Hawkins: After months of pleading for just this kind of action, what makes you think that anybody, anybody could make me reveal the identity of my confederate?
Jean: Because they'd put you on the rack, crack your every bone, scald you with hot oil, and remove the nails off your fingers with flaming hot pincers.
Hawkins: I'd... like to withdraw the question.
Dr. Desmond Forest Oates: I'd like you to read this poster and tell me what it says at the bottom.
Kelly: "No food or drink allowed in the auditorium at any time."
Dr. Desmond Forest Oates: It says "Twelve original songs by Dr. Desmond Forest Oates."
Kelly: Oh, that part.
Dr. Desmond Forest Oates: Yes, that part. I'll tell you what it doesn't say. It doesn't say "Additional lyrics by little miss sassy pants."
Red Baxter: I don't like your faces.
S. Quentin Quale: I suppose you think we like 'em.
Jenny Bowman: You think you can make me sing? Do you think you can - do you think George can make me sing? or Ida? You can get me there, sure, but can you make me sing? I sing for myself. I sing when I want to, whenever I want to, just for me. I sing for my own pleasure. Whenever I want - do you under stand that?
Bake Baker: Sherry tells me you're leaving. Well, that's probably the wisest thing to do. Run away! All this stuff about fighting for your man and all that makes things so complicated. Now, if all girls would just give up and run back to Bellport, then we'd definitely see the end of family life, little Junior would remain just an idea, and every man would burn his own toast. I thank you.
"Mush" Tracy: I've got a inventive mind.
"Peppy" Turner: Most sailors have.
"Mush" Tracy: No fooling, I've invented something right now, and if I get it working, I'll sell it to the government for plenty of dope.
"Peppy" Turner: What's that?
"Mush" Tracy: I'm crossing parrots with carrier pigeons.
"Peppy" Turner: What for?
"Mush" Tracy: So you can send verbal messages.
Professor Harold Hill: You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you've collected a lot of empty yesterdays.
Jafar: Iago, you betrayed me and allied yourself with my enemies! Then you turned on them as soon at it was in your best interests. That's what I love about you. You're so perfectly predictable. A villain through and through.
Luisa Contini: You're just an appetite, and if you stopped being greedy you'd die. You take everything, and I'm empty.
Luisa Contini: You know, I'm glad I came. I can see now... it's hopeless.
Danny O'Neill: It seems to me I smell a mouse.
Ellen Miller: Somewhere around the house.
Bobby Darin: You're gonna be easy to love.