Super Grover

The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Eddie escapes the deep freeze, he wears three rings on his left hand: his middle, ring and pinkie fingers. Bizarrely, the pinkie ring actually disappears in quite a few shots, including when Eddie plays the sax and when he lifts Columbia, just before they mess around on the floor. (00:42:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: During dinner, the Stein mug in front of Rocky (not Dr. Scott's) switches repeatedly, from being to the right his plate to the left of his plate. Additionally, plates/serviceware appear and disappear from the table.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: During 'Dammit Janet', just after Brad draws the heart on the doors, when Janet runs to the stairs her arms are outstretched as she holds the bouquet in her right hand in the close-up, but next shot it's in her left hand. (00:08:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the start, when Janet catches the bouquet and shouts, "I got it," as she jumps up and down, she holds it in her left hand in the close-up, but in the next shot it's in her right hand. (00:06:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: During 'Hot Patootie, as Eddie and Columbia canoodle on the floor, when the guests dance on the upper level their positions in the line change between shots. (00:44:10)

Super Grover

The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the lab, during 'Hot Patootie', Eddie wears red suspenders clasped to his jeans. When he lies on top of Columbia, both back suspender clasps come undone, though the front clasps are still intact. In following shots both of Eddie's back clasps are on properly.

Super Grover

18th Aug 2008

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Show generally

Continuity mistake: In nearly every episode, the dark blue jackets that Gage and DeSoto wear suddenly appear and/or vanish and then reappear, numerous times, while en route in their squad, or when they pull into the stationhouse and Rampart. Since stock footage is usually used when showing all the guys getting into their vehicles, Johnny's hair length may differ as well.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Just before Pintel and Ragetti are about to fire Jack, the monkey, out of a cannon, the monkey and barrel point out of a partially destroyed gun port, with its hinged port lid missing. Once Ragetti lights it, in the close-up just as Jack blazes out, the frame of the gun port is perfectly intact, as is its hinged port lid above it. (02:15:45)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Beckett boards the Dutchman and speaks to Jones, he has very noticeable dark facial stubble, but bizarrely, in his next close-up he is actually clean shaven, his wig curl has shrunk and his eyebrow hair is neater.

Super Grover

10th Aug 2008

Face/Off (1997)

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Castor (as Sean Archer) is speared, as he stands there singing morosely his shirt is drenched in blood, but when he is next seen in the ambulance that blood on his shirt has vanished. Additionally, the cuts on his face produce blood trails which smear, when he is first speared, but in the ambulance his face is cleaned up and the blood trails are thin and neat.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Dudley is lying on the ground, with the Dementor hovering over him doing his thing, notice the wall behind Dudley with huge white graffiti. First he is lying past that specific graffiti, closer to the entrance/exit, then he is lying 4-5 ft away, on the other side of that graffiti.

Super Grover

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After bowing to Buckbeak, Harry removes the chain from the ring on the wood post, with the crow sitting on it. In the close-up, the wood post with its metal hardware, and the actual black crow, all noticeably differ from the previous and following shots.

Super Grover

29th Jul 2008

Face/Off (1997)

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Castor (as Sean) grips the speargun, in the following close-ups, the sling ends (with its wishbones) differ - just note the rings around the rubber ends.

Super Grover

29th Jul 2008

Face/Off (1997)

Continuity mistake: When Castor (as Sean Archer) grabs the speargun shaft before it can unload, he takes a piece of glass and begins to cut his face. The broken glass has a small circular piece missing from the edge, but from a different camera angle that small piece is more intact than the previous shot. (02:09:15)

Super Grover

29th Jul 2008

Face/Off (1997)

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the second speedboat explodes, when Sean (as Castor Troy) pulls the speargun trigger, Castor (as Sean Archer) grabs the spear shaft before it can unload. As he grips the gun, the problem is that in some shots the slings are still loaded, but in other shots they are not. (02:09:00)

Super Grover

29th Jul 2008

Face/Off (1997)

Continuity mistake: At the church, just as the shooting is done with, Eve is leaning down with her hands covering her head. Then, in the close-up she uncovers her head and sits upright to look around, but in the next shot, she's still leaning down covering her head. (01:54:30)

Super Grover

29th Jul 2008

Face/Off (1997)

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the incident with Karl, when Castor (as Sean Archer) and Jamie are in the living room, he opens the cigarette case and offers her one. The way he holds the case noticeably differs between shots.

Super Grover

28th Jul 2008

Face/Off (1997)

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Sean types "case closed" on Castor's file, Dr. Miller walks into Sean's office and holds out Pollux's Zip Disk for Sean to take. In the next close-up, the Zip Disk has flipped over and faces the opposite way.

Super Grover

28th Jul 2008

Face/Off (1997)

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After leaving the Hummer, when Sean gets into the chopper the cabin interior changes in the following shots. This includes the windshield, hand grip, wall, etc.

Super Grover

27th Jul 2008

Face/Off (1997)

Face/Off mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the speedboat, when the anchor comes loose from the boat's bow it takes with it a large chunk of metal and leaves a gaping hole, but next shot, as the anchor falls to the water, the huge hole is gone leaving only the bullet holes on the surface. (02:07:20)

Super Grover

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