Super Grover

Don't Mess Around With Jim - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When Bill tells Beck that he's thinking with his "mediocre, uninspired, middle-level mind," it cuts to an exterior shot of Beck's private jet heading to Vegas, but when the jet lands at the airport in the exterior shot it's a different type of jet. Then when Ralph gets the vision he sees Dunn running back toward Beck's jet, and again it's a different type jet. (00:13:40 - 00:16:15)

Super Grover

Don't Mess Around With Jim - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: While Ralph and Bill are on Beck's private jet, after Dunn tells Ralph how to use the telekinesis powers of the suit, Dunn takes something to read from the clear acrylic magazine holder, but in the following closeups the magazine holder is now black and an entirely different style. (00:15:15)

Super Grover

Don't Mess Around With Jim - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When Beck uses the remote to open the hangar door, as Dunn drives the car into the hangar Bill is sitting in the front passenger seat and Ralph is alone in the back, with the hoods still in place over Ralph's and Bill's heads, but when it cuts to a closeup both hoods have vanished. (00:08:00)

Super Grover

Plague - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: At the paramilitary base, Bunker is wearing a military fatigue cap with a camouflage pattern while he and Bill are talking in the exterior shots, then when they walk into the office with the radar operator, in the interior shots the camouflage pattern on Bunker's cap is entirely different. When Bunker orders the evacuation, the cap reverts back to the original pattern in the exterior shots. (00:22:40)

Super Grover

Plague - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: At the laboratory in Needles, when Bunker removes the smallpox virus vial from the case he's wearing a digital watch and a ring on his left hand, but in the vial's closeup Bunker's ring has vanished and his watch is a different style. (00:43:15)

Super Grover

Plague - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: When Bill and Ralph pull up in front of the motel in Faultline, they see Pam walking out of her own room. The problem is Bill's room number is 127, the same as Pam's room number, also 127. (00:16:55)

Super Grover

The Shock Will Kill You - S2-E13

Continuity mistake: After Ralph drops down into the tunnel in order to lure the creature, Ralph stops in front of a junction box on the wall. In the shot facing the box head-on as Ralph gets one of his holographs, suddenly there's writing on the cover of the junction box. The writing is not part of Ralph's vision. (00:37:55)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Bread and Circuses - S2-E25

Continuity mistake: While Flavius guides Kirk, Spock, and McCoy to the city to find Merik, the foursome stop behind a group of trees. In the first wide shot, as Flavius explains they'll wait until dark, there are no red marks on the tree trunks, but in their closeups there are a few red marks (presumably from squibs), before the gunfire has even occurred. At the start of the second wide shot the tree trunks are still void of those marks, and when the police shoot at them that's when the red marks appear. (00:15:15)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Bread and Circuses - S2-E25

Continuity mistake: While Kirk, Spock, and McCoy attempt to escape, Merik contacts Enterprise with the stolen communicator and the Proconsul stabs him, then when Merik tosses the communicator it lands in front of Kirk's feet in a closeup. The problem is that in the closeup Kirk is wearing his black uniform pants, but during this scene Kirk is wearing the light colored slave pants. Also interesting to note, when the sword landed on the floor in front of Spock's feet, the Vulcan is wearing black lace-up flat footwear instead of his black uniform boots. (00:46:35)

Super Grover

16th Dec 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Spock's Brain - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: When Scotty, Kirk, and the others follow Spock's signal to the chamber with the Controller, they encounter Kara and she activates their pain bands. Spock's body has a pain band around his waist as the other men drop to the ground, but after McCoy tells Kirk, "Spock, no pain," the pain band is missing from Spock's body, then in the next shot it reappears when he goes after Kara's bracelet. (00:35:05)

Super Grover

15th Dec 2019

Star Trek (1966)

Spock's Brain - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: When Kirk and his landing party beam down to the planet there are six shots of Morg, who have their right arms covered in fur in all those flipped shots, but when Morg attack the landing party it's their left arms covered in fur. Presumably, the first six shots were flipped for direction continuity. (00:13:15)

Super Grover

15th Dec 2019

Star Trek (1966)

The Ultimate Computer - S2-E24

Continuity mistake: During the scene with the ore freighter, there are four closeups of Spock while he's bent over the scope at his station, and in the background behind Spock we can see Kirk and others on the bridge are gone. It also occurs in the earlier scene during the encounter with the two starships. (00:24:00)

Super Grover

12th Dec 2019

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Toy Story 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mom gives Molly the donation box she writes "Sunnyside" on only one side of the corrugated box. When the Sunnyside box is in the car and also when Mom carries it to the daycare, there's printed red text (name, contents, etc) under the hand hole at the adjacent side of the box, but when Bonnie's Mom carries the box into the butterfly room that printed red text has vanished (NOT the handwritten "Sunnyside"), then it reappears when the kids go to recess. (00:19:25)

Super Grover

The Greatest American Hero mistake picture

The Hit Car - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Ralph catches the guy in the van Bill pulls his car up alongside, and when Bill gets out of the car he has a blood stained gauze bandage around his left hand, but as Bill cuffs the guy in the closeup the gauze bandage has vanished. (00:28:20)

Super Grover

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