Audio problem: Alexis confirms in a conversation with his brother that it's Valentine's day 2006, but if you watch his lips he says 2004.

Audio problem: In "What I've Been Looking For", when Sharpay sings the last verse the first time around, listen closely as Ryan takes away the microphone. Her voice remains the same volume, and does not get any quieter as Ryan pulls away the microphone.

Audio problem: When Andy is talking to Nigel during the photo shoot in the park, her mouth is not quite in sync with what we hear during her last line of dialogue, despite the people walking in front of her.

Audio problem: In the scene inside the bar where Isabella is telling Crockett what happened to her mother (during the over-her-shoulder shot), her mouth doesn't match what we hear her saying.

Audio problem: When Doug is staring at the terrorist and says, "I can see him, he's right in front of me", you'll notice that his mouth moves a little before words are actually said. This is because he first says "Jesus", but they took it out because the character playing the terrorist is Jim Caviziel, who played Jesus in Passion of the Christ. The filmmakers did not want to get a laugh out of that line which it inevitably did in test screenings. (01:06:10)

Audio problem: When Michael is caught in a traffic jam he shouts, "Will ya stop talking and fix the sewer". But if you look at the side view mirror, his mouth is not in sync with the words.

Audio problem: Rocky is trying to convince Marie to work at his restaurant, outside of her apartment. The close up shot of him talking about a bus coming down the street and hitting him does not match his mouth movements, when they go to a long shot.

Audio problem: When Joanne is pulling out her bra strap, the song that is playing hits a line with the words, "If we're f***ed up, you're to blame (but it actually says the whole word). Whenever the song hits that line again, the word is entirely censored.

Audio problem: When Jenny makes the cab stop, Matt says something, but his lips never move.

Audio problem: When Jack is in the server room (about half way in the movie) it's pretty quiet. Normally that many servers make a lot of noise, not to mention the air conditioning. But there they are, talking with no background noise whatsoever.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the film, while James Franco is still down on the mat, we see (but do not hear) the boxing judge's mouth say "five". When the sound comes in, the judge continues the count at four, five, etc.

Audio problem: When the large guy from the tour bus asks Brad Pitt if his wife is ok (when Brad was walking down the stairs at the village), Brad answers without moving his mouth.

Audio problem: When Colin answers Costello's phone, we hear the girl ask, "Where the hell are you?" but her mouth actually asks, "Where the f*** are you?"

Audio problem: Towards the end of the movie, Jodie Foster talks to Christopher Plummer in a bathroom. He starts to talk about his past in World War II. His lips say fifty years ago, but the words you hear are sixty years ago.

Audio problem: When Gary Grobowski is playing the Playstation 2 with Mad Dawg Killa, when Mad Dawg disconnects, the headset makes a dialtone. This should never happen with videogame headsets. Never a dial tone.

Audio problem: At the very end of the movie when Tony Blair and Her Majesty are walking in the garden with the dogs, the audio of Blair's voice does not match his mouth. At some points his mouth is not even moving at all, yet we still hear the audio.

Audio problem: After the final skirmish between the partisans and Franco's Army, a riderless horse trots across the scene from right to left. The foley track uses the sound of a galloping horse (1,2,3 1,2,3) instead of a trotting horse (1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4).

Audio problem: When auditing the recording of one of the first hijacks, the FAA reviewer rotates the tape reels back and forth in order to find just the exact words from the hijacker. As the sounds play, the reel moves barely half a turn, but the reviewer rewinds it more than one revolution, not nearly returning to where that sound would be.

Audio problem: When Rene Gagnon is playing the guitar on the ship his hand movements do not match the guitar that is playing.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the song "It's Over", during the first chorus while Galleria leans her head against the pole of the bed, the words that she is singing, or lip-synching, are different than the words that can be heard. While she is mouthing "How COULD I let the sweetest." you can hear "How DID I let the sweetest."