Other mistake: After realising they can track the mother box, Batman says they have to go back to his base to use one of his satellites to track it, and they all do so. Which completely ignores the fact that Cyborg could easily access the satellite feed directly using his abilities and display it to the others on any nearby screen in Star Labs.
Suggested correction: Just because he had many options available to him, does not mean that the option which he chose was wrong.
Other mistake: Barry comes back to his home, replaces the fuse in the fuse box, flips the handle (begs the question of why remove the fuse AND turn off the switch, but whatever), and within 2 seconds every screen in the place is lit up. Sure, a TV might come on that fast, but plenty of those screens are showing data, analysis, etc, running off computers, which would take longer than that to boot up and get everything running.
Factual error: Martha Kent drives away from the foreclosed property. The realtor address is "Comanche, KS 66531", but that's the zip code of Riley, in Riley County. (00:14:45)
Continuity mistake: Wonder Woman is on the statue on top of the Court of Justice building. She is holding the statue's sword at a different height in the two shots. (00:20:10)
Continuity mistake: Alfred is freaking out about Diana's sub-par tea brewing skills. He tells her that there's enough tea; Gal Gadot's fingers are in a different position on the container between shots. (01:34:30)
Continuity mistake: When Superman is hugging his family, Martha has suddenly at the cut her hand on his sleeve when he says "Listen, Ma..." (03:01:15)
Continuity mistake: When Aquaman dumps the sailor on the table, the patrons pull back their drinks at different times between shots (funnily enough, the continuity of this part is perfect in Whedon's version, who still picked a take originally filmed by Snyder). (00:51:20)
Factual error: In Part Two, as Diana explains to Bruce Wayne the history of the Mother Boxes on Earth, we see an extended flashback of Earthly gods and warriors in an epic battle against Darkseid. When Diana says, "A golden age of heroes fighting together," we see a close-up of an Amazon archer drawing back an arrow right-handed, leaning right, and releasing it. However, the arrow is unsupported on the bow, so she couldn't possibly aim or control the arrow. (01:03:59)
Suggested correction: It's not even a matter of how good you are. Placing the arrow on the opposite side of your dominant hand is very much a Western style draw, popularized often times in Hollywood movies. Ancient and Eastern methods used a same side draw. It's mostly determined by the grip used and type of archery you're performing.
Nonsense. The physics of the draw demand that the arrow is supported on the riser. Even ancient Roman archers and American Indians supported their arrows on the bow. Again, go try it yourself. You can't hit diddly releasing an unsupported arrow on the wrong side of the bow.
Not that this is the forum for it, but here's just 1 example. Https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9cGSpYLdH8s.
Yes, it's possible to shoot same-side, as long as you're supporting the arrow with the bow. However, in the Justice League shot that I cited, the Amazon archer is holding the bow right-handed hunter style, with the bow tilted to the right, which means the arrow is totally unsupported and uncontrollable. There's this inconvenient force known as GRAVITY that pulls the arrow away from your intended trajectory when the arrow is unsupported.
Suggested correction: Incorrect. You can place the arrow either side of the bow. It depends on how good of an archer you are.
I've been an archer for over 40 years, and you don't load your arrow on the outside of your bow. I don't care "how good an archer" you THINK you are, you can't aim or control an unsupported arrow on the wrong side of the bow. Try it. Make a video of it. You'll be embarrassed to find you can't hit the broad side of a barn with the arrow on the wrong side of the bow.
Firstly, it's clearly possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n5M2KHVyWI. Secondly, given the multiple "impossible" feats achieved by the Amazons given their super-physiology, "being able to accurately fire an arrow on the 'wrong' side of a bow" obviously falls under suspension of disbelief, and doesn't warrant either a mistake or the level of anger you're showing to people here.
Both videos state explicitly (especially Lars Andersen's) that yes, you CAN shoot from 'the wrong side', IF and only IF you use a particular, Eastern based grip, the thumb one. Watch the movie. She uses (which makes sense, for someone from the Greek mythology, I guess!) the 'Western style' so, left side as stated. I personally love over-analyzing this sort of things that give you so much insight and fun tidbits, rather than "Ah it's magic, who cares."
Plot hole: WW mentions that "As Darkseid waged war on Earth, he found a secret there", that being the Anti-life equation. But later on it turns out that after being defeated, planet Earth is so "anonymous among a trillion worlds" that he never manages to find it again and destroys another 100,000 worlds (his words!) to look for it again. That would mean that they lack any sort of navigation, and it's hardly possible anyway that the planet would be "anonymous" when it contains what Darkseid wants the most.
