Best fantasy movie questions of 2009

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Coraline picture

Question: After Other Wybie frees Coraline from the mirror and is helping her escape, he takes off his glove and blows away his hand. Is something happening to him?


Chosen answer: Coraline urges Other Wybie to escape with her. He shows her that he can't - he is not a person, just another puppet of the Other Mother. What is blowing away is the sawdust Other Mother fills her puppets with.


He's just a temporary distraction.

Answer: It's because the other Wybie isn't real, he is just one of the other mother's creations. The other world is full of magic, so if he tries to go to the normal world he will turn into sawdust or sand because the normal world has no magic.

More Coraline questions

Chosen answer: Snape wants to know how Harry knew Sectum Sempra. As shown by him using Occumelancy to see where his copy of Advanced Potion making is. But at the same time, if Snape punished Harry for a spell in a book, Harry could show it to Dumbledore, who would recognise Snape's handwriting. Additionally, Harry was certainly punished in the book - he got detention with Snape every Saturday for the rest of the term. The movie most likely had to cut this for time issues, and also perhaps because the scene is more dramatic if Snape only silently glares at him.


More Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince questions

9 (2009)

9 picture

Question: Why were the dolls sent out after the scientist made them? Why didn't they stay with the scientist so he could explain everything?


Answer: They were sent out into the world to create a new world for themselves. Every time the scientist created a doll, he transferred part of his soul into the doll bringing it to life but leaving him weaker. After creating 9 and transferring the piece of his soul into 9, he died so they would never have found out what they were created for.

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Mr. Nobody picture

Question: I'm confused about the ending. When talking to the journalist, the journalist looks to his right and he sees a young Nemo running to the train. Eventually, Nemo chooses to be with neither of his parents. Did Nemo's extremely long life actually happen or, was he actually still a child deciding what to do at that point and he only imagined possible futures?

Answer: This film is mostly open up for interpretation but I understand it that young Nemo thought up older Nemo and it actually happened, maybe in an alternate universe. Don't forget that Nemo could remember the future so most of what he imagines is probably going to happen. Unfortunately he can't predict choice so he doesn't know which life happens so all of them happen at once and they don't happen as well because he chose to make no choice (Zugzwang). Hope that explained it.

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Watchmen picture

Question: I don't quite understand why Dr. Manhattan had to kill Rorschach. That is, I don't quite get why that was the only solution. Rorschach was a valuable member of the Watchmen, and in the type of world they were in (chaos, corruption, murder, etc) one would think that they would want to keep as many of themselves banded together as possible. Couldn't some sort of negotiation or compromise have been reached/agreed to by Rorschach instead of him being killed?

Answer: He has spent years as a costumed vigilante despite the fact that it was illegal. He has a very strict idea of what is right ("never compromise") and has proven himself incapable of doing otherwise. So no, there was no real chance of negotiating with him - Rorschach himself made it clear he'd have to die if they wanted his silence.


Death was not the only choice. Doc M could easily have teleported/banished Rorschach to Mars/anywhere secluded in an oxygen bubble. He could have spared his life and just made him mute or manipulate his brain chemistry/atoms to remove the memory of what happened. The point is Doc M is all powerful and could manipulate matter at his whim; death was just a plot device creating a chance of an emotive martyrdom/sacrificial ending.

Ethically speaking, exiling him to Mars or erasing his memory of the event can be considered just as cruel as killing him, because then his agency is being taken away from him. Rorshach's malcontent with the situation poses a problem for the other heroes, and since Dr. Manhattan isn't willing to let him tell the truth of what happened, he obliges Rorschach's demand that he kill him instead.


More Watchmen questions

Answer: Technopathy which is the ability to control certain electrical devices and Electrokinesis which is the ability to generate, manipulate and/or conduct electricity.

More X-Men Origins: Wolverine questions
The Lovely Bones picture

Question: If Susie's body had been in a bag in the safe, how did people who went into his house (Lindsey when she broke into his house through the basement window) not smell her dead body?

Answer: The only person who went into the basement while the safe was there was Lindsey. The safe was airtight, so the odor at that point would have been contained inside it.


Answer: The dog could smell her body even from outside, and he barked and hesitated as he passed near the killer's house. Dogs can smell people from a long distance.

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Night of the Demons picture

Question: It was discovered that the only way for the demons to take possession of a living person is either through a kiss or a bite. How could Colin have been turned into a demon when he wasn't bitten or kissed?

Answer: It took Maddie several minutes to climb down to the basement after Colin fell through the floorboards. Those couple of minutes was all the time needed to infect him.

Again, he wasn't bitten or kissed, so he shouldn't have been infected.

That's why he states it took her a good amount of time, as the viewers don't know what may have happened... Plus, technically, he was humped.

