Question: At the end of the "We Are One" song, Simba and Kiara have returned to pride rock around sunset. Fine, fine, but the thing that's been bugging me for years is: Kiara stares intently at something, causing Simba to frown and look up to see what she sees. He seems to chuckle, then turns back to her. What is it that they were looking at before he says "You'll understand some day" and why is it there?

Question: What would happen if Lucy stayed up all night and she was with Henry? Would she all of a sudden forget him or would it happen very slowly?
Chosen answer: Apparently, she loses all her daily memories when she enters a full sleep, so keeping her awake would have given them a chance to see each other for longer periods.
Then my question is what about the naps during the day that she takes?
Naps would reset her brain like any other sleep.

Question: How does Mrs. Smith get to know that her husband is the shooter?
Answer: She notices that he shakes his right leg twice after peeing, just like her husband.
Answer: It comes down to a deleted scene. And I remember it as clear as day from when I saw it at the cinemas. There is a scene where Jane is brushing her teeth at the basin. John walks into the large bathroom and begins to take a leak. As John finishes up, Jane looks over her shoulder at him, just in time to see him lift one leg and give it a couple of sharp shakes. Later in the movie, after the ailed assignment/shootout in the desert, Jane is watching the footage of the other assassin doing the very same memorable action. Right as she is in the middle of replaying it back a couple of times, John turns up at her building, and one of her agents who has answered the intercom says, "Jane, it's your husband." And that is when the penny drops! For some bizarre, unknown reason, they removed that very important key bathroom scene from every TV and DVD release, leaving people who did not see the theatrical release at the box office asking the question of how Jane realized it was her husband.
Answer: From the way he stands and moves, height, weight and general mannerisms.
Answer: They worked for different agencies and were unaware that they had been given the same target (Diaz?) to kill in the desert. Mrs Smith initially thought that Mr Smith was a civilian that just happened to interfere with her assignment. She was given 48 hours to identify and eliminate (kill) the "witness." While reviewing the videotape of the scene, all Mrs Smith could see was the back side of the "civilian." While still looking at him, a secretary or similar employee yelled from outside the room that Mrs Smith's husband was on the phone and was back from his trip to Atlanta. By the secretary saying, "It's your husband" during the time Mrs Smith was looking at his back side on the tape, plus the information that he was back from Atlanta, it became obvious to her... and she wondered how she could have been so stupid to not know before this time.

Question: After Hitch rants in the restaurant, what Tom Cruise movie is Sara watching at her apartment?
Answer: Sara is watching "Jerry Maguire" released in 1996. Check out http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116695/ for more information.

Question: In theatrical trailers, when the dwarves put Snow White on Shrek's table, he says "Dead girl off the table." In the real movie, however, "girl" becomes "broad", according to the subtitles. Is there a reason why?
Chosen answer: This is most likely because "broad" isn't too nice of a word, and children of any age could watch the trailer. Parents wouldn't want their children to copy inapropriate language, obviously.
Answer: Broad is just a slang word meaning Woman. It was historically a bad word, but now it's not.

Question: Can Will Ferrell actually play the flute?
Answer: Yes, he has played the flute since childhood.

Question: When Over's wife gets the call about her husband's plane having problems, there is a horse in bed with her and she tells the horse to let himself out. This is the only joke in the movie I didn't understand. Is there anybody out there who got the joke and can help me understand it?
Answer: This is a reference to The Godfather, where a character being intimidated by the Mafia wakes up with his prize racehorse's severed head next to him on the bed. For comedy purposes this is twisted by the movie as an implied sexual relationship, when the horse is revealed to be alive.
Answer: This is an inside joke that Mrs. Over is cheating on her husband with a horse.

Question: In the scene where Hal, Rosemary, the cripled friend, and Nurse "Sourpuss" go out of town, Hal and his friend got to buy snacks leaving Rosemary and "Sourpuss" to talk. There is a scene where thy cut to the front of the car and Nurse "Sourpuss" is now good looking. So is that her real look and Hal only sees her as old and ugly?
Chosen answer: Yes. Just as Hal sees many unattractive and/or overweight women to be thin and beautiful due to their true personalities, he sees Nurse "Sourpuss" - who is a beautiful woman - to be old and ugly due to hers.
Answer: At that point Hal and his friend had already turned their backs and went to the store so Hal was not even looking at her.

Question: Why did Carla put on the red dress when she was going to take over the role of Eliza in the play, since the first act started with the outfit Lola was already wearing?
Answer: My only guess is that she had to make sure the dress fit before the play, or adjustments had to be made on the dress so it would fit her.
Answer: Lola mentions her mum taking her allowance in August or September. That means they're in the month of July which is summer break for America.
She's being dramatic. It's spring in New Jersey during the movie, so it's probably April/May and she says "I could really use the money now mom! Can't you take it next month or...September?" Indicating that September is a ways in the future.

