Question: In the scene where Batman shows Lucius his giant sonar thing, why is he talking in his big scary voice? Lucius knows who he is, so why does he bother disguising his voice?
Answer: At the bottom of his cowl Batman has devices designed to keep his voice at that level. The director revealed it, of you look at the right screenshots you can see speakers.

Question: I'm not sure if I was seeing things but during the fight between Hancock and Mary, when it goes all windy and stormy, at one point it cuts to some people who are screaming and running away. I thought I saw a figure that appears to be made out of rocks or similar material and about 10 foot tall, it wasn't our hero or heroine as they were not in that scene so what on earth was it?
Answer: I saw it, too, and wondered. He's a street performer in L.A. that just happened to be around during filming. See: http://io9.com/5023487/hancock-giant-robot-mystery-++-solved.

Question: How is it that there are winter fairies at the talent choosing ceremony in the first movie, Tinkerbell (2008) when in the fourth movie they state that winter fairies cannot fly in the warm areas?
Answer: I guess the writers hadn't quite figured out the whole universe of the fairies when they made the Tinkerbell movie. Seems easy enough to edit out the fairy placing the snowflake and when Clank and Bobble fly through winter with her. I agree it is a glaring error, and they should fix it.

Question: In the real world when it's day wouldn't the people of Ember notice because, if the kids could see the city, I'm pretty sure they could see the sky.

Question: Is the first telmarine who agrees to go through the two trees at the end the same guy who assassinates Miraz with an arrow?
Answer: The one who stabs Miraz with the arrow is one of the Lords that promises support when Miraz is ordained King. He dies on the bridge (that the Telmarines built) when Aslan causes the waters to 'come alive'. The Telmarine who walks through the 'doorway' (to the world of men) with Miraz's wife and their infant son is Miraz's General. Earlier in the film, Miraz ordered this General to kill three of his men (after the Narnians stole the weapons), and during Miraz and Peter's duel Miraz ordered him to kill Peter if the dueling was not going in Miraz's favor, but the General chose not to. On the field, during the last battle, the General had an opportunity to kill Caspian, and again he chose not to.

Question: Everything that happens in the bedtime stories and then occurs to Skeeter in real life has a (pretty much) rational explanation (e.g. the rain of gumballs, "Abe Lincoln" actually being a penny), but why on earth do the women in the restaurant jump up and start doing the hokey pokey, apparently against their will?
Answer: The only reason for them to do the hokey pokey is because it's possible. Patrick said that they would do it in the story, and even in the story it's not impossible. Patrick made it happen.

Question: When Abe or the Princess are in the library, (but I can't remember if they are together) what is the name/author of the poem they are reading?
Answer: "In Memoriam" by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Question: At the end of the movie the town clock that was removed from the train station is shown stored in a basement just as the basement floods. The clock is seen to still be working, but how, given that there was no one there to wind it? As the clock was made during the first world war it would be mechanical, not battery powered.
Answer: It is symbolic, showing that time never stops. Everyone will be swept up by the tsunami eventually. No force of nature can compare to time itself. Nothing at all.
Answer: It's habit, and a sensible one at that. When he's in the mask, when he's being Batman, he uses the voice, even if the person he's with knows who he is. If he drops back to his normal voice with some people, it sets the precedent for using it while wearing the cowl, which means that he's more likely to slip up and use it around people who don't know, potentially revealing his true identity. If he sticks rigidly to using the voice when kitted up as Batman, regardless of situation, it minimises that possibility.
Tailkinker ★