Trivia: It's not an accident that Wisconsin was chosen as the new South Pole in the movie, its position being 44N/90W, 44 being a number that Roland Emmerich tries to sneak into every movie he makes since his 'Moon 44' days. (01:37:25)
Trivia: "Farewell Atlantis" was the fake working title of the film, the same name as the book written by Jackson Curtis in the story.
Trivia: Though named differently, all the state leaders (plus the governor of California) shown in the movie are of the same gender, ethnicity and general appearance as their real-world counterparts who ruled in 2009.
Trivia: It isn't adequately discussed, but if the new South Pole is in the middle of Wisconsin (44N/90W), then the new North Pole is in the neighborhood of St.Paul island(44S/90E), in the southern Indian Ocean. One can only assume they are referring to the magnetic poles, not the axis that the earth rotates around, otherwise Africa would be as hospitable as northern Canada.
Answer: It's really impossible to say, given all of the massive land shifting seen in the film. We see the entire coast of California fall into the ocean. It's reasonable (in the film) to assume some cataclysm struck Kilimanjaro to lower or destroy it, or that the continent has been tilted.
In the movie, it was implied that the continent of Africa as a whole remained unflooded. So it stands to reason that the millions of inhabitants of the various countries may have survived intact. And so, the animals and plant life as well. So the question of saving the human species may be moot in this scenario. It's ironic, since most of the scientific community believes that modern humans evolved there first anyway.