Audio problem: (May only apply to the original VHS release.) When Scar has Zazu locked up in a cage, Zazu mentions Mufasa's name and Scar yells at him, "What did you say?" Right before Scar's actual line, whilst Zazu is talking, you hear Scar's "What did you say?" line very faintly in the background, even though Zazu has not even mentioned Mufasa yet.

Audio problem: When Reynolds is salting the asparagus the camera cuts back to Alma and you can see Reynolds' hand moving in a different direction but the salt shaker sound is still playing. The camera cuts back to Reynolds, and he's holding the salt shaker again. (01:06:15 - 01:06:39)

Audio problem: When Noah and Martha exit the "dream house", Allie's head does not move (she looks down all the time), nor do her lips move while she pronounces parting words to Martha.

Audio problem: When Chris drives up in the truck while Selena is mowing the lawn, Selena asks what he got. While you hear "junk food" his mouth says something else.

Audio problem: Much of Johnny's dialog is dubbed in throughout the film, with his lips and dialog not quite matching. (This is due to actor/director Tommy Wiseau's thick accent making the original dialogue sometimes hard to understand).

Audio problem: When Chase pulls out the key to MSA, you hear the sound of many keys clanging together. However, if you look closely, there is only one key on the ring.

Audio problem: An early scene in the movie has Chinese soldiers recruiting Tibetans to work on a secret project which they are told is a dam. As the scene ends, the sound of explosives draws everyone's eyes towards the mountains, where the explosions can be seen several miles in the distance. The sight and sound of these explosions take place simultaneously. Sound travels much slower than light. In reality, there should have been some delay before the sound of the explosions was heard.

Audio problem: When Mickey Rourke visits Darryl Hannah while she's instructing at the aerobics studio and pulls her away, Darryl puts another girl in charge who begins barking orders to the class. But we can see her reflection in the mirror; her lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: When Smokey is spanking the boy who knocks over the trash cans with his belt, notice he only spanks him a few times yet the sound of the spanks is double the actual amount.

Audio problem: In the Pevensies' treasure chamber, there is a giant rock on top of Peter's treasure chest. When he opens the chest, the sound of the rock hitting the ground is more like that of a small pebble. (00:22:55)

Audio problem: When Nighthob and Teeny are talking to the Rockbiter near the beginning of the film, Teeny says to Nighthob "This could be serious", then turns to Rockbiter and calls out his name. Watch Teeny's mouth as he calls out "Rockbiter". You will see a very blatant editing mistake as Teeny is not actually saying 'Rockbiter", but is saying the next line that follows. (00:16:40)

Audio problem: Right after Joseph Buquet is killed, Raoul runs and finds Christine. When she says, "Raoul, we're not safe here", her lips do not move; her mouth is merely agape. (01:05:35)

Audio problem: At the climax of the film when the Turtles are about to face Shredder for the first time, Raphael says, "I got him" and then runs to fight. When Raphael falls to the ground, his pair of Sai hit the ground but make no noise. There should be a metallic sound against the rooftop. (01:19:00)

Audio problem: Alexis confirms in a conversation with his brother that it's Valentine's day 2006, but if you watch his lips he says 2004.

Audio problem: At the start of the movie, when Clint Eastwood says "You're making a mistake," his lips don't seem to be moving.

Audio problem: As Playmate of the Year Carrie Foster is brought out to the audience carried by two Green Berets watch the band behind her closely. The bass player stops playing as he scratches his head but the bass on the soundtrack keeps going. (01:07:55)

Audio problem: When Anthony Hopkins is talking to the boy, the boy is sitting in front of a mirror. Anthony starts talking to him, and the camera angle moves to behind Anthony. You can hear Anthony talking, but his lips aren't in sync to the reflection in the mirror.

Audio problem: When Carl is being beat up by Shep, Shep is shouting a whole bunch of obscenities and gibberish at Carl, but during several shots where we see his face, the audio is not matched up to what he is shouting.

Audio problem: Jordan and Donnie are talking about Jordan's money. Jordan then says "technically 72 thousand last month. Something like that." When he says "something like that", the camera is very close to Jordan's head with Donnie in the background. You hear the words "something like that", but Jordan's mouth is not moving, it is closed. (00:23:00)

Audio problem: During the opening overture, right when the orchestra starts "Maria", you can hear someone sneeze in the background. It's easier to hear on the soundtrack but you still can hear it in the movie.