Question: If Susie's body had been in a bag in the safe, how did people who went into his house (Lindsey when she broke into his house through the basement window) not smell her dead body?
Answer: The dog could smell her body even from outside, and he barked and hesitated as he passed near the killer's house. Dogs can smell people from a long distance.

Question: When Lightning is crushed by the statue at the end of the movie, he sends out dozens of bolts of energy before he dies. The final wisp of electricity forms a Chinese character. Does anyone know what it means?
Answer: It's the symbol for "carpenter" after the director John Carpenter.

Question: If Alice can see the future, why did she not protect Bella from Jasper's attack before it happened at Bella's birthday party?

Question: If this movie is a sequel to the first Evil Dead, how come it only shows Ash and Linda driving up to the cabin and not the other friends? Also, why does it show Ash playing the recording and not Scotty, like in the first film?
Answer: Sam Rami could not get the footage of Evil Dead to use in the sequel, so he remade the movie in a shortened form for the beginning. Since Linda was the only original character other than Ash to come back he included her in the recap but deleted the others as not to waste time. An in universe answer could be that trauma of losing his friends made Ash block them out and rewrite history in his head, except for Linda who comes back to haunt him in the movie so he is forced to deal with it.

Question: How could the Erumpent the size of a whale escape out of Newt's case without Newt around, without his help (magic)? Can Erumpents shrink themselves like Occamies?
Answer: This might actually be a valid mistake. The exit of the suitcase is depicted as being inside a hut, at the ceiling. A savanna creature like that would not even consider that to be a route it might be able to take, because that requires (sorry for the pun) out-of-the-box thinking.
Perhaps that would be true for a non-magical creature; however, there are numerous references in the Wizarding World canon to magical creatures have human-like cognitive abilities (Kneazles are one prominent example), so perhaps Erumpents fall into the same category.
I agree under normal circumstances the creature wouldn't try to escape. However, as Newt pointed out, this creature was in mating season and was looking for a partner; which is why she went to the zoo as there were the closest creatures she sensed to herself. Animals going out of their natural habitat when they sense a potential mating partner is a natural survival instinct real animals do. As real animals do this, it makes sense this creature would do the same thing as a real animal.
As said elsewhere, the exit is depicted as in the ceiling. Erumpets aren't displaying any intelligence beyond that of a bull or rhinoceros. Climbing out through a roof hatch is not in their behavioral patterns, mating season or not. A bull won't climb a ladder, no matter how many cows are on the roof.

Question: This was produced by the Walt Disney Production Company. Unlike other Disney films that were family friendly, this one had a dark tone to it and even terrifying moments. Why would the Disney Production company help produce this film considering how scary it is? It seems unusual considering that a lot of the movies they made were more light-hearted.
Answer: Disney at the time was trying to break the stereotype of only producing family-oriented animation films. So they were interested in making more mature films, especially ones targeted to the teen audience. At the time they had already produced "The Watcher in the Woods" and "Dragonslayer". "Something Wicked This Way Comes" was toned down though and some things deemed too dark were removed. It should be noted, this was also the last film under the Walt Disney Production label.

Question: Bruce Wayne tells Clark that in order to get back the foreclosed Kent family farm, he bought the bank that owned it. Why didn't he just buy the house directly? It was for sale.
Answer: Bruce Wayne is not only rich and powerful, he's also dangerously vindictive. If you cross him or his friends, he'll pull the rug out from under you, at best, and destroy you, at worst. At the end of "Batman vs Superman," Bruce Wayne realises how horribly wrong he was about Superman; he even feels a kinship because both of their mothers were named Martha, and he was finally able to "save Martha" (something that had haunted Bruce Wayne for his entire life). I'm thinking, once Bruce Wayne discovered that Martha Kent's house was foreclosed, he acted to not merely save the farm but to punish the bank that foreclosed it. So he bought the bank and probably ruined a few financial careers in the process, out of sheer vengeance.
Answer: It was partly done as a joke. But it seems less likely that Bruce would just buy his friend a farm. What most likely happened is Bruce bought the bank and then in essence cancelled the foreclosure, turning the Kent farm back to Martha. Then Martha would continue making her mortgage payments to the bank.
Answer: Like all billionaires, Bruce Wayne wants to make more money. It's much more lucrative to buy an entire bank, and the foreclosure would be cancelled at the same time.

Question: It was discovered that the only way for the demons to take possession of a living person is either through a kiss or a bite. How could Colin have been turned into a demon when he wasn't bitten or kissed?
Answer: It took Maddie several minutes to climb down to the basement after Colin fell through the floorboards. Those couple of minutes was all the time needed to infect him.
Again, he wasn't bitten or kissed, so he shouldn't have been infected.
That's why he states it took her a good amount of time, as the viewers don't know what may have happened... Plus, technically, he was humped.

Question: When Sarah and Becky wake up in the morning and the table is covered in food and they have new slippers etc, how did those items get in their room?

Question: What song is playing as Christine is crushing Darnell against the steering wheel?
Answer: "I've Got A Girl Named Boney Maroney" by Larry Williams.

Question: I thought the old vampire told Vlad that if he drank blood during the 3 days, the old guy would be released from the cave and Vlad would take his place there forever. So how come at the end, after Vlad gave in and drank blood, becoming a vampire forever, he didn't have to stay in that cave?
Chosen answer: Actually, what the master vampire told Vlad is that he will return to mortal after three days if there is no feeding. If Vlad does feed, he will become a new vessel for the dark power, a new offering to the dark. Nothing was said that Vlad would be trapped in the cave but rather a scourge on the Earth. It is true that if Vlad feeds, the master vampire would be set free. After that, the master vampire can take revenge on the one who turned him. A new game of revenge would then be played between him and Vlad.
That's kind of weird because I remember the Master Vampire saying the same thing about Vlad staying in the cave forever too.

Question: Why were the dwarves names changed for this movie? I was trying to find a correlation of each dwarf to the original dwarves, but couldn't. It seems like it was changed for no reason.
Answer: There are no "original" names for the dwarves, they are unnamed in the fairy tale. If you are referring to the names they had in the Disney movie, well, those were inventions by the Disney people. It might not even be legal to use them.

Question: When Scarlet Witch attempts to mind control Hawkeye, he turns it back on her and says something like "Already done the mind control thing...didn't enjoy it the first time." Was this supposed to be an in-joke reference to the fact that Jeremy Renner was publicly bitter about having to spend most of the first film being mind controlled by Loki (which almost got him fired)?
Answer: It's not an in-joke about real life. It's just a direct reference to Loki mind controlling him.

Question: When did Martian Manhunter get to Earth, why did he assume Martha Kent's identity, and where is she during Justice League?
Answer: Martian Manhunter is played by Harry Lennix, who also plays General Swanwick, a character who appears in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman (and we can see he transforms back into Swanwick he leaves), revealing that Swanwick was Martian Manhunter the whole time, so the indication is he got to Earth before Man of Steel. He assumed Martha's identity to speak with Lois, specifically to have a heart to heart with her as she is depressed due to Clark's death. Martha is present every other time we see her, when she leaves the Kent home at the beginning and when she reunites with Clark later on. This scene was the only time Martian Manhunter used her identity.
Chosen answer: Yes.