Audio problem: When Mickey Rourke visits Darryl Hannah while she's instructing at the aerobics studio and pulls her away, Darryl puts another girl in charge who begins barking orders to the class. But we can see her reflection in the mirror; her lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: When Nighthob and Teeny are talking to the Rockbiter near the beginning of the film, Teeny says to Nighthob "This could be serious", then turns to Rockbiter and calls out his name. Watch Teeny's mouth as he calls out "Rockbiter". You will see a very blatant editing mistake as Teeny is not actually saying 'Rockbiter", but is saying the next line that follows. (00:16:40)

Audio problem: When The Kid and Apollonia first arrive at the lake, you can hear them talking, but their mouths are not moving as they walk along the edge of the lake. (00:19:20)

Audio problem: When the geek and the prom queen are cruising down the road in the Rolls Royce convertible, the drunken prom queen says to the geek "Looks like rain, better put the top up." However, her mouth movements do not match the words.

Audio problem: When Winston says "Bugger." at the start of the film when he has the cigarette in his mouth, his lips are most definitely not in sync with the word. And it even sounds dubbed over.

Audio problem: When Axel is first arrested you hear Axel talking to the police officers as they pull up to the station and you hear the police officer talking back to him as he gets out of the car but none of their lips are moving.

Audio problem: Melanie Griffith's mic goes out a little in this scene when she says, "And you need professional helpÂ… yelled at." (01:31:20)

Audio problem: When Constanze asks Salieri to look at Mozart's work, her mouth doesn't move when she says, "I don't mean that he's lazy... he works all day long."

Audio problem: In 1943, a top secret Naval experiment went wrong and David was sent forward in time to 1984, with his friend Jimmy. In 1984, David and Allison, a girl fom the present day, are staying in a hotel room. David picks up the talking travel alarm clock and fidgets with it. Yet, in the shot of Allison the alarm clock is still on the nightstand between the two beds. Then as he puts the alarm clock back on the nightstand, in the shot of Allison, the alarm clock is on the nightstand even though we hear the sound of him actually placing the alarm clock down. (00:54:25)

Audio problem: When the monkey walks to the cradle to calm the crying baby, in the wide shot the baby is crying out loud, then in the close-up he is totally calm, mouth closed, yet the crying is still heard.

Audio problem: During the McClure Whiplash fight near the end the sound of two of their punches happen before they even land.

Audio problem: When Sydney is listening to an American radio report during dinner, he says "I can't eat," but his lips aren't in sync with the words. (00:30:15)