Best animated movie questions of all time

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Meet the Robinsons picture

Question: Why would the pretty girl who plays with the trains be married to the obese, immobile Uncle Joey? Also, what is the joke when the old man says "That's Uncle Joey. He works out"?

Answer: Well you don't have to be 'good looking' to be married. Second it is just meant to be ironic when he says "That's Uncle Joey. He works out" because when you work out you're meant to be in good shape but obviously he isn't so it seems in the future working out is what we call now, a slob.


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Jetsons: The Movie picture

Question: Why were different actors used for the voices of Judy and Elroy instead of the original actors?

Answer: Daws Butler, the original voice actor for Elroy, died in 1988. Janet Waldo did record a voice track for the feature but was replaced by Tiffany to attract a new audience off her popularity.


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Pokemon: the First Movie picture

Question: Does Missingno, the infamous "Pokemon 000" glitch in Pokemon Red/Green (Red/Blue in the states) appear in this movie?

Answer: That is not a real pokemon, so no.


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Pinocchio picture

Question: When Pinocchio finds Geppetto inside Monstro's stomach, Geppetto has shoes and socks on. But when Pinocchio and Geppetto are escaping on the raft, he is barefoot. Where did his shoes and socks go?

Answer: It's not explained. This appears to be a plot hole or whatever happened somehow got edited out.


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Superman: Unbound picture

Question: What kind of building was being raided at the start of the movie? (00:01:50)

Chosen answer: Most likely a bank.


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The Lion King 1½ picture

Question: In the scene where they find their dream home, what are all the things Pumbaa said that sounded like "Hakuna Matata"?

Answer: Hot tuna frittata, The spinach armada, A spoon of ricotta, A wormy piccata, Kahuna colada, A blue enchilada, Legumes on a platter, This oughtta be hotter, I gotta lambada.

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Transformers: The Movie picture

Question: Are Blaster and Soundwave in any way related like Sideswipe and Sunstreaker are? They transform into tape-playing devices, they both have cassette robots and so on, so does any one know the answer?

Answer: Alpha Trion seems to have created these two robots with special abilities concerning sound. As all Transformers received new Transformation Forms from the arc after their "sleep", it might have been intentionally from the arc to give them Transformation forms similar to their abilities. However it is not mentioned in the series.

Christoph Galuschka

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Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie picture

Question: This may sound like a silly question, but who are the pirates who don't do anything?

Answer: Exactly what they call themselves. Pirates who don't do anything, they just stay home and lay around. It's from a veggie tales silly song from an older release.

Would they be genuine pirates if they didn't do anything? A pirate is basically a person who attacks, and robs ships at sea.

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Isle of Dogs picture

Question: Why did Watanabe taste the wasabi if he thought something was wrong with it?

Answer: He may have underestimated the "wrongness" of the wasabi, not imagining that it was, in fact, poisoned.

Erik M.

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Answer: It's hard to say for sure but I think it was just a dream to help him to overcome his fears.

More The Pagemaster questions
Pokemon Heroes picture

Question: I read online that Mewtwo, Lugia, Entei, and Celebi are hidden in this movie. Can anyone tell me where they are?


Chosen answer: They're hidden on walls as artwork. They can be seen here:


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Spirited Away picture

Question: On the DVD, there are two sets of subtitles. One follows what is being said closely and includes sound effects. The other follows the general idea of what the characters are saying, but the sentences are written differently. What is the purpose of the second one? Also, why do even the accurate subtitles show Lin as Rin, Zeniba as Zaneba and Kohaku River as Kalaku River?

Susan Kirk

Chosen answer: This is probably because one track follows a near direct translation from Japanese, while the other subtitle track follows Japanese more loosely but is one that a westerner can relate to better. A normal western person who never had any experience with Japanese would be puzzled why there are sound effects in the text, that is because Japanese has a lot of specific sound effects for many thing, like the sound of someone walking and makes a quick stop, the sound of someone becoming shy etc. And as with Lin and Rin, these are pronounced the same way in Japan.

