Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After escaping, while Jack is swinging quickly about on the rope, in the first wide shot, he hangs low on the rope and the excess rope reaches his knees. When Jack yells, "Whoa!" he is higher on the rope and yet the excess rope still just reaches his knees. Then when Norrington shouts, "Open fire!" still higher on the rope, the excess rope is now way below his feet. (00:19:50)

Super Grover

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While underwater, as Jack removes Elizabeth's water-logged dress, his left hand and arm are visibly clean, as well as when he has her on his shoulder at the dock. Then while kneeling over her on the dock, Jack's left hand and arm are extremely grimy and dirty. Yet when Norrington grabs Jack to bring him to Gillette, and while Jack holds Elizabeth hostage, his left hand and arm are clean once again. (00:16:10 - 00:18:40)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Haldir says, "Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil," the outfit that Legolas wears is not the same in these shots than in the previous and following shots. Gimli's hair/beard are not as full and his prosthetics are a bit different too. Apparently this scene was one of the first to be filmed, but they realized later that this outfit wasn't working for the role of Legolas, so they changed it. Commentary on extended DVD. (00:45:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Osgiliath, when Frodo turns to face Faramir, just before Faramir kneels in front of the Hobbits, the Ring and chain hang outside Frodo's shirt. Yet just before Faramir says, "Then it is forfeit," the Ring is tucked inside Frodo's shirt. (01:37:20)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Faramir kneels in front of Sam and Frodo, in the close-up the hand of a Ranger is on Sam's shoulder. The hand and short fingernails are very dirty. After Faramir's lieutenant says, "You know the laws of our country..." the hand and longer fingernails are clean. Then in the next close-up the hand and short fingernails are dirty again. Sam's hood, hair, etc. differ in these shots too. (01:37:30)

Super Grover

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Sam helps Frodo up and says, "There's some good in this world," then Faramir walks over and the Hobbits face him. Sam's rolled blanket is seen high up on his back, above his shoulders. Yet in the very next close-up, which is a flipped shot, the blanket is way down on his back, way below his shoulders. Frodo's hair is completely different in both shots too. (01:36:55)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In the foyer of the Swann home, there is a large floral arrangement on the table. In various shots, the flowers are shown either from the front, left or right side. Regardless of the angle it's seen in, the height and position of some flowers and greenery, more so at the top, differ between these shots. (00:07:05)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After spotting the Crebain from Dunland, the Fellowship try to hide. Just after Frodo and Aragorn hide under some boulders, there is an aerial shot of the area. Frodo, holding the green cloak, can be seen ducking behind the tall boulder on the left, even though he's shown already hiding in the previous shot. (00:06:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: The Fellowship hide when they spot Crebain from Dunland. In the wide shot when Aragorn picks up his stuff, Frodo runs and lying on the ground under the rocks in front of him are blankets, coats, etc. Then in the next close-up under the rock, the position of those things lying on the ground is different just before Frodo dives onto them to hide. (00:06:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Bag End, Bilbo invites Gandalf in and he hands Bilbo his staff and hat. Before the hand off, the knot of the wrist strap on the staff is seen just as Gandalf says, "Bilbo Baggins." and the rim of his hat is seen throughout. After the hand off, as Bilbo carries the large staff in front of him, the strap hangs down and it's a different knot than seen before. The rim of the huge prop hat is seen when Bilbo puts it down and there is a slice on the rim that was not there before. (00:15:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Gandalf stands at the door of Bag End waiting for Bilbo. Slung over his shoulder is his large pouch that rests at his thigh, and attached to the large pouch is a small pouch, near the flap. When Gandalf enters Bag End the small pouch is gone, not hidden, just gone. (00:15:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Gandalf and Frodo ride towards Bag End and in the close-up as Frodo says, "Never had any adventures or did..." they pass the stone wall to his right. In the next wide shot, Gandalf says, "If you're referring to the incident..." and they ride further away from the stone wall, then pass the huge tree on Frodo's right. However in Frodo's next close-up, they're closer to the stone wall and haven't passed the huge tree yet. (00:13:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Bag End, Gandalf tosses the envelope with the Ring into the fire. He grips tongs tightly between his thumb and other fingers and reaches into the fire with his thumb facing his left side. In the close-up, the Ring is grasped on the same side as his thumb, with the excess Ring on the other side with his other fingers. Yet in the next shot, Gandalf lifts the Ring out of the fire and the Ring is grasped on the same side as his other fingers, with the excess Ring at the same side as his thumb. This has nothing to do with camera angles. (00:36:55)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2004

Just Married (2003)

Continuity mistake: After coming back from the honeymoon, Tom, having two reddish bruises on his cheeks, walks into KNR Radio for his 2 AM stint and chats with Fred. However, after recalling all the memories, Tom walks out of KNR Radio a few hours later and speaks with Kyle, but the reddish bruises are no longer there. (01:22:30)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2004

Just Married (2003)

Continuity mistake: Tom throws the snowball at the blue car, it hits the rear windshield and flies off to the side as the car stops short. The snowball does not leave any snow on the windshield, however in the next shot as the blue car backs up, there's snow on the rear windshield now. Then in the next two close-ups of the blue car the snow's gone from the rear windshield again. (00:47:30)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2004

Just Married (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Tom's leg is being harassed by Bags, in the wide shots Tom's left sleeve of his football jersey is tucked up with plenty of blue showing. However, in the close-ups the sleeve is tucked further up, to the red stripe. (00:11:20)

Super Grover

27th Apr 2004

Just Married (2003)

Continuity mistake: After Tom sees Peter kissing Sarah, when she enters the room he accuses her of wanting Peter. Seen behind Tom is his blue backpack and part of his red sweatshirt on the same chair as Wendy's red bra. There's a close-up of the chair when Sarah spots the bra and it's seen again when she picks up the bra. The red sweatshirt is positioned differently in each of these shots. (01:16:15)

Super Grover

26th Apr 2004

A Star is Born (1976)

26th Apr 2004

Just Married (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Tom recalls the incident with Bags, in the wide shot he puts the pen into his left hand that also holds the magazine and then reaches for the ball. In the next close-up, still reaching for the ball, the pen is now in his mouth, not his hand. (01:02:45)

Super Grover

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