Rudolph: What do you want?
Clarice: You - You promised to walk me home.
Rudolph: Aren't you going to laugh at my nose, too?
Clarice: I think it's a handsome nose. Much better than that silly false one you were wearing.
Rudolph: It's terrible... and it's different from everybody else's.
Clarice: But that's what makes it so grand. Why, any doe would consider herself lucky to be with you.
Rudolph: Yeah? But I wasn't very lucky today, was I?

Bert: Speaking of names, I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith.
Uncle Albert: What's the name of his other leg?

Little John: When your opponent's sittin' there holding all aces, there's only one thing left to do: Kick over the table.

Molly Brown: Sure I may be tuckered, and I may give out, but I won't give in.

Rusty Martin: I heard about your money, Lucky, I'm sorry.
Lucky Jackson: It's only money.
Rusty Martin: Only money! Do you realise how hard it is to earn money?
Lucky Jackson: But I won it.

Ma Tatum: You look like you been drug through a mole hole backwards.