Other mistake: In the scene with the last match between DDP and Jimmy King, when Jimmy King is on top of the cage and grabs the belt, he is holding it up. It shows the belt has a nameplate on it saying Jimmy King. If DDP was the champ, wouldn't the nameplate read DDP, or Diamond Dallas Page?

Other mistake: During the Toros last routine at the Nationals competition, they throw two girls in the air while they're lying horizontally. Look at the group standing around the people throwing the girl on the right; you can see one of the guys lift his arms up as if to cheer and then looks behind himself to watch the others.

Other mistake: When the titan band was playing in the title game and we see a shot of them the trombone player does not move his slide to the right place for the notes that are played.

Other mistake: When Orlando Jones uses the stickup for his hands, in the next play his hands are very clean, and if you have ever used it, you know what I am saying.