Fanny Brice: If I can give Belasco four dollars for silk stockings made of cotton, I can give Ziegfeld a little more for a mink coat made of skunk.
Little Egypt: Oh, Jack, is Ziegfeld a friend of yours?
Jack Billings: Yes, we've been pals for years, but you wouldn't like him.
Little Egypt: No?
Jack Billings: No, he's up one day and down the next. If he got $10,000 tomorrow, he'd spend it on the girl he happened to like tomorrow night. You wouldn't want to waste your time meeting a felloe like that.
Little Egypt: Oh, not if I met him on the right night.
Fanny Brice: Get me some viskey.
Burlesque Prima Donna: Once in burlesque, always in burlesque, unless you got looks, or a voice, or something.
Fanny Brice: Well, that's what I got, kid.
Burlesque Prima Donna: What?
Fanny Brice: Something.
Sandow: This cheese is so strong it could walk over and say hello to your coffee.
Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.: Well, it had better not. This coffee's too weak to answer it.
Billie Burke: I wonder what General Grant would think if he knew we were using the very shadow of his tomb as our meeting place?
Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.: Well, I never knew the general personally but I have an idea that he'd approve.