Question: Since Shrek and Fiona were both turned in to humans by the Happily Ever After Potion and Donkey is turned in to Stallion, does anyone have an idea as to what Dragon would have become since she is Donkey's True Love?
Answer: It was confirmed by the filmmakers that Dragon is actually Donkey's true love, and that when Donkey was a stallion she changed as well, supposedly into a talking pegasus.

Question: After Other Wybie frees Coraline from the mirror and is helping her escape, he takes off his glove and blows away his hand. Is something happening to him?
Chosen answer: Coraline urges Other Wybie to escape with her. He shows her that he can't - he is not a person, just another puppet of the Other Mother. What is blowing away is the sawdust Other Mother fills her puppets with.
He's just a temporary distraction.
Answer: It's because the other Wybie isn't real, he is just one of the other mother's creations. The other world is full of magic, so if he tries to go to the normal world he will turn into sawdust or sand because the normal world has no magic.

Question: Does Chip really have as many siblings as there are cups in the kitchen? Seems a bit too many, and also they aren't seen as real children at the end of the movie.
Answer: The servants in the castle are transformed into enchanted objects because of the spell, but there are still plenty of other objects in the castle which were not originally people.

Question: Why didn't Rocky simply tell Ginger at the start that he couldn't fly, instead of dragging everyone through that whole charade. I realise that it was crucial to the plot, but was there any other reason?
Chosen answer: Because he wanted them all to have something to look forward to, he didn't want to let them down. Plus Rocky is very bigheaded, it would no doubt be embarrassing for him to admit that he couldn't fly.
Answer: The exchange was he would teach them to fly so he could hide out from the circus and he didn't have anything else to offer them.
Answer: Because Rocky is a coward.
He's a rooster on a farm full of female chickens. Think about it.

Question: Is it possible the king and queen could recognize Rapunzel as their long lost daughter, despite her short brown hair, when they knew she was born with long golden hair? If so, then how?
Answer: It's entirely possible. Rapunzel has a similar face appearance to her mother's, and you could also count the family bond of simply knowing. She also has green eyes, which are uncommon, so the parents probably knew that she was unlikely an impostor.

Question: How exactly did Rafiki know Simba was alive?

Question: What was that thing with the big eye Rango and his posse were walking by?
Answer: TV Tropes mentions that the big eye might be an enormous alligator, because alligators are known to live in sewers.
Alligator eyes are different from what was shown in the movie.
Answer: I think the big eye might be an allusion to Wyrm, the villain from a popular novel.

Question: What does Aladdin mean when he says: "Look at that Abu, it's not everyday you see a horse with two rear ends."?
Answer: Aladdin is referring to the person riding the horse as being a "horse's ass" in the way he is acting, thus the horse the person was riding on has two rear ends, his own and the rider.

Question: Ferdinand had his name since birth when he is being raised at the bull camp. But he is later adopted by Nina and Juan who also name him Ferdinand. How do they know that his name is Ferdinand? He was not wearing any identification tags and he couldn't speak to the humans to tell them this.

Question: How come Alex's parents or any other character from the last movie don't make, at least, a small appearance in this movie? I know that Bernie Mac, who voiced Zuba, is dead, but can somebody explain Zuba and Florrie's fate?
Answer: They don't make an appearance because they were irrelevant to the story. The decision to go back home would have been made with or without any character introduced in the previous movie, so they were simply not included. Alex's parents would have continued to live in Africa after Alex and the others left.
That makes no sense though because (I know it's a kids movie) but the way they portray it, it makes it seem like Alex doesn't care about leaving his parents and what he just recently realised is his birth home. Like, it feels like there was some necessary dialogue there (probably not for the kids though).
Answer: They don't appear because Zuba's voice actor, Bernie Mac, passed away and their absence was done out of respect for him.

Question: How did a starfish get on Gru's head while Lucy and Gru were underwater in the car?
Chosen answer: The car is always shown in shots from the front so we can't see if the boot had a leak.
If the boot had a leak large enough to admit the starfish it would have filled with water and Gru would have drowned.

Question: When Manolo and Joaquin start fighting the wild boar, General Posada only sees Joaquin confronting the boar before he is knocked unconscious. Thus, he never sees Manolo fighting the boar like a matador. When the general recovers, he believes Joaquin defeated the boar and not Manolo. Despite the townsfolk being impressed by Manolo's action, why does no one, including the nun who thanks Manolo for saving her life, speak up and tell the general what actually happened? Why don't they confirm to the general that Manolo fought and defeated the boar?
Chosen answer: There was probably too much panic from the rampaging animals.

Question: During the song "When you Believe" a little girl says a bunch of stuff in Hebrew. What is she saying, and what is the translation for it?
Answer: "Ashira ladonai ki gaoh gaah, Ashira ladonai ki gaoh gaah, Michamocha baelim adonai, Mikamocha nedarba kodesh, Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta, Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta, Ashira, ashira, ashira..." "I will sing to the lord, for He has triumphed gloriously, I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously, Who is like you, O Lord, among the Celestial? Who is like you, majestic in Holiness? In your love You lead the people You redeemed, I will sing, I will sing, I will sing..."

Question: What two items were on Mr. Liotta's resume that should have been excluded?
Answer: Mr. Liotta's resume should have excluded her skills, favorite movie, and that she hates bees.

Question: At the salmon run, what does the foreign bear say?
Answer: A good translation would be "I almost froze to death while I was going over the huge icy mountain pass, it was something which I only barely survived! Barely!

Question: It's now clear why Angus is found in the circle of stones, even though he was afraid to enter it in the first place. There's one part of that matter I don't quite understand, though. Why is he afraid to enter that circle in the first place? Is there something in that circle frightening him? Is there a special effect?
Answer: The stone circle is like a gateway to the spirit world, something slightly supernatural. Angus senses this, and it makes him freak out.

Question: At the end of the movie, Fungus is seen amongst the employees promoting doing fun stuff, but since he is seen assisting Randall, and generally helping him and Waternoose with the scream machine earlier on, shouldn't he have been banished (like Randall) or hauled off by the CDA (like Waternoose) when the whole plan came to the CDA's attention?

Question: Why doesn't Prince John like having his hand shaken?
Answer: Robin Hood, while disguised as a stork, wouldn't stop shaking Prince John's hand and it was starting to annoy him. Prince John was also robbed by Robin Hood earlier in the movie so he wanted to make sure that the jewels in his rings weren't stolen again.

Question: Does "pattycake" also mean something sexual? We were obviously at first supposed to think Jessica and Acme had sex, but if they were, why would she say "pattycake" and why does Maroon say "You're not the first guy whose wife went pattycake on him"? Am I missing out on something?
Chosen answer: According to the director, Pattycake is the toon equivalent to sex.
Answer: Baby face taps RR TOYS COME OUT. Telling the other toys to come out from hiding. Pixar stated this in their Toy Story character overview.
But why "RR"?
"RR" is shorthand for "Message Received." Babyface is telling Woody that he understands Woody's problem and then taps out to the other toys to come out.