Super Grover

22nd Nov 2018

Girl Shy (1924)

Continuity mistake: When Harold sees Mary's wedding announcement in the newspaper, in the closeup we see two photos of Mary and Ronald with Mary on the left and Ronald on the right, but in the wideshot as the paper droops from Harold's hand, the photos are different and the left photo is of a male. (00:54:25)

Super Grover

22nd Nov 2018

Girl Shy (1924)

Girl Shy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Harold's manuscript is wrapped up and tied with string, we see three closeups of the front with large black writing. The first closeup is when Harold holds it before he leaves, second when Mary holds it while on the train, and third when Roger Thornby holds it before opening it. The problem is there is no writing whatsoever on the front of the wrapping in all other shots. (00:24:00 - 00:38:25)

Super Grover

Starsky and Hutch mistake picture

Satan's Witches - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: When Starsky and Hutch are driving up to Dobey's cabin, park near the lake, and then drive into town for supplies, the car's license plate is attached to the driver's side of the front bumper as it should be, but when they're in town the plate is now attached to the passenger side of the bumper, and it's not a flipped shot. At the end, when Hutch tells Starsky he wants to leave, the license plate is back where it should be.

Super Grover

3rd Nov 2018

The Orville (2017)

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Lucy awakens at 4:00 AM she checks on Linus and then puts him to bed. In some shots there's a window over Linus' bed, but in other shots the window has vanished, and there's only a shelf over the bed. (00:23:10)

Super Grover

26th Oct 2018

Andi Mack (2017)

Andi Mack mistake picture

Andi's Choice - S2-E19

Continuity mistake: When Andi tells Buffy and Cyrus about the one date with Walker, she gives Cyrus the clear cup with a red design and Buffy gets the green cup, but when Buffy insists that she's the sassy friend those two cups switch between shots, then the cups switch back again. (00:13:50)

Super Grover

The Fox and the Hound mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Dinky tells Big Mama and Boomer his idea, when Boomer flies over to Widow Tweed's house to knock on the front door, the water pump is beside the tree at the left side of the house, but when Widow Tweed opens the door and hurries over to the "pesky" birds, the water pump is now at the right side of the house. It continues to change its position in front of the house in following shots. (00:07:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the front of Widow Tweed's house there are two z-style board and batten cellar doors. From the first closeup of the house to the last, the direction of the z panels repeatedly change. For example, after Boomer knocks on Tweed's door, when she comes out and sees the birds carrying away her laundry, note the direction of the z panels, because when she rushes down the steps one of the z panels is now facing the opposite way. (00:07:55)

Super Grover

The Fox and the Hound mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Tod accidentally causes mischief in the barn with Abigail and the chickens, Widow Tweed picks Tod up and we see the barn doors with its double-z panels, but when Tweed puts Tod down and he scampers outside, those double-z panels are facing the opposite way. (00:13:25)

Super Grover

The Fox and the Hound mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Tod visits Copper, who's all tied up, when Tod starts walking over to the big snoring dog we see the rope on Chief's barrel, but as Copper warns him that Chief is cranky the rope has vanished, though it reappears in the next shot. (00:23:10)

Super Grover

The Fox and the Hound mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The buttons on Amos Slade's shirt repeatedly change sides between shots throughout the movie. One example is while Copper and Tod are swimming, when Amos tells Chief that Copper has strayed off again, the buttons on Slade's shirt go from being on the left to being on the right, then back to the left again. (00:21:50)

Super Grover

21st Oct 2018

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Hocus Pocus mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Winifred, Sarah, and Mary get off the bus, when the young girl dressed as an angel stops and says, "Bless you," the candy bag she's holding switches from her left hand to her right arm, then back to her left hand, between shots. (00:48:10)

Super Grover

12th Oct 2018

Gilmore Girls (2000)

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

An Affair to Remember - S4-E6

Continuity mistake: While Lorelai and Sookie are with Emily doing the test meal, when Emily tells Lorelai to remove the plates she picks up the two plates and walks out of the dining room, but in the next shot the plates have switched hands. (00:23:35)

Super Grover

12th Oct 2018

Gilmore Girls (2000)

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

The Fundamental Things Apply - S4-E5

Continuity mistake: While Lorelai and Michel are at the diner Luke tells Lorelai to take Michel elsewhere, and when Luke goes behind the counter his shirt is perfectly dry in this wideshot and following closeup. but in the next wideshot, as Lorelai tries to get Luke's attention, we now see a round wet spot on Luke's back, but the problem is Lorelai has not yet tossed the lemon wedge at Luke's back that causes the wet spot on his shirt. Lorelai tosses the lemon wedge about ten shots later. (00:07:25)

Super Grover

12th Oct 2018

Gilmore Girls (2000)

Gilmore Girls mistake picture

Red Light on the Wedding Night - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When Lorelai, Max, and Rory are in the diner, just as Luke tells them that he's almost out of the blueberry pancakes and he can't make more, the regular menu which is set upright on the table suddenly becomes the "lunch" menu, and then it's back to the regular menu. This occurs well before Luke even brings Max the lunch menu because Max is taking too long to decide. (00:13:35)

Super Grover

It Happened One Night mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start, when Ellie rushes out of the ship's cabin she's wearing dark flat type shoes, but when Ellie climbs onto the deck railing she's wearing high heel sandals. (00:03:10)

Super Grover

It Happened One Night mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Before the wedding, while Mr. Andrews is comforting Ellie she pulls a handkerchief from her father's pocket. When Andrews tells Ellie that she's changed, the handkerchief is in Ellie's left hand as she grasps her father's hand, but in the next closeup the handkerchief has vanished even as Ellie is still holding her father's hand. (01:32:20)

Super Grover

It Happened One Night mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the bus is about to pull out of the station Ellie places her suitcase on the overhead rack, and in the next exterior shot we see the license plates at the front of the bus, then it cuts to a closeup and one of the plates has changed from "F8274" to "G8278." (00:08:40)

Super Grover

It Happened One Night mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Ellie is standing behind the first bus (#204) when it's filling up on gas at the rest stop her suitcase is stolen, and as Peter starts chasing after the thief note all the license plate numbers including "173-909" and "G8271" at the back of the bus. Later, when Ellie and Peter are on the second bus (#217) as it drives into the muddy ditch, in the closeup we see license plate numbers "173-909" and "G8271" (and more) which are the same as the first bus they were on. (00:08:40 - 00:46:40)

Super Grover

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