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Answer: For protection from the inmates.


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Bonnie and Clyde picture

Question: Where does Bonnie get all her clothes from? From what we see she goes off with Clyde wearing the yellow dress and doesn't have any bags or anything with her. Are we supposed to think she steals them?

Answer: Bonnie and Clyde were bank robbers, remember - it's quite reasonable that Bonnie would buy herself some clothes with the proceeds.

Kimberly Klaus

More Bonnie and Clyde questions
Fools Rush In picture

Question: Could you please tell me what the father is calling guacamole in the scene where Alex and Isabelle's parents meet? Alex's father says something about guacamole, and Isabelle's father says, "Now you insult (?) guacamole". I can't find what he says anywhere. Thank you.

Answer: "Now you're offending Amalia's guacamole! What's wrong with Amalia's guacamole?!"

I believe it says Mayan's guacamole. Not Amalia's.

No, Tomas says Amalia. Amalia is his wife.


Answer: Amalia is her mother... so yes he says Amalia.

More Fools Rush In questions

Answer: It's when Dewey and Randy are talking about the movie Stab. Randy says to him "At least you get played by David Schwimmer, I get the guy who rode the stage coach through one episode of Dr Quinn".


More Scream 2 questions
High School Musical 2 picture

Question: Is it true that the song "I Don't Dance" was specifically written for Corbin and Lucas because they both auditioned for the role of Ryan, but since Lucas was a better dancer, he got the part?

Answer: It is just a coincidence. Corbin's character is all about sports and feels that Ryan is not in the same league when it comes to baseball (pardon the pun). Ryan, on the other hand, wants to prove that dancing takes just as much athleticism and dedication as sports therefore the game and song are a showdown between two cliques you generally find in high school, the athletes and the drama club.

More High School Musical 2 questions
Grease 2 picture

Question: On the soundtrack Dimucci sings the song "Do it for our Country" as a solo number. In the film it's a duet with Sharon. Does anyone know why they changed it in the film, or let Peter Frechette sing it alone on the soundtrack?

Answer: "Do It For Our Country" is a duet between Sharon and Louis. Maureen Teefy couldn't make it to the recording session, so Peter Frechette had to sing the whole song himself, which is why Maureen's vocals aren't on the movie's soundtrack. In some recordings her voice was dubbed in later.

More Grease 2 questions
A Room with a View picture

Question: While in Italy, the Anglican pastor tells a joke, and the punch line is about an American seeing a "yellow dog." Exactly what is he referring to?


Chosen answer: The joke is: The American girl asks her father "What did we see in Rome?" The man says "Rome was where we saw the yellow dog." Explanation: Americans can tour the Eternal City and all they will see that is memorable or of interest to them is a dog.


I don't get it. It doesn't make sense.

What part doesn't make sense? Rome is filled with better things than a dog. To put it another way, it would be like if you went to one of the greatest sporting event live with on-field/court-side/ring-side tickets and when asked about the event you said "I thought the nachos were good."


It's a crude joke about Americans. It doesn't have to make sense. It's a joke that highlights the sense that Americans are crude, illiterate, with no culture. They believe a yellow dog (a common dog in the US) was the best thing to see.


More A Room with a View questions
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel picture

Question: How did Brittany even know Toby's phone number, and why would Ian sit his phone right next to them?

Answer: Alvin could have easily known Toby's number and told it to her. Ian just simply put down his phone not even thinking that the chipettes could get at it from inside of the carrier.

More Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel questions
You've Got Mail picture

Question: What song are Meg Ryan and her co-workers singing around the piano and does anyone know where I can find the words online?

Answer: The name of the song is "The Instrument Song" and you can get the lyrics here.


More You've Got Mail questions
Pocahontas picture

Question: What happened to the one Native American that Governor Ratcliffe shot? I know he went back to the village for treatment but what happened to him afterwards? Did he die?

Answer: This is a question the movie chose not to answer. It could be assumed he died as the Powhatans did not have the knowledge to treat gunshot wounds. However, there were cases even as far back as this time of individuals being able to survive gunshot wounds as long as the bleeding could be stopped and infection didn't spread. As the Powhatans did know herbs in the land to treat infections and did know how to mend bleeding; it is also possible he lived though he would have walked with a limp for the rest of his life.

More Pocahontas questions
Gone with the Wind picture

Question: At the very beginning when the twins are talking to Scarlett it sounds to me like George Reeves says something about the "other 48 states" wanting war. Am I hearing that incorrectly? There were only 34 states when the war began.

William Lanigan

Answer: To answer your question, I looked for on-line versions of the "Gone with the Wind" screenplay. What you are hearing as "other 48 states" is actually "those fool Yankees." The full line is, "Y'know, those fool Yankees actually want a war?" Also, the line is actually said by Stuart Tarleton, played Fred Crane, not by George Reeves as his twin brother, Drew. In writing, it doesn't seem they would sound alike. When I watched the opening scene of "gwtw" on YouTube (, I can see how the error was made. I might have misheard it, as well, if I didn't already know what the line was from my research. Mr. Crane's enunciation is rather muddled.