More Night of the Demons questions
The Twilight Saga: New Moon picture

Question: If Alice can see the future, why did she not protect Bella from Jasper's attack before it happened at Bella's birthday party?


Chosen answer: The way I understand it, Alice's power only works once someone makes a conscious decision to act. Since Bella's paper cut was unanticipated, Jasper's attack was impulsive, not premeditated.

Cubs Fan

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A Christmas Carol picture

Question: Can someone please explains this? When Marley visits Scrooge, it's Christmas Eve. Marley tells Scrooge that he will be haunted by three ghosts. The first ghost would appear tomorrow when the bell tolls one. Meaning that the first ghost would appear on Christmas day. The second would appear the next night at the same hour. December 26th. And the final spirit would appear the following night at twelve o'clock. December 27th. When Scrooge is talking to the boy outside his window after the visitations, the boy tells him it's Christmas Day.

Answer: It's basically the magic of Christmas. While, to Scrooge, three full days have passed, in reality his whole experience took place in a single night, allowing the reformed Scrooge to enjoy Christmas Day.


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The Princess and the Frog picture

Question: How did Tiana know that Naveen was going to marry Lottie? We don't find out until later that Lottie has to kiss Naveen in order for the spell to be broken and sure Lottie was attracted to Naveen but still, marriage wasn't mentioned so how did Tiana know? Did I miss something?

Answer: Naveen told Tiana about his plan to marry Lottie once they arrived in the swamp. After revealing that he's been cut off by his parents, he explains that he plans to regain his wealth by marrying her so that he'll inherit her father's prosperity.

Answer: Mama Odie tells Tiana and Naveen that Naveen must kiss a true princess in order to break the spell. Lottie is the princess of the Mardi gras parade so that would make her a princess and that would make it necessary for her to kiss Naveen and break the spell.

Tiana knew that Naveen was going to marry Lottie because Naveen tells her when they are running away from danger in the bayou. Naveen says 'when I marry Miss Charlotte LaBouff...' in an attempt to explain to Tiana how he intends to be rich again.

Naveen wasn't looking to marry a princess, just a "little honey whose daddy got dough", as said by the Shadow Man.

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Underworld: Rise of the Lycans picture

Question: In "Underworld Evolution" Tanis said (to Kate and Michael) that Viktor killed Selen's family in Winter when Lucian escaped with the key from the castle. But in this movie, Viktor at the end goes into the hibernation chamber. How possible? Is this a continuity error?


Chosen answer: He's badly injured, so he goes into the hibernation chamber to heal. Doesn't mean that he's staying in there for hundreds of years; he could easily emerge as soon as he's healed up and kill Selene's family off.


More Underworld: Rise of the Lycans questions
17 Again picture

Question: If Mike's ex-wife (Scarlet) recognizes him from when they were teenagers, wouldn't the coach remember him too? He was the star player.

Answer: I've not seen the movie, but an ex-wife would be closer to her ex-husband than a coach to his old student, no matter how good.


Answer: It's also possible that the coach might have noticed a resemblance, but he would have simply written it off as an odd coincidence, much like Scarlet did earlier in the film.


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The Invention of Lying picture

Question: I know everybody tells the truth, but why does everyone say what they are thinking? If you don't say what you are thinking it doesn't mean you are lying.

Answer: It's an imaginary world with its own logic. You could theorize that people were raised this way. Also, you could imagine that since they have to say bad things to answer most questions, why not say bad things all the time, i.e. if your wife asks if you like her dress, you have to say you hate it, so why wait to be asked. Really, the film makers did it because it's funny. If you made a movie where people only spoke when they had something nice to say, it would be very boring.


Answer: It seems like in this world, people are not just incapable of lying, they also have no concept whatsoever of keeping things to themselves, and secrecy. Therefore, everyone says what they're thinking without the slightest hesitation.


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The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus picture

Question: What's up with Percy (the midget)? He was with Dr. Parnassus decades ago, when he won a bet with the devil to win the heart of a woman he craved, but he hasn't aged a day since. Or was that another midget and Dr. Parnassus has a tendency to pick midgets up to live in poverty by his side, and these two just happen to look identical? Both were obviously played by the same actor (Verne Troyer) and some make-up would easily disguise this, so I'm guessing this is intentional.

Answer: Percy's backstory is never touched upon, but he certainly appears to have been with Parnassus for a substantial period of time, longer than his visual age would suggest. Possibly he himself has done his own deal with the Devil, or some other power, to extend his life, but, if so, the film never elaborates on it.


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Where the Wild Things Are picture

Question: Can some one explain a couple things about this movie for me? I was confused to if the events really happen or are they just in the kids mind? Also, how long is he gone for because it seems it should be days because of what happens, but when he gets home it seems only hours have passed.


Chosen answer: In the book it was just his imagination; he was gone for years in his mind but only a an hour or so in real life. It is presumably the same basic idea in the movie.


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