Question: Is there an alternate ending? Did Ving Rhames ever wear a sweater in the last scene?
Answer: My wife and I also believe that Agent Duane Stevenson wore a sweater at the end of the movie on the VHS version. The DVD version switched Duane with suit, white shirt and tie - no sweater.
Answer: I saw Ving Rhames in a navy crewneck sweater at the end of movie shot.

Question: What did Doc mean when he said "It's not revenge he's after. It's the reckoning"?
Chosen answer: A reckoning is like a judgment day, exacting retribution for one's actions. Doc was very well educated and had a very large vocabulary. He was correctly pointing out the subtle difference between revenge (to make Wyatt feel better about losing Morgan and about Virgil's crippling injury) and the fact that Wyatt was bringing about a judgment day (or reckoning) for each of the men who hurt his family.
Answer: I've spent a lot of time thinking about this very question, and here's what I've come up with. I think there are at least two differences between revenge and a reckoning. First, I think it has to do with the scale of the response to an offending action. Revenge, in my mind, is an eye for an eye, i.e, "You killed my brother and wounded another, so I will inflict the same action on your family (or group, gang, whatever). " A reckoning is less a measured response to an offending action and more of a full-scale punishment, i.e, "You killed my brother and wounded another, so I will now slaughter your entire family-including those who were not directly responsible for the offending action." Second, I think there is also a difference in motivation. Revenge tends to be a very personal response to something, whereas a reckoning tends to be more of a response fueled by a need for justice. In Wyatt's case, it was both. He was enraged by what happened to his family, but was also a lawman.
Thank you for this response! I've only seen Tombstone a million times and asked the same question every time. It's hard to separate the difference between the two but I believe you nailed it. Well done.
I'm thinking the opposite in terms. Revenge is "Reflexive" and is generally any means necessary (out of an abundance of pain or rage) to hurt the other party. "Revenge is a dish best served cold." If one is exacting justice there's no need to be cold hearted. Therefore, Reckoning is (to me) a fair balancing of the "scales" hence "an eye for an eye." Not only consequences of actions as it were but a corrective action to an incorrect circumstance. Just my understanding.
The problem with that theory is there is no difference in the end because the end result was the same...the killing. True reckoning could have only been achieved though the apprehension and punishment by trial and jury, anything other than that is simply revenge.

Question: Toward the beginning of the movie, on Phil's first day at the bed and breakfast, he turns on the shower and it is very cold. He asks the lady in the hallway why there is no hot water. The lady answers "Oh no, there wouldn't be any today." Why not?
Answer: Old fashioned hotels have a single boiler for all the hotel rooms. Once the hot water reservoir is used up there won't be any more to use until the reservoir is refilled. This only happens once every few days.
Answer: Likely because there are a lot of people staying there and using up the hot water.

Question: What is the restaurant Annie and Walter are sitting in that looks out onto the Empire State Building?
Answer: That would be the Rainbow Room which is located at 30 Rockefeller Plaza (Annie rushes out the door and gets into the taxi), the iconic skyscraper in Rockefeller Center.

Question: What does Harriet say to the Russian sailors as they walk past?
Answer: Real Russian, here. Sailor #1 says "she's a little thin." Sailor #2 says* "she looks really good to me." Harriet says "Yes. Very good." Sailor #1 says "Damn, she understands Russian." Harriet says "See you later, boys." (*Очень даже ничего is an idiom.) Мальчики or "malchiki" is "boys."
Answer: They are saying she is too tall and too skinny, but one says she's still pretty good looking. She sarcastically says "Thanks a lot," or something to that effect. One of the guys says "Oh, she understands Russian." And Harriet replies, "Yes, I do. You fellas have a nice evening."
Answer: I don't know the entire conversation, but it definitely wasn't just "have a good night fellas" she said "malchik gei", which means gay boy in Russian so she was probably insulting them right back.
Malchiki is boys. She says "See you later, boys." Ну пока, мальчики.

Question: What does Regina mean when she tells her boyfriend to swallow food before he talks, because they are in California? Talking while eating is rude almost everywhere, so what does California have to do with it?

Question: Is D'Artangne's gold sword the same prop sword which Ignio Montoya used in The Princess Bride?
Answer: No. Inigo's sword has a jeweled hilt. D'Artagnan's is not jeweled.

Question: What is the name of the music being played when Clarence enters the club and kills Drexyl? And the name of the song being played when Drexyl kills Samuel L Jackson?
Chosen answer: When Clarence kills Drexel: "I want your body" by Nymphomania. When Drexel kills Samuel L Jackson: "Skinny (They can't get enough) " by The Skinny Boys.

Question: What exactly is wrong with Joon? I don't think they mentioned it in the movie, but does anyone have a good guess?
Answer: I would guess high functioning autistic. Similar to Rainman. Especially her being obsessive compulsive.
Answer: Initially, I thought that she had PTSD after her parents died because she appeared to have watched the accident or been in the accident.
Answer: She had schizophrenia, she showed that with her paranoia when she accused Benny of cheating and hallucinations when she was getting upset with the voices in her head on the bus.
Answer: I have repeatedly told people he wore a sweater. There has to be one, more original, that has him in a sweater. I remember almost like a Easter yellow.
It should be noted Rhames does wear what looks like a yellow sweater in "Pulp Fiction." Although I wouldn't call it Easter Yellow.
I saw Ving Rhames in a navy crewneck sweater in the closing shots of this film.
I also can swear I saw an ending with Ving Rhames wearing a sweater. This would be in keeping with Klein asking him earlier in the film if he ever wears sweaters.