Audio problem: In the scene where Robbie is sitting outside and Linda walks up to him to tell him about why she called the wedding off, she firstly walks on the concrete and you can hear her footsteps, then she walks on the grass, but you can still hear her heels clicking.

Audio problem: In the scene where Simba is being attacked by Zira and the other outlanders, he rolls down a small cliff. Zira then says, "Yes, we've got him", but if you watch her mouth she is actually laughing and her mouth isn't moving at all.

Audio problem: In the scene where the Prince meets up with Leonardo da Vinci for the first time and notices that his guards have found him, he says 'Oh, I can't believe this'. His mouth isn't in sync with what he's saying.
Suggested correction: Firstly, the closed captioning reads, "God, I don't believe this." Second, Henry actually says it twice - the first time his mouth IS in sync with what we hear, but then he mouths under his breath "I don't believe this," again, in annoyance with the situation.
I am watching the scene right now, and his mouth really isn't in sync. In order for him to say the word "believe" (even in mumbled form), he would have to move his mouth to form the "b" sound, and he does not at that point.

Audio problem: At the very beginning where the two young boys cut the eye holes, the sound of cloth ripping is not synchronized with the knife cutting it.

Audio problem: When Mrs. Jenson see's Ted's thing caught in his zipper, she turns and yells "Holy Shit!" Her lips however don't reflect these heard words. (00:14:55)

Audio problem: When Julia and the girls are sitting with Eva discussing Bilal's disappearance towards the end, you can see Eva's mouth isn't moving in time with what she is saying.

Audio problem: When Annie is saying goodbye to her butler Martin and they perform their legendary handshake, Annie is the first to put her hand down when they stack their hands, however you hear a clapping sound.

Audio problem: When Freedom shuttle is being destroyed by the asteroid field, you can hear Harry say, "Sharp, what the hell is that? Is that the Independence?" but you can tell by Bruce Willis' mouth that he isn't saying any of those words.

Audio problem: At Marlowe's funeral, the sound of the choir boys' voices is a line or so ahead of what their lips are singing.

Audio problem: Upon Elizabeth's first meeting with the Duke of Anjou, he whispers, in French, what he would like to do to her in bed. Then he says, in English, "Would you like that?" His lips don't move when he says it.

Audio problem: Throughout the film, in the long shots of Laurence sat on the psychiatrist's couch, we hear him speaking when his mouth is not moving.

Audio problem: When Finn meets Estella at the club you hear her boyfriend telling a story about Michelangelo. Most of it must have been dubbed, only at the very end he is actually mouthing his words. (00:49:10)