Michael Albert

George Reeve plays Brent Tarleton, not "Drew."


Answer: I watched this scene several times on HBOmax, both with and without the closed captions. The line, spoken by Brent Tarleton (George Reeves) is: "You know, those poor Yankees actually want a war." It does sound like he says another word just before saying "Yankees," but it's so muffled that it's unintelligible and the closed captions do not record it. It could be "poor fool Yankees," but that's a guess.


Answer: In the version I am watching it is definitely Reeves' character who say the line, right after he tells Scarlett "War. Isn't it exciting Scarlett?" Then comes what sounds like what I posted. Is it possible there are different versions?

William Lanigan

More Gone with the Wind questions
Open Range picture

Question: When Baxter and his men ride into town, he brings 8 hired guns with him for a total of 9; but when the fight starts, there are only 8. Baxter and 4 men confront Charlie and Boss, in the street, and 3 go round behind the buildings. What happened to the 9th man?

Answer: I believe he is the one being chased by the townfolks, after the gunfight is over.

Answer: The man you see being shot at in the end was the man who ran off once the sheriff had the kid, and Baxter was going to kill him. So, just before the shooting started again, this man ran off away from Baxter. What you see the townsfolk shooting at is this man who ran off just before the end, where Baxter and the sheriff had the boy and were counting down.

Answer: I noticed this as well. The person shot at the end of the film is the same man that was with the sheriff when they were held in the jail. He was a deputy and did not ride in with the land baron.

More Open Range questions
The Twilight Saga: New Moon picture

Question: If Alice can see the future, why did she not protect Bella from Jasper's attack before it happened at Bella's birthday party?


Chosen answer: The way I understand it, Alice's power only works once someone makes a conscious decision to act. Since Bella's paper cut was unanticipated, Jasper's attack was impulsive, not premeditated.

Cubs Fan

More The Twilight Saga: New Moon questions

Answer: It's ambiguous. Most likely both were targeted to be killed.


More On Her Majesty's Secret Service questions
How the West Was Won picture

Question: Doesn't the water tower fall completely to the ground during the buffalo stampede in the original theatrical release? It's missing in the DVD release.

Answer: Yes, the water tower did indeed fall completely over in the initial release. I saw it fall all the way to the ground and release a flood of water. What happened was that the tower fell on the rump of one of the buffaloes, and the buffalo stumbled and got up and continued running. Later the animal rights people objected to the scene, so it was removed from the DVD, and all that was left was the tower shown leaning over.

Answer: Footage of the water tower falling has NEVER appeared in the film. My first viewing of the film was in Cinerama in 1962 and the tower doesn't fall over. It doubtless was supposed to fall over but for technical reasons it didn't come out right, and so no footage beyond seeing it wobble a bit has ever been in the film.

This answer is incorrect. The original release did have the tower fall over completely. There's even a picture of the flooding after it falls over. It was since deleted. Http://


I agree. The tower fell and water poured out. I saw this movie in Cinerama in 1963. For years later, I wondered why I never saw that scene in its entirety again. A shame that for a mistake that caused the unintentional death of an animal, the scene should no longer be viewed by anyone.

Answer: I saw the film in Cinerama the week it came out and the water tower didn't fall. I remember being puzzled by the shot of it falling in the souvenir program.

More How the West Was Won questions
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves picture

Question: When Little John is cutting everybody free from the gallows, he calls them milksops. Why was this word censored when it was shown on TV?

Answer: There's no reason it should be bleeped out, though maybe censors misinterpreted it. The word merely refers to someone who is weak or timid.


More Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves questions
The Princess Bride picture

Question: When Buttercup confronts a masked Westley, she says that she loved more deeply than a killer like him ever dreamed. Westley's response is to raise a hand as if to hit her, but he stops and says that was a warning and that where he comes from, there are penalties when a woman lies. In what way was Buttercup lying?

Answer: Westley comes back from the sea, only to find that his one true love is engaged to another man. He feels her love for him wasn't true if she could even think of getting married again, at least so soon.

Brian Katcher

More The Princess Bride questions
The Break-Up picture

Question: When Addie sets Brooke up on a date with her husband Andrew's friend, Brooke is uninterested during the date. At one point Addie calls her to help her get out of the date and the first thing she says ism "Is this when I'm supposed to call?" How did Brooke and Addie plan this? Brooke was pretending to be intrigued by the guy's story about his job and listening intently therefore she couldn't have been communicating with Addie by texting during the date and they couldn't have planned it ahead of time.

Answer: It's a common ploy to help a friend out of a bad blind date. They didn't need to plan it.


More The Break-Up questions
An American Werewolf in Paris picture

Question: How did they get Andy to the hospital after he banged his head on the Eiffel Tower? It seems highly unlikely there were any elevators around.


Chosen answer: The Eiffel Tower has several elevators in use that they could have taken.


More An American Werewolf in Paris questions

Answer: At first they were just wrestling and horsing around. However, underlying tensions and frustrations over their impossible situation, and Ennis' reluctance to commit to Jack, causes their anger (particularly Jack's) to overtake them, and it erupts into a full-blown fight.


More Brokeback Mountain questions

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