Trivia: I was an extra on the Highlander Scottish battle scenes and since Scottish weather isn't the most hospitable, all the extras got very drunk on whisky to keep warm. When you see the Scottish charge insanely, it's because we were all drunk, which led to us picking out the wrong weapons and kilts for the next days filming because no one could remember who had what.

Trivia: Notice they don't play the lyrics with the "Iron Man" song in the closing credits. That's because the Black Sabbath song was not about the comic book Iron Man. There are many theories about what the song means, but the most popular is that it is about a man who travels to the future and sees the apocalypse. They couldn't use the lyrics to describe the Iron Man in the movie: He was turned to steel - In the great magnetic field - Where he traveled time - For the future of mankind. Now the time is here - For Iron Man to spread fear - Vengeance from the grave - Kills the people he once saved.

Trivia: Before the film was released, N.A.S.A. sent a memo out to all of its employees stating that they were not allowed to comment on the likelihood of the events portrayed in this movie.

Trivia: Often times when a movie is distributed the name of the movie on the actual can is changed or altered to prevent piracy. The name on this movie was "Hal," a reference to "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968).

Trivia: When the credits have finished rolling there is a garbled radio transmission of what sounds like Rob saying "Help us." But when played in reverse you can clearly hear him saying "It's still alive."

Trivia: The portable devo guns Mario & Luigi use to turn Koopa into slime are actually Super Scopes, (used in the Super Nintendo Game "Super Scope"). They're kind of the Super Nintendo version of the Nintendo Zapper from "Duck Hunt" for NES (Nintendo Entertainment System").

Trivia: Principal Powers says, "I'm not Wonder Woman, you know." She is played by Lynda Carter, the original Wonder Woman for the TV show.

Trivia: It's not an accident that Wisconsin was chosen as the new South Pole in the movie, its position being 44N/90W, 44 being a number that Roland Emmerich tries to sneak into every movie he makes since his 'Moon 44' days. (01:37:25)

Trivia: There is a little reference to the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Ben, the robot, upon meeting Jimmy says something like "Solitude is great, but 100 years of it..."

Trivia: When Michael Chiklis' wife, Michelle (who suffers from claustrophobia), first saw him in his The Thing outfit, she suffered a panic attack and had to be escorted off the set.

Trivia: When Bond first meets Tiffany Case in her apartment, she is playing some music. If you listen carefully, you will notice that it is the theme song for the film.

Trivia: The bees in the dome scene are real (there were about 30,000 of them). David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson were actually in the dome with them, and neither of them wore protective gear, but weren't stung nonetheless.

Trivia: The Iron Giant has only 53 words of dialogue in the entire film.

Trivia: 1 tells 9 that he led the others to their current hideout, which he refers to as "sanctuary". The building happens to be Notre Dame church, famously referred to "sanctuary" in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."

Trivia: For production designer Ken Adam's giant Pinewood volcano set, some 700 tons of steel were used, and some 250,000 square yards of canvas. It featured a working monorail and elevators and cost £1 million to produce.