Question: When Georges is being deported back to France, why didn't Brontë go with him? They realised they were in love with each other plus there was nothing stopping her from going to France with him.
Answer: It's implied she will be coming with him when George says he will write to ask 'when are you coming cherie?' and the way they laugh and exchange rings. She just has to wrap up loose ends in NY then she'll be on her way to him.

Question: When Hallie and her mom are on the way to the studio, they are showing crossing the street. On the road behind them, the white lines are zigzagged at the beginning. Why are they like this?
Answer: They are crossing on the zebra crossing on Abbey Road in London. The Zigzags are a warning for drivers that the crossing is near. They serve as both strict 'no parking' and 'no crossing the centre line' warnings.

Question: When Rosemary gets into the Castavets right at the end, she walks past a man, and then the man says something. She then replies "Be quiet, you're still in [some location]" What was that about...?
Chosen answer: Roman Castavet is trying to get Rosemary's attention, and she says "Be quiet, you're in Dubrovnik, I can't hear you". That was in reference to the fact that Roman and Minnie were supposed to have gone to Majorca or Dubrovnik after she found out that Roman was supposedly dying (which was just a lie Rosemary was told so she wouldn't suspect them when her baby was taken). Roman and Minnie got in a cab and pretended to go to the airport, but never left town.

Question: When Superman went back in time to save Lois, doesn't that mean that the people that he had originally saved are now doomed to die?
Chosen answer: No. Because the version of him *before* he time-traveled is still out doing those things. The REAL question is, what happens to that Superman, seeing as Lois no longer dies and he has no reason to travel back in time.
Answer: There are generally two methods of time travel. Skip vs Slide. When you slide through time, you are in essence rewinding or fast forwarding a tape. Time will accelerate to the desired moment. This method, the traveler will witness the rewind and will only allow one of them to exist. When skipping, you are plucking yourself from the time stream and placing yourself in the desired moment. This method, travel is instantaneous and can allow for multiples of the traveler to exist at once. Superman rewound time. He used the slide method and went directly to Lois after doing so. This means those he previously saved...died after his reversal.
Or he could have used the skip method. Like you said, it enables a traveler to pluck themself from the time stream and placing them at the desired moment allowing for two Supermen to be able to prevent both missiles from reaching their destinations.
He couldn't have used the skip method if he rewound time.

Question: When they are singing under a tree full of doves, it looks like they were tied to the tree branches. Is this true?
Answer: Yes it is true. They did this to prevent the birds from flying into the backdrops and becoming injured or killed.

Question: In the scene where Vincent is just about to launch, the doctor testing him mentions his son. My brother seems to think that the doctor knows Vincent is not who he pretends to be because he is Jerome Morrow's father. Is there any evidence for this?
Answer: None whatsoever. The doctor seems to have worked out that Vincent is not who he seems to be from simple observational evidence. It's because of his son that he feels sympathy for Vincent and hasn't revealed that he's tricking the system.

Question: I once heard that there's a shell somewhere in the movie that has a profanity written on it. Is this true?
Answer: Yet another Disney urban legend.

Question: The movie is supposed to be three years after the first movie, which would make her 18. But on all the trailers, they say she is 21. Why is this?
Answer: I have visited a lot of websites and they all say the movie is supposed to be taking place 5 years after the first one and that would put her at about 21 since it should be a little after her birthday. Don't assume because this movie's made 3 years after the first that that's how long after the first one it's meant to be set.

Question: After the ship was turned from hitting the oil tanker and then they returned to the bridge, they saw the ship was going to hit land. Why didn't they just go down again and turn the ship out to sea?
Answer: The ship has no way to stop or steer. By hitting land it would bring the ship to a stop (at a considerable cost) where as if they go out to sea, they would just continue to keep going until out of fuel or hit something they can't avoid and risk everyone drowning. A risk that is not present if they hit land.

Question: Chad tries to discourage Troy from singing with the line, "If you sing in musicals, you're going to end up in my mom's refrigerator." Any clue as to what this means?
Answer: When Chad brings up Michael Crawford (the iconic Phantom in musical performances of Phantom of the Opera) he points out that Crawford's picture has never been on cereal (Wheaties) boxes like popular athletes. Chad says that his mom saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway 27 times, and she put Crawford's picture "in" her refrigerator. So then Chad tells Troy that if he plays basketball his picture will end up on a cereal box, but if he sings in musicals his picture will only end up in his mom's (or anyone's) refrigerator. Apparently since Chad's mom was nuts about Michael Crawford, one of her "crazy diet ideas" was to put Crawford's picture in the fridge to help her stick to her diet.
Answer: Kiara is staring at the tip of Pride Rock and thinking of the that she will be a leader one day, due to the fact that shown in the first movie that this is where the new kings/queens roar to show that they are the new rulers. Simba notices her looking and chuckles at the irony of him having wanting to be leader so badly at her age and Kiara not wanting to be a leader at all.