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Kung Fu Panda 4 picture

Question: Why are the deceased bad guys including Tai Lung, Lord Shen, and Kai in the Spirit Realm with the good warriors? Shouldn't the good and the bad be in separate realms like Heaven and Hell?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: There isn't necessarily a separate heaven and hell for kung fu masters. There's just the Spirit Realm.


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A Charlie Brown Christmas picture

Question: If Linus knows the true meaning of Christmas, why didn't he tell Charlie Brown what it was when Charlie Brown brought up his feelings of depression earlier in the special?


Answer: He never asked about the "true" meaning of Christmas, only that he was depressed about it. He didn't have the Xmas spirit. The feelings of love and compassion. He was talking about Santa Claus and gift-giving, but Linus told him what Christmas is all about.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars picture

Question: If Star Wars: Clone Wars happens between Episode II and Episode III, how can Anakin be a Jedi Master? In Episode II he is a Padawan. In Episode III he has the rank of Jedi Knight. But also in Episode III he says that it is an outrage how he is put on the council but not given the rank of master? So how could he have trained Ahsoka if he is only a Jedi Knight? Isn't that against the Jedi Code?

Answer: Both Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters can have Padawans apprenticed to them; the rank of Master is generally awarded once their first Padawan has successfully passed the trials and become a Knight themselves. While Ahsoka calls Anakin Master in formal circumstances, that's merely an indication of her status as his apprentice; Ahsoka being only his first Padawan, Anakin is still only a Jedi Knight.


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Answer: The movie doesn't appear to be set in a particular decade, probably to give it a more timeless appeal. Styles seem to range anywhere from mid-to late-20th century.


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Hercules picture

Question: Why is it too nutty that Orpheus arranged the flowers?

Answer: Orpheus was the greatest poet and musician of Greek mythology, his music could charm wild beasts and even persuade rocks and trees into movement; the idea of him arranging flowers is probably just a pun on his normal pasttime of 'arranging' music, or alternatively a reference to how he could have used his magical music to make the flowers spontaneously arrange themselves.

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Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (and Don't Come Back!!) picture

Question: If you speak French, I am curious about this: Snoopy, driving a rental car, gets into a multi-car fender bender. Marcie stands up through the sun roof and chastises the drivers behind them in French. This happens again at the end of the film. A short time after they resume driving, Snoopy starts to whistle and Marcie says something else in French. Can anyone tell me what she is saying? I have been curious for years. Thanks!

Michael Albert

Chosen answer: I just found a possible answer to my own question! According to a post in the question section of the IMDb entry for this film, one poster (dioro on March 23, 2009) claims that Marcie says: "Qu'est-ce que tu as dans la crane? Oooh, les cornes! Qu'est-ce que tu veux que je fasse? Que dalle! Le pied de nez! Tu veux nous frotter?" The poster goes on to say, "I'm fairly positive everything is correct, except for maybe the last question. I'd translate it something like: 'What's going on in your head? Ooh, [the] horns! What do you want me to do? Absolutely nothing (Jack schidt) Le pied de nez' is a gesture, putting the thumb on the nose and [wiggling] your fingers. Snoopy does this when Marcie says the line. 'You want a piece of us?' Then as they're leaving Marcie says, 'Ah, de la couille.' I put the last sentence into a Google translator, and it yielded "Ah, the testicle." I have my doubts about that last one.

Michael Albert

Answer: To make the other person's answer better, when snoopy jumped up beside marcy and started gesturing, he was saying "f*ck you" in american sign language.

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The Smurfs picture

Question: When Odie gets sent the picture of a blue moon, why didn't Patrick simply inform her that the wrong file was sent and send her the right file?

Answer: He tried to, but she interrupted him when she say how everyone liked it at the party.

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Sausage Party picture

Question: The clerk Darren voiced by Paul Rudd asks somebody "why he keeps calling him that" while he takes cover in the climax. What does he mean?

Answer: He hears the food calling him the "dark lord."

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