off the cast with a knife, it ends right above his elbow.

Other mistake: Doug gives Kate his Bobby Hull jersey for Christmas and says it's a game worn jersey. It couldn't have been worn by Bobby Hull because the jersey is missing the Chicago 'C' shoulder patches.

Other mistake: Just before the second period against the USSR, we see a couple of shots of the benched Soviet starting goaltender Vladislav Tretiak. His hair is dry and combed, and there is no sign of perspiration, despite having just played the whole first period. After the game is over, we see a shot of the Soviet players watching the Americans celebrate. This time Tretiak's hair is wet and his face is sweaty. Shouldn't it be the other way around (i.e., hair is wet after playing one period, then dry after sitting on the bench for two periods)?

Other mistake: When the cleaning crew is leaving Joe's apartment, you can see a green Oreck commercial vacuum. The handle is on backwards.

Other mistake: The kid that plays young Lou Gehrig later reappears when Ma finds out that Gehrig signed with the Yankees.

Other mistake: When Roy is about to hit the ball off the porta-potty, the TV commentator bets Romeo that he won't hit the shot onto the green. Roy's shot ends up on the fringe of the green, not on the putting surface itself (an important difference), but Dewey collects the bet.

Other mistake: Nuke is having a great game. Crash comes out BEFORE the first pitch to the next batter and instructs him to "throw the next one at the mascot." Nuke does. Crash tells the batter not to dig in because he doesn't now where it's going, etc. The next pitch is a strike (making the count 1-1), yet everyone cheers and Crash throws down to 3rd base like it was a strikeout and the batter walks away.

Other mistake: About half way through the movie, Adrian gives Rocky a dog (Butkus). The second time Rocky goes to the meatpacking plant, the dog is with him when he walks in, but he walks out alone and the dog is not seen again in this movie.
Suggested correction: How is this a mistake? Rocky could easily have left with the dog on another occasion. It's like saying, sometimes Rocky is shown in a location but it's never shown how he got there. That isn't a mistake, it's just what happens in films. Also, the dog not being seen again is irrelevant.

Other mistake: When Farley Granger sneaks out of his flat to go to Robert Walker's house, there is an EXIT sign over the door. Maybe in a theater or cinema, but in a private apartment?
Suggested correction: 1) This only appears in the preview version of the film, not the final version. 2) Why would an apartment building not have an exit sign? Can you cite a reference for this? I would think someone making a contemporary film would notice if it was such an obvious error you think it is.

Other mistake: In the scenes at the beach where Pumpkin is seated in his wheelchair, how did he get there? Someone would have had to push him there through the sand, but there are no wheel tracks or footprints.