Suggested correction: This is in the form of a question and should be uploaded as such. There are several reasons to think why Darkseid couldn't find Earth.
The questions were rhetorical, but thanks to your comment I edited rephrasing it without any questioning ambiguity, since my interest is not much in hearing fan theories filling the gaps in the narration, but rather in pointing out the obvious contradiction where Darkseid is fully aware right from the start that the most important thing in the universe is on Earth, but can't find it again and conquers another thousands of worlds instead "still looking" for it.
Earth was a random planet they attacked and on that random planet Darkseid found a secret, he didn't go there for the secret, he found it whilst there. I don't expect him to go into his ship and put a pin on a map to remember where the planet was in case they were defeated. They expected to win. In their retreat, their way to navigate back to Earth got lost. Perfectly reasonable. You don't know anything about Darkseid's way of conquering and also no idea on how they navigate from world to world.
You know he was not alone, he had an army with a whole slew of ships and subordinates, it takes a lot of suspension of disbelief to swallow the idea that they are conquering worlds going in totally blind and "conquer" worlds they can't ever visit again lacking any charting.They refer the Earth by name and know who their opponents are. An explanation would be also less stringent if Darkseid didn't learn about Anti-life at all and simply "moved on", but it's not the case.

Continuity mistake: After Silas is killed, in the wide shot Cyborg is standing mostly upright in front of Flash. Cut to a closer shot and he's bent over. (02:51:45)
Other mistake: Apparently, one of Aquaman's superpowers must be to be super-heavy, since surfing on the body of a parademon he lands on a five story building and that somehow slices the whole building in half, complete with explosions that leave him unscathed and don't turn the parademon's carcass into a pulp. (03:15:15)
Revealing mistake: After Wonder Woman kills the final terrorist with a huge blast, debris rains down on the police below. Not only are none of the officers injured, the debris doesn't cause any damage to the vehicles whatsoever. There are no broken windows, broken windshields, broken light bars, or any dents and scratches despite massive chunks of the building falling all over the vehicles.
Revealing mistake: One of the amazons (apparently called Epione) is standing to the right of the chamber doorway and shoots arrows protecting the queen. When Hippolyta runs towards the wall to do a fancy move after fetching the Mother box, you can see Epione being tossed to the wall by the parademon bolt a moment before the CGI bolt reaches her. (00:29:15)
Character mistake: Diana categorizes without a doubt Aquaman as "a mixed blood" Atlantean because Bruce tells her that he could breathe air. However Steppenwolf interrogated one of the guards from Atlantis on the ground, and he could breathe just fine.
Revealing mistake: When the military security checks Flash's phony badge, the name on the personnel list to the right does not match the fake identity; Barry's false identity is "Rowe, Wesley", but in the list the name "Band, Ryan" is highlighted. This mistake was not present in the theatrical 'Whedon' cut where the name was altered to match. (02:27:05)
Factual error: When Cyborg is looking at video footage of Linda Reed, it shows her social security number (971-33-1276). But SS numbers don't start with 9, which is reserved for ITINs.
Suggested correction: Technically correct but ITIN's are functionally used like SSN's so the point is moot.
You missed the point of the mistake. As you say, the mistake entry is correct. Using an ITIN as a social security number is different from calling it a SSN, which is what the mistake is. It would be like calling an identification card a driver's license because you can use a driver's license as an ID card.
Other mistake: Before Wonder Woman bursts into the room with the terrorists there's a cut to the schoolgirls watching the bomb about to blow. The girl to the far left is actually cracking a laugh. You may justify it as a hysterical reaction (she does the same in the foreground when the baddie turns the key), but appearing just in brief moments and with her looking properly afraid in other shots, it just looks wrong. Whedon's version didn't feature the corpsing. (00:20:40 - 00:21:35)
Factual error: Diana obviously wears super-heels, since she hero-lands perfectly on stone steps with no damage to her designer stiletto shoes after the (at least) 50 feet fall. (00:48:20)
Suggested correction: Her shoes could be made of some super strong material, possibly a tough material created by Wayne Enterprises.
Continuity mistake: When Wonder Woman says "He's back" looking at the freshly resurrected shirtless Superman, the policeman by the patrol car is leaning against it differently compared to the previous line-up shot; he was lowering the hand with the radio, then talking on it. (02:40:40)
Continuity mistake: Steppenwolf sends away the parademons saying "This one will be mine" to confront Wonder Woman one-on-one. She says in close-up "I belong to no-one!" and her right shoulder is clear of hair, but in the previous shot she had hair right in front of that shoulder. (01:57:20)