Best romance movie questions of 1994

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Dumb and Dumber picture

Question: What is the trailer both were watching on TV while they were having some snacks in bed in the Aspen hotel room?

Answer: It was a commercial for Pacific Bell. A telephone company.

More Dumb and Dumber questions

Chosen answer: Rafiki is a bit of a msytic or a shaman; a quasi-magical character. He was able to smell Simba on the wind that we followed from one to the other.


Answer: Rafiki just knows because he's wise.

More The Lion King questions
Forrest Gump picture

Question: How did Lieutenant Dan find out about Forrest and Jenny's wedding? Forrest appears to be surprised to see him there, and Jenny had never met him before.

Answer: Presumably, Forrest called Dan and invited him. He seemed surprised to see Dan standing. The last time Forrest saw Dan he was in a wheelchair. His reaction was all about Dan's "magic legs".


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The Crow picture

Question: If Eric and Shelley were fighting tenant eviction, why did T-Bird and his crew show up with a list of complaints about the conditions of the building?

Answer: Top Dollar (the main villain played by Michael Wincott) sent them over there to talk them. He sorta explained at the end. He 'believed' that he owned the building. I think he said something along the lines of: "Hell, nothing in this area happens without my say so." I guess Eric and Shelly's complaints were going to attract attention with the authorities and Top Dollar did not want that.


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Legends of the Fall picture

Question: Why is Decker wanted by the police? When the police came to visit the ranch, Decker notices them, tips his hat and walks away. The police have a sketch of Decker that says he is WANTED.

Answer: I don't think it's ever mentioned. The Ludlows almost certainly already know, and in the scene mentioned, the cops won't say.


Answer: Very early in the story when one stab is narrating, he's kind of introducing everybody and makes a reference about Decker having "illegally" married an Indian woman, and there are several references to the fact that the father was not happy working for a government that was killing Indians and also went out of his way to make sure they were in no way discriminated against. I think it's possible that may be why they were looking for Decker and why Colonel went out of his way to hide his living there.

I believe Decker had been a bootlegger. That would be the reason why the O'Banions (sellers of booze themselves), were with the sheriff when they came looking for Decker at the Ludlow's ranch. And also, the reason why the O'Banions didn't want to say what Decker was wanted for was their own personal vendetta concerning bootleg whiskey. Maybe they had reason to believe that he was still selling bootleg whiskey around those parts. Also, later in the movie, when Tristan returns home after 7 years, Decker says to him "There's good money in bootlegging if you know what you're doing." And, Decker says that with a huge smile. Like he definitely knew what he was talking about and could definitely give Tristan some pointers about being a bootlegger.

Alcohol wasn't illegal until well after World War 1. The initial scene with the O'Bannons takes place before the boys go off to war, and it's stated afterwards that Alfred voted for the Volstead Act making alcohol illegal.

Not sure about this. At the time the sheriff comes looking for Decker, it's roughly 1915, and liquor is not yet illegal.

More Legends of the Fall questions
Reality Bites picture

Question: Can anyone explain to me the game everyone is playing in the scene where Michael comes to pick Lanie up for their first date? He obviously understood it and made suggestions but I can't figure out what they are doing.


Chosen answer: It's a drinking game and can be played with just about any kind of list. You go in a circle and name off parts of the list, ie. in the movie they are naming Good Times plots. When it's your turn you have to name one or you have to do a shot of liquor.

More Reality Bites questions

Chosen answer: From what I heard of the text, it's The Bible.

More Little Women questions
Don Juan DeMarco picture

Question: I'm unclear about the ending in this film. Was he really Don Juan and the stories he told about his sexual antics are true after all? And was he lying when he said that he really grew up in Queens, etc., just to get out of the hospital?

Jeanne Perrotta

Chosen answer: I think the point is that it doesn't matter. He can be Don Juan if he likes - so can anybody - and who is to tell who someone else really is?

More Don Juan DeMarco questions
Corrina, Corrina picture

Question: Why does Manny make up excuses about his wife doing something when in reality she died?

Answer: Manny is struggling with her death and trying to care for Molly. In a moment of self denial and sadness, he just makes it up in hopes of tricking himself into thinking that everything is normal.


More Corrina, Corrina questions

Answer: Yes, she stole the dress.


More Muriel's Wedding questions
Wolf picture

Question: Was Will the one who murdered his wife, or was it Stewart in an attempt to get Will charged with murder, so he could get his job back and not have to deal with Will anymore?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: It was Stewart. The wolf, as Dr Alezais says, removes everything from a person except for the person's nature and heart. Stewart, when talking to Laura at the estate, states that she knows what happened to Charlotte, which was his subtle way of saying he had murdered her.

Answer: My take was that it was Will who killed his wife.


When Charlotte met Will in the hotel lobby about her "mistake" with Stewart, she said that she would talk to him about it. Will refused to listen and told her to keep away from him. He didn't want to be anywhere near Charlotte, and after she left the hotel, she probably went to talk to Stewart anyway. Considering the kind of person he really is, he murdered her. It was even said that there were more deaths besides her, all done by Stewart.

I also think it was Will, out of anger because she cheated on him.


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True Lies picture

Question: Were the "four horsemen" fakes? If not, how did they get the nukes inside them in the first place?

Answer: They were most likely fakes, they just built the statues around the nukes. Like making a parade float containing a small motor for it to move.

More True Lies questions
The Swan Princess picture

Question: At the end when there's a zoom shot of the castle on the water, how was the effect with the water done? Is it real water?

Answer: From what I understand it's done with a method called xeroxography. It's a really good job, I'll agree.

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The Next Karate Kid picture

Question: Mr Miyagi said he taught Julie's grandfather Karate but in the first movie he never taught anyone before Daniel. Can someone explain this to me please?


Answer: Likely the filmmakers deliberately changed the plot details to fit the new storyline, either hoping or not caring if the audience noticed. It's not uncommon for films to do this in sequels.


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Trapped in Paradise picture

Question: When the brothers go into the bank for the first time Bill overhears the manager call Sara by her name. Bill then goes over and says "Sara? Sara Collins?" And she says yes, and later she askes Bill if they know each other. He says they do not, and she walks away. But why didn't she ask him how he knew her last name when no one told it to him at the bank?

Answer: She was busy at work and did not care how or why he knew.

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Four Weddings and a Funeral picture

Question: Why wouldn't Charles' brother be his best man? Or is that not traditional in England the way it is in America? It's not mandatory but is certainly expected, unless the brothers are not close (which Charles and his brother are) or the groom's father serves as best man.

Answer: A groom can choose whoever he wants as best man. As you say yourself, it's by no means mandatory for it to be the groom's brother, even if they are close. In this particular case, it's possible that David felt that he ought not to be the best man, due to the difficulty that he'd have in making a speech, but, really, Charles was under no obligation to choose him.


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Natural Born Killers picture

Question: When Woody Harrelson is eating the key lime pie in the opening scene, how exactly was that pie made? It looked more translucent like Jello, as opposed to regular key lime pies, which resemble cheese cake.


Answer: Yes, it definitely does not look like a key lime pie. I suspect that because Woody Harrelson is a strict vegan, that it is a substitute made with vegan ingredients.

Answer: My take: The Key Lime pie Mickey eats in the diner looks cheap and trashy on purpose... a garish trailer park version of that pie. The crust isn't even cooked. I think it has more to do with the demographic theme of the diner patrons rather than Harrelson being a vegan.

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