Super Grover

24th Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: In the nursery, John shouts, "I've got it! I've got it!" then runs to his bed and visible on the left are clothes that hang from the tri-fold screen which stands near John's bed. In the close-up of John's feet, as he runs on his bed to try and fly, one set of clothes from the previous shot is gone. When he lands on the floor, there is yet another set of clothes that hang under the outfit with the white ruffle as well and then as John flies out the window still another set appears. (00:21:30)

Super Grover

24th Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: There are two dolls perched on either side of Wendy's headboard in the nursery. When Tink grabs hold of Wendy's hair, pulls her back towards the bed and slams her into the footboard, the doll on the left falls, yet the doll is back up on the headboard in the following shots. While Peter speaks with Wendy throughout these shots the positions of both of the dolls change. (00:19:55)

Super Grover

22nd Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Peter Pan mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Aboard the Jolly Roger, in the very next shot after Smee jumps overboard, Peter twirls his sword in mid-air and catches the hilt. This is not the same sword he uses in the previous or following shots. This sword doesn't have the gold hand guard, so as to be able to catch it easily. The hilt on Peter's sword is in the shape of a leaf and the hand guard is the leaf stem. (01:24:50)

Super Grover

22nd Oct 2004

Labyrinth (1986)

Labyrinth mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sarah angrily goes into Toby's nursery to retrieve Lancelot, as she screams, "I hate you!" to Toby, who is in the crib, the crib's legs are visible and there are NO casters (wheels) attached to the legs. However, in the rest of the shots, whenever visible, there are ball bearing casters on the legs of the crib. (00:06:50)

Super Grover

22nd Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: After Wendy admits to being Red Handed Jill, Peter holds his blade to Wendy's throat. In the first close-up Peter grasps the hilt so the sharp curved edge of the blade points towards the knuckles of his fingers. In the second close-up his hand grasps the hilt so that the sharp edge points towards the palm of his hand. (This has nothing to do with how his wrist is turned.) (01:05:30)

Super Grover

22nd Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: Peter flies in and tells everyone of the new pirate Red Handed Jill and as he says, "She's just a storyteller," the small piece of watermelon, that looks as if it's been hacked already, is visible on the table. Then when he says, "I shall run her through!" he slams his blade into a large wedge of watermelon - its shape is very different (before the blade hits it of course). Other food on the table differs in consecutive shots within this scene as well. (01:04:30)

Super Grover

22nd Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: Hook sneaks into Peter's hideout while Peter sleeps in order to kill him. In the first close-up Hook tries to reach Peter, who's lying down, as Peter mumbles in his sleep. In Peter's second close-up he is in a completely different position as the poison drops into the water. As he wakes with a start in his third close-up, Peter is lying in the same position as the first close-up. (01:10:45)

Super Grover

22nd Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: After Wendy sees John, Michael and the Lost Boys tied up she gasps in a wide shot, in which the pirates are spread out all around. A pirate puts a gag at her mouth and in the next close-up three pirates gather just behind the kneeling boys as Hook walks by to talk to Wendy with other pirates gathered round. In the next wide shot there are no pirates directly behind the boys and everyone is positioned the same way as the previous wide shot, those three specific pirates are in three different areas. Other pirates are in completely different spots as well between the close-up and following wide shot. (01:10:00)

Super Grover

21st Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: Aboard the Jolly Roger after Hook questions Wendy about the stories, he slices her ropes and holds his hook to her neck. The way he holds her differs depending on the camera angle. (01:19:25)

Super Grover

21st Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Wendy walks the plank she stands at the edge and as the camera faces her the brilliant sunlight from behind her highlights the plank and casts a long bright shadow in front of her, contrary to the dark wood plank in the overhead shots. (01:20:10)

Super Grover

21st Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: Aboard the Jolly Roger, when Wendy walks the plank in the close-ups the knot of the blindfold around her eyes is at the right side of her head, yet, in the overhead shots the knot is at the back of her head. (01:20:10)

Super Grover

21st Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: After Wendy sews the shadow onto Peter the light in the nursery brightens. The items in the room cast their own shadows, for example, the clock and light fixture over Michael's beds. These shadows change drastically in the following shots, until they fly off to Neverland. (00:16:45)

Super Grover

21st Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Tink flies into the nursery and zips around searching for Peter's shadow she flies into Nana's house and in this shot Michael's bed is more than a foot away from the nightstand. In the next overhead shot Michael's bed is much closer to the nightstand. Michael's blanket differs considerably as well. (00:12:25)

Super Grover

21st Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: In the nursery, behind Michael's and John's beds there are many small soldiers and horses perched on the chair rail (decorative molding). The position/amount of these soldiers and horses differ significantly in consecutive shots within the scene before they leave for Neverland and also within the scene when they eventually return. (00:12:25 - 01:35:25)

Super Grover

21st Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: After the children return home, when Mr. Darling welcomes the Lost Boys to the family the boys all jump on him and then Michael pours the treasure onto the floor. In these and the rest of the shots the small red rug is in the middle of the floor, a completely different position than the previous shots, where it was under the table. (01:38:45)

Super Grover

21st Oct 2004

Peter Pan (2003)

Continuity mistake: When the children return home, in a wide shot as they look around the nursery while their mother sleeps in the chair, the table's two legs are positioned near the outer edge of the small red rug. When Mrs. Darling walks out of the room the table is pushed farther back, close to the bookcase. The little rug near the corner curio changes between shots as well. (01:35:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After Aragorn's coronation, he and Arwen approach Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry. When they all bow to the Hobbits, in the close-ups the people surrounding the Hobbits are very close. However, in the overhead wide shot there is a large gap between the Hobbits and the crowd. (02:57:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Now a resident at Sunnyvale, when Evan looks under his bed for his journals, in the shot from under the mattress the blood stains that appear on his white tee differ from the stain in the shots before and after.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Sunnyvale, when Evan bursts into Dr. Redfield's office the Doctor stands up and in the wide shot Dr. Redfield starts to put his books down on the desk, but the way he holds the books differs in the next close-up.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After little Kayleigh picks up the blockbuster, older Evan is now at Sunnyvale Institution. The blankets are not tucked under the mattress, then they are tucked when he gets out of bed, and in the shot from under the bed, as he searches for his journals, the blankets hang down to the floor, yet in the next shot they are not.

Super Grover

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