Man in garage: That's quite a rig, I never saw anything like it.
Lucky Jackson: Yeah, it's one of a kind, I built it myself.
Rusty Martin: I heard about your money, Lucky, I'm sorry.
Lucky Jackson: It's only money.
Rusty Martin: Only money! Do you realise how hard it is to earn money?
Lucky Jackson: But I won it.
Lucky Jackson: Look Rusty, I thought maybe you and I could go dancing or something.
Rusty Martin: So you wanna go dancing?
Lucky Jackson: Or something.
Rusty Martin: You answer it and if it's anybody, I don't want to speak to him.
Lucky Jackson: Where you from, Rusty?
Rusty Martin: Dubuque.
Lucky Jackson: Well whaddya know, I've never been there myself, but its interesting that you're from good old Dubuque.
Rusty Martin: Before you get too attached to 'good old Dubuque', we moved there from Chillicothe, Ohio.
Rusty Martin: Chillicothe, Ohio, well, how about that, I've never been there either.
Rusty Martin: Can you help me, please?
Lucky Jackson: Can we help you? Yes ma'am.
Rusty Martin: Can you check my motor, it whistles.
Lucky Jackson: I don't blame it.
Lucky Jackson: Well that's a coincidence, that you were born in Las Vegas and after all that travelling I met you in Las Vegas.
Rusty Martin: What does he need a gun for?
Lucky Jackson: To shoot you if you don't get outta the way.