Trivia: To make the water in the glass on the dashboard 'jump', they strung a guitar string from the underside of the dashboard to a bolt on the floor and then plucked the string.
Trivia: The portable devo guns Mario & Luigi use to turn Koopa into slime are actually Super Scopes, (used in the Super Nintendo Game "Super Scope"). They're kind of the Super Nintendo version of the Nintendo Zapper from "Duck Hunt" for NES (Nintendo Entertainment System").
Trivia: Demolition Man contains several references to the novel "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. Sandra Bullock's character's name is Lenina Huxley, from Lenina Crowne, a main character in the book, and the author's name. Sylvester Stallone's character is also named for a character in Brave New World, John the Savage. Also during the fight in the museum, Wesley Snipes says "such a brave new world".
Trivia: Baby Connie was played by Dan Aykroyd's real life daughter, Danielle Aykroyd.
Trivia: With a final production budget of $13 Million, "Freaked" was a boxoffice disaster, grossing just under $30,000 in two theatres. Due to studio shake-ups at 20th Century Fox, the film's post-production budget had been cut and its advertising campaign was cancelled. After a number of bad test screenings, the movie was pulled from nationwide release, finally going to VHS in early 1994. Nonetheless, the film gained almost immediate cult status, which it retains to this day.
Trivia: When Max is chasing the cat, the scene was accomplished by training the cat and dog together so they'd be comfortable. The cat was being trained to run towards a toy, while the dog was trained to run towards a trainer making hand signals a short distance away from the cat-toy. If you pay very close attention, there's actually one point in the scene where you can tell that they're running in ever-so-slightly different directions.