Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Old Engine - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: After 17's Captain Harmell has fallen through the warehouse roof, when Roy wraps the tape around Harmell's leg splint, the entire splint is covered by tape when they lift him up the ladder, but when Harmell is carried out of the snorkel, there is much less tape - it's wrapped around the splint only 5-6 times.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Camera Bug - S4-E10

Continuity mistake: When Johnny's leaning through the windshield of the truck carrying dynamite, using the jaws to free the driver, Marco's behind Johnny with the hose fogging them down, and Johnny's clothes get soaked, but in the closeup as Johnny pulls the driver from his seat, Johnny's shirt is completely dry.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Boot - S2-E19

Continuity mistake: After Station 51 responds to the stove fire and puts it out, the frustrated woman tosses her handbag over her shoulder with the buckle behind her, but in the next shot the handbag has flipped over with buckle at the front.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Boot - S2-E19

Continuity mistake: When Squad 51 is dispatched to the woman whose hair is caught in the meat grinder, time out is 12:34, and right after that quick run they stop by Rampart. Back at the station, after Chet mentions that when they started their shift that morning Boot was fine, they're all dispatched to the gasoline tanker traffic accident, and the time out is 9:18 in the AM. Then the next run Squad 51 responds to is the woman caught in the mixer, and the time out is 15:54.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Honest - S2-E17

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Epps begs Dr. Morton to tell her the truth about her son's condition, the stethoscope is hanging around Morton's neck with the headset on his left side and the chestpiece on his right side, but then it flips to the opposite way, and then back again, between shots.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Syndrome - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: During the rescue of the two boys on the tower, a few shots after Chet starts climbing the stairs, there's a long shot looking up at Roy and John, and we can see Chet at the last set of stairs at the bottom left of the screen, and a few shots later from the same long angle, we see Chet reach the top. However, quite a few shots later, after the old man comments about job security, we see Chet again, but he's nowhere near the top yet.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Syndrome - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy must climb the tower to rescue the two boys, they both buckle the pompier belts around their waists with the large carabiner hooks at their left sides and walk towards the tower, but in the next shot Johnny's belt is on the opposite way, at his right, as they start to climb the stairs. Then the life belt flips back to the way it was originally.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

The Professor - S2-E15

Continuity mistake: When Roy and Johnny are at the construction site with the guy who wants to jump, before Roy walks over to him we see the pompier belt around Johnny's waist has the carabiner hook to his left and the double tongue buckles to his right. Then when Captain Stanley tells Johnny to try and get to the guy from the other side, Johnny's belt is now around his waist the opposite way. In the following shots his life belt flips around a couple more times. Note that their pompier belts have at one side double leather straps which are the two tongue buckles, and the other side has a single strap of leather for the attached carabiner hook.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Drivers - S2-E13

Continuity mistake: When Squad 51 and then Engine 51 are dispatched to the hotel fire, before going in Johnny's SCBA cylinder has a large arrow sticker and Roy's has a large red sticker, but once inside Roy's air cylinder goes back and forth from having an arrow sticker to the red sticker. Then in a few moments, when Marco and Chet go in with the stokes, both of their air cylinders are tall, flat-top and devoid of stickers, but inside their SCBA cylinders are short, round-top and keep switching from having either an arrow or large red stickers.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Helpful - S2-E12

Continuity mistake: After Johnny has gotten Sheba off the roof, he and Roy stand by ladder as Sheba takes off after the cat again, and in the shot of the dog running across the roof Roy and Johnny are gone - the ladder stands alone, but in the next shot the paramedics are by the ladder again. Also note that the door behind the ladder is alternately closed or open, depending on the shot.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Helpful - S2-E12

Continuity mistake: When Roy and John are in the apparatus bay talking about Joanne, just after Roy walks away, Boot steals the armboard splint package with the writing facing up in his mouth, but when Boot hides under the squad the reverse side is up in his mouth.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Helpful - S2-E12

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy have to go in search of the two boys lost in the storm drain, the air cylinder that Johnny grabs from the squad has two large red stickers, but when Roy and Johnny climb down below, Johnny's air cylinder has changed - both of their tanks now have the large arrow stickers.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Dinner Date - S2-E10

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are standing by the squad outside Rampart, talking about the man in a hepatic coma, both ER doors are wide open, but when the woman drives up and then shouts that she needs help both doors are closed, and this continues a few times depending on the angle of the shot.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Trainee - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: When Ed chases after the possible OD into the car wash, Roy sits at the passenger side of Squad 51 to contact dispatch about the sheriff's ETA, but each time it cuts to the car wash employee the squad is empty behind him, even though Roy is still there in his closeups.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Fuzz Lady - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: When Roy and Johnny are rescuing the elderly man from the burning house, in the interior shot Roy exits the window by placing his left leg out the window onto the ladder, but when it cuts to the exterior shot Roy has his right leg out the window on the ladder.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Fuzz Lady - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are with the elderly man in the burning house, the window is pushed up fully when Mike climbs the ladder in the exterior shot, but when Mike breaks the window with the axe, the window is halfway down in the interior shot.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Fuzz Lady - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: When Roy and Johnny are with the boy who is trapped on the crane, Johnny buckles the life belt around the boy's waist, and in the following shots the belt's direction flips around to the opposite way repeatedly. Note its stitched leather and tongue buckles.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Peace Pipe - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: Before Roy and Johnny climb up to the injured man (who was shot) lying on the scaffolding, they put on their life belts (pompier) with the tongue buckles and carabiner hooks towards their right sides, but both stuntmen wear their belts the opposite way. Also note the axe sheaths (attached to the pompier belts) are upside down on Roy and Johnny, but right-side up on the stuntmen.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Peace Pipe - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy are at the nurses' station telling Dixie about the girdle run, Squad 51 responds to the structure fire right up the street, and we see Roy and Johnny en route without the turnouts, but when they pull up to the house they're both wearing turnouts.

Super Grover

15th Mar 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Peace Pipe - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When Squad 51 is dispatched to the woman who's having difficulty breathing, the address is given as "1017 Crocker", but when they pull up to the building's corner the street sign reads Colfax.

Super Grover

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