Eleanor Duvall: They were giving out free lobster bibs in the bathroom.
Whitey: That's not a lobster bib Eleanore its a germ protector for your tushey.

Mac: Are we limp and hard to manage?

Agnes Smith: Katie, where's my cat?
Katie the Maid: I don't know... a little while ago, she got in my way and I kicked her down the cellar steps. I could hear her spine hitting on every step.
Agnes Smith: Oh, if you killed her, I'll kill you! I'll stab you to death in your sleep, then I'll tie your body to two wild horses until you're pulled apart.
Katie the Maid: Oh, won't that be terrible, now? There's your cat.

Lady: What's a... baby?
Jock: Well, they... they resemble humans.
Trusty: But I'd say a mite smaller.
Jock: Aye, and they walk on all fours.
Trusty: And if I remember correctly... they beller a lot.
Jock: Aye, and they're very expensive. You'll no be permitted to play wi' it.
Trusty: But they're mighty sweet.
Jock: And very very soft.
Tramp: Just a cute little bundle... of trouble.

Marty Peters: Where do ya come from, Tex?
Chris Maule: Massachusetts.

The Giant: Fe, fi, fo, fum.
Jeremy Keen, Proprietor: For a great, big giant you're really dumb.

Tommy Randall: Do you think your mother would mind if you joined us in a soup bone?
Barbara Stewart aka Ching-Ching: I haven't got any mother.
Tommy Randall: Well, then, your father, or family?
Barbara Stewart aka Ching-Ching: I haven't any family. I haven't even got Chang.
Tommy Randall: Who's Chang?
Barbara Stewart aka Ching-Ching: He brought me here from Sanchow, and then he ran away with my money.

Tramp: Every day could be an adventure.

Billy Bigelow: I just couldn't get the hang of being married.
Starkeeper: Was that Julie's fault?
Billy Bigelow: No, but maybe it wasn't my fault either.

St John Weasel: You've only got one shot. Give me the gun... and we'll all be friends.
Mole: Friends? Thought you said there was no such thing.
St John Weasel: Oh come on! That was just the intro to a song.

Martha Reno: Clint thinks the sun rises and sets in you.
Vance Reno: I know, Ma. That's just why I'm going.

Lt. George 'Youngblood' Carson: My grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian.
Lili Smith: How exciting.
Lt. George 'Youngblood' Carson: It was for my granddaddy.