Red Cargo: I have to do what's best for everyone.
Deni Maroon: Yeah, but... how do you know what's best for everyone?

Anna Shepherd: You are such a child.
Nick: A sexy child.
Nick: Wait, no.
Anna Shepherd: Goodbye, Nick.

Wilbur: Are you writers?
Charlotte's daughters: No, but we will be when we grow up.
Wilbur: Then write this in your webs, when you learn: This hallowed doorway was once the home of Charlotte. She was brilliant, beautiful, and loyal to the end. Her memory will be treasured forever.
Charlotte's daughters: Ooh, that would take us a lifetime.
Wilbur: A lifetime. That's what we have.

Catherine: Suzon, I forgot one thing. I heard a strange sound. I looked through Augustine's keyhole, and I saw her standing at the mirror with something shiny. I thought nothing of it, but now I'm sure she was sharpening a knife.
Augustine: You liar! I was holding my mother-of-pearl comb and cleaning it.
Gaby: At 3:00 am?
Augustine: Combs never sleep.

Scott Heyward: You know something, Pa? I would have traded everything you've ever given me for one thing - for trust in me.
Duster Heyward: Well, what are you talkin', son? I've always trusted ya. I was just tryin' to make things easy is all.
Scott Heyward: That's just it, Pa. I don't want things easy. I want to be able to make my own mistakes and work 'em out.

Peggy Van Alden: How dare you think such cheap tactics would work with me.
Vince Everett: That ain't tactics, honey. It's just the beast in me.

Mary: George, I didn't know you could yodel.
George M. Cohan: Learned it on the farm. Nothing but pig callin' with frost on it.

Ebenezer Scrooge: How shall I ever understand this world? There is nothing on which it is so hard as poverty, and yet, there is nothing it condemns with such severity as the pursuit of wealth.

Hawkins: After months of pleading for just this kind of action, what makes you think that anybody, anybody could make me reveal the identity of my confederate?
Jean: Because they'd put you on the rack, crack your every bone, scald you with hot oil, and remove the nails off your fingers with flaming hot pincers.
Hawkins: I'd... like to withdraw the question.

Aladdin: Well, they have no where to go. We got them trapped.
Iago: We? They are 40 thieves! We are you, a rug, a monkey and me. Wait, don't count me.

Molly Brown: Sure I may be tuckered, and I may give out, but I won't give in.