Trivia: Often times when a movie is distributed the name of the movie on the actual can is changed or altered to prevent piracy. The name on this movie was "Hal," a reference to "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968).
Trivia: The very futuristic single bladed fan we see in Spooner's apartment is actually a ceiling fan of today. It's called "The Enigma" and is manufactured by Fanimation Inc.
Trivia: Alan Tudyk, who did the voice of Sonny, is actually visible in the film for one frame. When the stand-in robot is killed in Sonny's place, Alan can be seen in the brief flash after the nanites are injected. Confirmed on Visual Effects Team commentary. (01:18:20)
Answer: He'd certainly have a lot of internal injuries that aren't visible, would probably have more injuries showing than that trickle of blood, but wouldn't necessarily be "unrecognizable."
Phixius ★