Best romance movie questions of 1991

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Beauty and the Beast picture

Question: Does Chip really have as many siblings as there are cups in the kitchen? Seems a bit too many, and also they aren't seen as real children at the end of the movie.

Answer: The servants in the castle are transformed into enchanted objects because of the spell, but there are still plenty of other objects in the castle which were not originally people.


More Beauty and the Beast questions
Curly Sue picture

Question: When Grey questions Walker about calling children services, why did she keep asking Walker if he did call them? Grey wanted a yes or no from him but, every answer Walker gave was pretty much his way of saying yes.

Answer: He knew if he said, no, it would have been a lie. He tried to answer in a way that would not make him sound like a villain.

More Curly Sue questions
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves picture

Question: When Little John is cutting everybody free from the gallows, he calls them milksops. Why was this word censored when it was shown on TV?

Answer: There's no reason it should be bleeped out, though maybe censors misinterpreted it. The word merely refers to someone who is weak or timid.


More Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves questions

Chosen answer: Most likely because there was no reason for a scene of them together to tell the story. It is assumed that because Thomas and Vada are friends, that Harry has interacted with Thomas many times before. There could have been scenes filmed with the two actors together that was later cut from the final film. This often happens to quicken the film's pace, shorten the running time, etc.


Answer: Harry seemed to ignore Vada a lot of the time, would suspect her friends were included in him doing that also.

More My Girl questions
Doc Hollywood picture

Question: Why do the Owens go to the doctors to have their mail read? Even a small town like Grady would have a librarian, not to mention they certainly have friends who can read.

Brian Katcher

Answer: That's just the long-standing relationship they had with Doc Hogue and assumed it would continue with Dr. Stone. Hogue was more than a doctor to the town folk. He was a strong father-figure that everyone felt they could go to for a variety of reasons. Also, this is a comedy film, so the characters and their situations are deliberately cliched and quirky.


More Doc Hollywood questions

Chosen answer: A chafing dish is a large metal pan or glass container (either is called a "dish") that is used to serve hot food at a buffet. The dish fits into an elevated metal stand that has one or more holders on the bottom for small sterno containers. The heat from the lit sterno keeps food warm.


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