Question: Has anyone else noticed that Everett and Julie are not seen with the rest of the cast in the last scene? They just dash by in the hall. Is it possible the ending was reshot any they were added in post?

Question: After Hitch rants in the restaurant, what Tom Cruise movie is Sara watching at her apartment?
Answer: Sara is watching "Jerry Maguire" released in 1996. Check out http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116695/ for more information.

Question: How does Mrs. Smith get to know that her husband is the shooter?
Answer: She notices that he shakes his right leg twice after peeing, just like her husband.
Answer: It comes down to a deleted scene. And I remember it as clear as day from when I saw it at the cinemas. There is a scene where Jane is brushing her teeth at the basin. John walks into the large bathroom and begins to take a leak. As John finishes up, Jane looks over her shoulder at him, just in time to see him lift one leg and give it a couple of sharp shakes. Later in the movie, after the ailed assignment/shootout in the desert, Jane is watching the footage of the other assassin doing the very same memorable action. Right as she is in the middle of replaying it back a couple of times, John turns up at her building, and one of her agents who has answered the intercom says, "Jane, it's your husband." And that is when the penny drops! For some bizarre, unknown reason, they removed that very important key bathroom scene from every TV and DVD release, leaving people who did not see the theatrical release at the box office asking the question of how Jane realized it was her husband.
Answer: From the way he stands and moves, height, weight and general mannerisms.
Answer: They worked for different agencies and were unaware that they had been given the same target (Diaz?) to kill in the desert. Mrs Smith initially thought that Mr Smith was a civilian that just happened to interfere with her assignment. She was given 48 hours to identify and eliminate (kill) the "witness." While reviewing the videotape of the scene, all Mrs Smith could see was the back side of the "civilian." While still looking at him, a secretary or similar employee yelled from outside the room that Mrs Smith's husband was on the phone and was back from his trip to Atlanta. By the secretary saying, "It's your husband" during the time Mrs Smith was looking at his back side on the tape, plus the information that he was back from Atlanta, it became obvious to her... and she wondered how she could have been so stupid to not know before this time.

Question: In one of the extras, Tim Burton says that he got the idea for Corpse Bride from a story. He said just that it was just a few paragraphs, but what is the story that he is talking about?
Answer: It's a 19th century Russian Jewish folk-tale - the story starts quite similarly, with the lead character saying his vows while putting the ring on what he believes to be a stick. The tale generally finishes with the rabbis annulling the marriage and the living bride vowing to honour the memory of the corpse bride throughout her marriage - which ties into the Jewish tradition of honouring the dead through the lives of the living.

Question: What happens to the Natives? After the first contact with Denham & Co and the sacrifice of Ann they make no further contact with the group, even when the group are inside their village at various points after this.
Answer: They scared them off with their guns. In the scene where they capture Ann to sacrifice her to Kong, Denham and his men come to rescue her and when they start shooting the natives hide. It's never fully explained but the most likely answer is that they are too scared and have even moved villages or are just hiding really well.

Question: Why were Jack and Ennis fighting on the hill on Brokeback Mountain? Ennis's nosebleed looked pretty serious.

Question: After John's arrest in El Paso, in the following scene he's talking with Viv about the incident and denying he has a problem, even though she says everyone around him says so. She then asks about June and he says she left the tour and Viv responds with "Well that explains everything, doesn't it?" What exactly does she mean by that statement?
Answer: Viv's implying he is acting the way he is cause he is upset about June leaving.

Question: Why was the name Max used for the helmet? Does it connect to one of the other 6 movies?
Answer: Yes the third movie Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo there is a character in the movie named Max.
Yes, but that Max didn't have two X's in his name, plus he was a thief trying to steal Herbie, not race him with a big racing suit.

Question: Does anybody know what game the two guys are playing in Andy's apartment, the part where they are saying "you know how i know your gay?" Graphics-wise it looks like X-box, but they are holding N64 trident style pads.
Answer: The video game being played is Mortal Kombat: Deception. It is available for PS2, Gamecube, and XBOX. Based on the controller, I would say they are playing the Nintendo Gamecube version.

Question: What was the "substance" in the eye drops that was dispatched into the water?
Chosen answer: The substance is Visine Eye drops which is an old bartender trick for obnoxious drunks. Just a couple of drops in a drink will indeed make the person feel ill.

Question: Is Nola really pregnant? She's taking medicine and the police say nothing about a pregnancy to Chris, when they show him Nola's diary.
Answer: No, she's not pregnant.
Wasn't their a clip of her with a positive pregnancy test? but in saying that surely she would have wrote about it in her diary and it would have shown up on her autopsy also.

Question: Did the pair of Levi's used in the movie actually fit all of the actresses, or did they all have their own pair? If it fit them all, did they have multiple pairs?
Answer: It seems nearly impossible that one pair of pants would actually fit four actresses of such different heights and weights. One of the "magic" properites of the pants was that they did manage to fit all the girls in the story, so it's probably safe to assume that different pairs were actually used for filming.

Question: Why is there an alternative U.S ending (special feature on the UK DVD version)?
Answer: In previews to American audiences there were lots of comments that it was not a good ending (not romantic enough) so they filmed an ending with Darcy and Lizzie kissing to make it more romantic. The ending in other countries matches the original ending of the book.

Question: Why didn't Joe and Janie have any children after twenty years? I know that some couples have to try for years before getting pregnant, but twenty years seems like a long time.
Answer: One or the other may simply have been infertile. Some people simply aren't capable of having children, and no medical intervention would exist in the timeframe of the movie.

Question: I know it wouldn't make for a very dramatic ending, but is there no way to get from the centre field seats where Lindsay was in Fenway to Ben's seats along the first line? I mean, couldn't she have just ran along a main concourse?
Answer: At the stadiums that I've been to there are ushers posted at the top of the stairs that lead to seats closer to the field. You can't get down there without showing a ticket for that section. They also show her trying to get to that section and being told she can't go in that gate. Also, she sees through the binoculars that Ben is about to sell his tickets and she wants to create a diversion.

Question: Why doesn't Isobel's dad ever find out about Iris being what she is?
Answer: Because she's put him under her spell without him realising.
Answer: Well, Everett ends up chasing after Julie, telling her she should stay for New Year's so the family doesn't notice.