Scott Heyward: You know something, Pa? I would have traded everything you've ever given me for one thing - for trust in me.
Duster Heyward: Well, what are you talkin', son? I've always trusted ya. I was just tryin' to make things easy is all.
Scott Heyward: That's just it, Pa. I don't want things easy. I want to be able to make my own mistakes and work 'em out.
Scott Heyward: Will you check by the desk and see if that package arrived yet?
Tom Wilson: First thing. If it's here I'll send it to you toot sweet. That's French for pronto.
Duster Heyward: Now you tell me you're gonna go out in this boat tomorrow win, lose or draw. If this thing hangs together that you've gone ahead and proved somethin'?
Scott Heyward: That's right.
Duster Heyward: Then let me tell you, boy, whether you do or whether you don't, I want you to know that I'm as proud of you as any father who's ever set foot on this here God's green earth.
Tom Wilson: You just said the magic word.
Scott Heyward: Clambake?
Tom Wilson: Yeah.