Trivia: Paul Reiser's character Carter Burke was so immediately hated that during the movie's premiere his sister hit him, and when Burke's death occurred, his mom's response was simply "good."

Trivia: Even though Starscream was killed in the movie, he came back in two later TV episodes as a ghost. He also appeared in one Beast Wars episode.

Trivia: I was an extra on the Highlander Scottish battle scenes and since Scottish weather isn't the most hospitable, all the extras got very drunk on whisky to keep warm. When you see the Scottish charge insanely, it's because we were all drunk, which led to us picking out the wrong weapons and kilts for the next days filming because no one could remember who had what.

Trivia: When Howard knocks the duck hunter out of his boat, the hunter lets out a "Wilhelm scream."

Trivia: The film's director, David Cronenberg, has a cameo in this film as the doctor who helps Ronnie deliver her maggot baby.

Trivia: To make the effects of Audrey II look convincing, the animatronic was usually shot at a lower frame-rate, such as 12 frames per second, and then played back at the standard 24fps. This sped-up the shots and made the animatronic's motions look more fluid and lifelike. In order to compensate, whenever a human actor would be in-shot with Audrey II, they would have to act in "slow motion" in order for their movement to look right at 24fps. (You can kinda tell in a few shots if you look closely).

Trivia: Space Camp was filmed at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama at the real U.S. Space Camp. The parts in the orbiter were filmed in the Atlantis orbiter used at the camp and the parts in the payload bay were filmed in the payload bay of the Enterprise orbiter that is used by Advanced Space Academy.

Trivia: Director Hayao Miyazaki had said in interviews that he was ignorant that the word Spanish word "Laputa" means "filthy whore." If he had been aware of the word's meaning, he would not have used it in the first place.

Trivia: The main characters in this film are Johnny and Stephanie, and the film is directed by John Badham. In one scene, Johnny watches Saturday Night Fever on TV. The scene he watches, (and imitates with Stephanie), involves two characters also called John and Stephanie. Saturday Night Fever was also directed by John Badham. (01:02:20)

Trivia: After the six wires are cut to defuse the weapon, you can see the amount of time left on the clock is 07:16:45, which is the date of the first successful test of the Atomic Bomb.

Trivia: Laurene Landon threatened to quit when she hadn't been paid for several weeks of work.

Trivia: Paul Bartel and Mary Woronov play Paul and Mary Bland in this film. These are the characters they played in the film "Eating Raoul."

Trivia: Kristy Swanson received coaching from a professional mime in order to properly move like a cyborg.