Question: Where does Bonnie get all her clothes from? From what we see she goes off with Clyde wearing the yellow dress and doesn't have any bags or anything with her. Are we supposed to think she steals them?

Question: In many reviews I've read of this film, folks say that, at the end, it is revealed that the bet between God and Satan for the first to reach 100 billion souls was all a joke by God on the devil. I have seen this film five times and never once (even after reading these things) did I hear/see anything that even remotely indicated that the contest was a joke. Can someone please fill me in on this?
Answer: It's a joke because the souls already belong to God. It's mentioned during the jail scene. So the question is irrelevant, as God already has well over 100 billion souls in any case, and the devil can't gain them back.
There is no jail scene in this movie. You're probably thinking of the remake.
Answer: Bonnie and Clyde were bank robbers, remember - it's quite reasonable that Bonnie would buy herself some clothes with the proceeds.
Kimberly Klaus