Super Grover

The Lost Girls - S10-E7

Continuity mistake: Near the start, when Ray is showing the photograph of Madeline with the security guard to passersby asking if they've seen her and also when he shows it to Nick, we can see the photo Ray is holding out in the wide shots, but in the two closeups of the photograph it's actually a different photo. Then later, when Ray shows the photo to Madeline's mother it's the same as the one from the closeup earlier.

Super Grover

3rd Dec 2014

The Nanny (1993)

The Boca Story - S4-E25

Continuity mistake: When Fran's in the kitchen making an ice cream sundae she tops it with a lot of whip cream, but after Fran pulls a tissue out of Gracie's shirt, when she and Maxwell sit down all of the whip cream suddenly vanishes, but then it reappears.

Super Grover

3rd Dec 2014

Cold Case (2003)

The Promise - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode the date "October 23, 2003" appears onscreen, which is the night of the party where Laurie Dunne died. However, shortly after, we see the officer typing up the accidental death report and the year of death reads as "2004" and also later when Laurie's father shows the laptop to Stillman and Lilly, we see the date stamp "2004:10:23" on the image that Laurie had emailed.

Super Grover

28th Nov 2014

Criminal Minds (2005)

Criminal Minds mistake picture

Proof - S7-E2

Continuity mistake: When Cy sneaks into the house with the key under the mat, in the bedroom he picks up the triple gold frame with two photos of Matt with Lyla and one photo of young Lyla in the blue dress in the center frame, then he holds it to his face and places it back on the right side of the dresser. However, after Cy hears Lyla coming into the house, when she sees the underwear on the bedroom floor the frame on the right side of the dresser is now a double wood frame with only one of the same photos seen earlier.

Super Grover

19th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

That Time of Year - S6-E4

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy rappel down the cliff with the downed hang gliders, both of their lifebelts are buckled going from their left to right sides, but in Johnny's first closeups when he's with the second victim, Johnny's lifebelt is on the opposite way, note that it's buckled going from his right to left. Then once the glider falls Johnny's belt is on the original way.

Super Grover

19th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Peace Pipe - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When Engine 51 rolls up to the house with the fire in the toilet and then also at the hydrant that Roy and Johnny lock off, Engine 51's license plate reads 110856 (different engine). However, right after Chet proposes a treaty, when Station 51 is dispatched to the "construction accident," just as the front bay door opens in the shot from inside the apparatus bay, Engine 51's plate reads 180174.

Super Grover

19th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Boot - S2-E19

Continuity mistake: After Roy frees the woman's fingers from the mixer, they use the yellow dish towel and she tosses it into the sink, but in the next shot when Johnny suggests serving Mai Tais, the yellow towel is suddenly back in her hands and the white towel is now over Johnny's shoulders.

Super Grover

19th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Peace Pipe - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When the drunk driver arrives in the ER and is taken into treatment 5, Vince is with the intoxicated man, but at the accident scene while they're still trying to get the little girl out of the car, after Roy checks Debbie's pupillary response, in the closeup of Debbie's mother Vince is still standing right beside her. Neat trick for Vince to be in two places at the same time.

Super Grover

19th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Boot - S2-E19

Continuity mistake: When Roy and John are at the inexperienced cook's apartment the second time, when her fingers are caught in the mixer, she's wearing a blue/white striped dress and a watch on her left wrist, but in the closeup as she reaches for the boiling pot her watch is gone and it's a white sleeve on her arm.

Super Grover

19th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Boot - S2-E19

Continuity mistake: After the explosion at Rampart's lab, Brackett and Dixie head out receiving with two gurneys carrying emergency necessities, Dixie's gurney has light blue trim and Brackett's gurney has a double rod trim at the top, but outside Dixie's blue trim gurney has vanished, hers now has double rods and Brackett's has single rod trim.

Super Grover

19th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

The Old Engine - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: When the guy (Michael Conrad) with the gunshot wound is being wheeled out of the treatment room there is nothing on his face, but in the shot from the hallway as they exit the room suddenly he has a tube inserted into his nostril with tape holding it in place.

Super Grover

19th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

School Days - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: Before the housekeeper leaves the library to open the door for 51's guys, we see Dr. Temple pinned under the bookcase and two red armchairs in front of the fireplace, but when she returns to the room with everyone following her one of those armchairs has vanished.

Super Grover

19th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Promise - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy get back to the station and talk to Paula in the rec room, in the wide shot Johnny has his hands on his hips and then subtly moves his elbow behind Roy, but it cuts to a close-up and his elbow is still blocking Roy.

Super Grover

17th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

How Green Was My Thumb? - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: In the first shot as the engine and squad roll up to the winery fire, the entire trailer with the wood barrels is engulfed in flames with huge plumes of black smoke, but when it cuts to the next shot the trailer and barrels are fine, and there's only a very small fire burning on the ground while Marco pulls the hose off the engine, before the explosion.

Super Grover

17th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

How Green Was My Thumb? - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: When the squad and engine roll up on scene at the winery fire, there are wood barrels at the back of the burning trailer, and in consecutive shots the short barrel at the back left corner suddenly appears out of nowhere, then disappears, and then it reappears again.

Super Grover

17th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

I'll Fix It - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: While Roy and Johnny are under the house with the oil eruption trying to free the trapped man, they get covered in black oil and mud even though they're wearing turnout coats. It drips down their necks and their pants are soaked with it. When they get to Rampart with the victim, Roy says that he and John should get washed up, but when they talk to Dixie they haven't just washed up, their clothes are now impossibly spotless.

Super Grover

17th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Body Language - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: While Roy and Johnny are working on the guy who fell from the horse, since Roy's hands are busy he has the IV line dangling from his mouth before setting up the patient's IV, and in wide shots the cannula is dangling at the left side of his mouth, but in closeups the IV line and cannula have switched sides.

Super Grover

17th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Messin' Around - S3-E15

Continuity mistake: When Old Bill is wheeled into treatment 3, there's a pillow under his head and the gurney he's lying on has grey trim, horizontal bars under the bed and flat steel plates over the wheels, but when it cuts to inside treatment 3 as he's brought in, the pillow has vanished and the entire style of the gurney he's lying on is completely different.

Super Grover

17th Nov 2014

Emergency! (1972)

17th Nov 2014

We Bought a Zoo (2011)

We Bought a Zoo mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Rosie hands Benjamin the listing for the Rosemoor property, the house in the listing's photo is not the house on the property, it's entirely different.

Super Grover

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