Question: Since Shrek and Fiona were both turned in to humans by the Happily Ever After Potion and Donkey is turned in to Stallion, does anyone have an idea as to what Dragon would have become since she is Donkey's True Love?

Question: How is Dash Parr able to run across water?
Chosen answer: If any object can move across the water quickly enough, the weight isn't transferred completely. In some Scandinavian countries, they actually DRIVE very quickly across water in adapted vehicles. If the character of Dash could actually run that fast, it is feasible and possible for him to run on the water's surface.

Question: What kind of instrument was the bum playing when we first meet him?
Answer: The instrument is called a Hurdy-Gurdy. It is a type of wound string instrument.
Answer: Violin.

Question: Does anyone know what the joke is about Matt Damon always calling out his name? Is it supposed to be a reference to something?
Answer: I read an interview with Trey Parker and Matt Stone where they said that they had not intended for it to be that way but that when they made the Matt Damon puppet, it looked so retarded that they thought it would be funny to just have him be retarded in the movie and only say his name. They said it was nothing personal against Matt Damon.

Question: In a post-credits scene, Lola tries to find Oscar in his penthouse, but Crazy Joe pops up instead. I can't figure out Lola's fate, but does she stay with Crazy Joe or does he scare her away?
Answer: That's for you to interpret, but most likely she went swimming away screaming in terror, being chased by a crazy fish. Think "My Crazy Ex-Boyfriend" premise.

Question: The movie was released in 2004 and Season 4 was released in 2005. In the movie, SpongeBob is the manager of The Krusty Krab 2 and Plankton got the formula but went to jail. So then how come from Season 4 onwards there's only one Krusty Krab, SpongeBob's still just a fry cook in the original Krusty Krab and Plankton's free and is still trying to get the formula?
Chosen answer: The movie is not in continuity with the series.

Question: In the scene where they find their dream home, what are all the things Pumbaa said that sounded like "Hakuna Matata"?
Answer: Hot tuna frittata, The spinach armada, A spoon of ricotta, A wormy piccata, Kahuna colada, A blue enchilada, Legumes on a platter, This oughtta be hotter, I gotta lambada.
Answer: It was confirmed by the filmmakers that Dragon is actually Donkey's true love, and that when Donkey was a stallion she changed as well, supposedly into a talking pegasus.