Trivia: Paul Soles, who portrays the character Stanley, was the voice of Dr. Bruce Banner for the 1966 cartoon of The Incredible Hulk. The name "Stanley" is itself likely a reference to Hulk co-creator Stan Lee.

Trivia: Notice they don't play the lyrics with the "Iron Man" song in the closing credits. That's because the Black Sabbath song was not about the comic book Iron Man. There are many theories about what the song means, but the most popular is that it is about a man who travels to the future and sees the apocalypse. They couldn't use the lyrics to describe the Iron Man in the movie: He was turned to steel - In the great magnetic field - Where he traveled time - For the future of mankind. Now the time is here - For Iron Man to spread fear - Vengeance from the grave - Kills the people he once saved.

Trivia: When the credits have finished rolling there is a garbled radio transmission of what sounds like Rob saying "Help us." But when played in reverse you can clearly hear him saying "It's still alive."

Trivia: The janitor who sees Lou Landers stuffing the dead body in the cabinet is the director, Craig Mazin.

Trivia: A subtle reference to this film's 3D format: In Max's box, Trevor finds a pocket stereoscope, which are funky looking glasses that create the illusion of a three-dimensional image from two-dimensional photographs. It was invented by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1840.

Trivia: When David jumps to the Empire State Building, a woman says, "Maybe, if we're lucky, we'll see King Kong". Jamie Bell, who plays Griffin, was in King Kong.

Trivia: As Leela lands at the Demolition Derby, you see a knock-off Enterprise, and the Eagle 1 vessel from Space: 1999, among other recognizable ships.

Trivia: After Bender makes a point with the organic eye, there's a picture of Robot B-9 from the Lost in Space TV series on the wall.

Trivia: When the armoured cars come under attack, the first one drives through a fence on fire and a Wilhelm scream can be heard.