Other mistake: In the library scene, the guards are harassing the inmate by throwing books on the floor to make him pick them up.One of the guards drops a book on the floor to tell the inmate that he missed one but when he comes back to pick it up he actually picks up 3 books. (00:48:50)

Other mistake: When the NASCAR pit crew starts working on Herbie at the barn, they initially pull a bunch of parts and tools from their racetrack trailer. One man is carrying a distinctive VW-only wheel rim, which would definitely not fit their regular NASCAR car. The decision to race Herbie had just been made, so they would not have been carrying VW spare parts yet. Nor could they have pulled one of Herbie's wheels yet since they were still carrying the jack to the barn.

Other mistake: In the championship game, the Yankees batter hits a foul ball when they score their winning runs.

Other mistake: During the Baer and Braddock fight, when the camera angle is from far away, you can see that Braddock is not actually connecting with his punches on Baer. Yet Baer still reacts like he's been hit. This also true with Baer hitting Braddock when the camera is showing the fight from far away in the stands.

Other mistake: When the USA soccer world cup team is practicing in New York, on some field in Long Island, in several shots you can see the steeple for Union Avenue Christian Church, which is actually located in Saint Louis, Missouri.

Other mistake: Although the film's story covers the better part of a year, Dakota Fanning's permanent upper frontal incisor (permanent tooth) is just beginning to emerge. At the end of the film. months and months later, her tooth is still just beginning to emerge.

Other mistake: Near the end when Lindsey goes to Fenway to stop Ben from selling his tickets, she borrows binoculars from someone to find him across the field. She's looking through the wrong end. The way she's holding them, everything would look tiny, and yet she still sees him.

Other mistake: Near the beginning, a player takes a shot that misses the basket. Immediately thereafter there is an off-camera sound of a window breaking. The windows in the gym are near the ceiling and the ball could not have hit any of them. In addition, later shots of the windows do not show any that are broken.

Other mistake: When Will Ferrell throws the javelin, it would not have gone far because it starts to tumble and the back end is falling to the ground after barely leaving his hand. When the javelin lands, it has traveled a long distance in a perfect trajectory.

Other mistake: During the end credits of the film, Thunder Monkey's real name is America Ferrera, best known for playing Ugly Betty. However, her name is misspelled as America Herrera.

Other mistake: When Renny is shot the first time, we can see two bullet holes in his shirt, when there should be one.