Best fantasy movie questions of 2014

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Answer: Peter could have webbed him up and called the police anonymously.


Very likely. However, there was a deleted scene in which Peter, out of anger over Gwen's death, almost beats Harry to death.

Yes. We also see Goblin getting knocked out when all hell breaks loose, and the gears all break apart. Chances are, Peter just webbed him up. (Although, as the other response says, he also got beaten up in a deleted scene.)


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Dracula Untold picture

Question: I thought the old vampire told Vlad that if he drank blood during the 3 days, the old guy would be released from the cave and Vlad would take his place there forever. So how come at the end, after Vlad gave in and drank blood, becoming a vampire forever, he didn't have to stay in that cave?


Chosen answer: Actually, what the master vampire told Vlad is that he will return to mortal after three days if there is no feeding. If Vlad does feed, he will become a new vessel for the dark power, a new offering to the dark. Nothing was said that Vlad would be trapped in the cave but rather a scourge on the Earth. It is true that if Vlad feeds, the master vampire would be set free. After that, the master vampire can take revenge on the one who turned him. A new game of revenge would then be played between him and Vlad.

That's kind of weird because I remember the Master Vampire saying the same thing about Vlad staying in the cave forever too.

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X-Men: Days of Future Past picture

Question: Were the headphones that Evan Peters wore in the Pentagon escape scene available in 1973?

Answer: If you're referring to the behind-the-head headphones, NO! They were introduced in 1997:

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies picture

Question: I haven't read the books, but Aragorn was born 10 years before the events of "the Hobbit", and given the fact that he's therefore 70 in Lord of the Rings I'm assuming Middle Earth years are somewhat faster than years as we know them. So that means Aragorn is really about 5-6. And I know Legolas isn't meant to be there in the first place, but when Thranduil tells Legolas to seek out a ranger by the name of "Strider", surely that's a plot hole or something that has happened in the "future" in the books that they've added to the movie as an explanation as to how Legolas came to find Aragorn. Also the last we see of Saruman and Sauron is Saruman saying "leave Sauron to me " So... What happens? We're kinda left hanging, we don't know what happens between them or for that matter how Sauron ends up in Mordor. Loved the movie but unfortunately I have questions.

Answer: Aragon is 87 in LOTR: Two Towers (as mentioned in the extended edition). The Hobbit takes place about 60 years before that so Aragon is 27 at the time. Sauron is banished to Mordor in Battle of the 5 Armies. You see his "spirit" flee and the White Council, mention he went back to the east. Between Sauron and Sarumon, it's mentioned more in other LOTR books, but Sarumon (while still technically good) has been looking for the One Ring. He does not join Sauron as much as uses the alliance for his benefit hoping to find the ring first.

Answer: When Aragorn was 25 he left Rivendell to travel the world, having had his proposal to marry Arwen rejected by Elrond. Hence he is absent during the time period of the Hobbit, having gone to Rohan and then Gondor in disguise. During his travels he becomes very well known among the Elves, owing to Elrond raising him and Galadriel welcoming him to Lothlorien after he comes back from his long travels. Even before, he had served in the Rangers of the North as he was growing up, where he gained the nickname Strider. Legolas already knows Aragorn before LoTR, as Aragorn had initially left Gollum in the care of the wood-Elves before someone helped Gollum escape.

Answer: The years are not significantly different, Aragorn is simply descended from a race of very long-lived men.


More The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies questions
P.K. picture

Question: If no one on PK's planet communicated using voices, then why did he have vocal cords in the first place?


Chosen answer: This would be a complex speculation question. But first off, it's not the vocal chords that allow humans to speak as we do, other animals have vocal chords, yet can't speak. It's about our mouths and muscle structure that allows us to "shape" sounds into words. Given the humanoid figure of PK (i.e. small, non protruding mouth and neck length), we can assume PK's species developed the ability to speak and then evolved past that, but maintained the needed structure for speaking for whatever reason, such as eating.


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Answer: Because it's over a century later and he's in a different time period. The styles are different.


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