Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

To Buy or Not to Buy - S5-E14

Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is dispatched to a structure fire (with the two girls trapped upstairs) the address given is 1911 Harper Ave, but when they reach the house with the fire, directly across the street that house number is 1637.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

On Camera - S5-E12

Continuity mistake: When the boy who fell over the cliff is brought into the ER, Dix tells them to bring him to treatment 3 and we see them at treatment 3's door, which is on the same side of the hallway as treatment 4, with the red line closest to it (hall has red, green and yellow lines on the floor which run the length of the hall) However, in the shot from inside the treatment room, they're not in treatment 3, but are actually in treatment 1. Note that we see treatment 4 directly across the hall, which means they're in treatment 1, and also see the yellow line is closest to the door which means it's on the opposite side of the hallway.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Promotion - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: After Roy's had his arm bandaged in the ER, Brackett points to the treatment room Johnny's in and says he's in 4, and Roy heads there. Then after speaking to Johnny, when Roy opens the door to leave Johnny's treatment room, we can see the treatment room facing Johnny's, and it's treatment 2, which means that Johnny is actually in treatment 1, not 4. Plus the fact that the boy with the heart problem is supposed to be in treatment 1 at that time.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Snakebite - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is dispatched to the car over the cliff at Bear Mountain, the timeout is 08:12, then when Roy contacts Rampart his watch reads 6:55. When Johnny checks the girl who can't see, his watch reads 12:45, but when Johnny contacts Rampart his watch reads 6:05. Then after the snakebite, when the guys carry Johnny to the back of Engine 51, Johnny's watch reads 10:35.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Snakebite - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: When Johnny, Roy, and Chet are at the site of the traffic accident, during this scene the shadows' lengths - from long, to short, back to long, and its directions keep changing drastically. Such as when Chet stands in the middle of the road, looking in the direction of the vehicle with the siren, his long shadow is cast to his left, but the oncoming vehicle also casts a shadow to its left (even though it's heading towards Chet), then in the next shot that vehicle's shadow has moved to its opposite side.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Snakebite - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: At the scene of the traffic accident, when Johnny tries to calm the woman who cries that she's afraid, it cuts to a shot of Chet as the camera pans to the left, and we see the position of the pickup truck on the road. When they hear the siren of help coming, Chet stands in the road directing the vehicle, and the pickup is not where it was in that earlier shot, it's now much farther down the road.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Snakebite - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: At the start, there's a long shot of the Land Rover driving down a long stretch of road towards the camera and then passing it. That road, landscape, and mountains are very distinctive. As Roy, John, and Chet continue talking and driving, when they reach the scene of a traffic accident, Chet sets up a flare behind the Land Rover and another flare behind the pickup truck, then Chet sees a car coming from the direction which the Land Rover was headed. The problem is that the road/landscape/mountains shown earlier in the long shot of the Land Rover, which had been driving from the opposite direction, is the same that's shown here, as Chet tries to stop the car. Then to top it off, when Chet first notices the second car in the distance, it's coming from the opposite direction of the first car, but once again the view is exactly the same.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Snakebite - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: At the start, there's a closeup of Roy, Johnny, and Chet, and it cuts to a long shot of the landscape around them while they're driving, then it cuts back to the closeup. The landscape the Land Rover passed in the long shot is entirely different than in the previous and following closeups.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

The Boat - S6-E19

Continuity mistake: In the bookmaker's apartment, while Roy. John, Marco and Chet are working on the bookie who's in full cardiac arrest, Vince walks in and speaks to Captain Stanley. Then Vince, who's wearing a watch and ring on his right arm/hand, reaches for all the ringing telephones, and one by one he removes the receivers from the bases, but the right arm/hand in the closeup has no ring or watch.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Tee Vee - S5-E11

Continuity mistake: When Johnny's on the phone with Uncle Ernie about the new color TV, in the wide shot Johnny writes down the address of the warehouse, and puts the pen back in his shirt pocket. Then Johnny thanks Uncle Ernie, and when he hangs up the phone, in the next closeup the pen is back in Johnny's hand.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

An English Visitor - S3-E4

Continuity mistake: When Brackett is in his office talking to Patsy's manager, he's paged and then told, "Treatment room 2, STAT," and he answers, "On my way," but Brackett doesn't rush to treatment room 2, he goes to room 230 which is Patsy's room, and Early even calls for a code blue in room 230.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

An English Visitor - S3-E4

Continuity mistake: When Brackett and Morton are with Patsy in her hospital room, there are two closeups of the Datascope 850, but there's an entirely different unit at the foot of Patsy's bed monitoring her EKG, not the Datascope 850. The same thing happens again later, when Brackett rushes in and Early tells him that Patsy was throwing more PVCs.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

The Lighter-Than-Air Man - S5-E8

Continuity mistake: At the scene of the overturned truck causing toxic smoke, when Chet talks to the driver and then pops out the windshield, in the wide shots the two windshields are intact and not cracked, but in the closeups facing Chet and the closeups facing the driver there are long cracks in the windshield.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Tee Vee - S5-E11

Continuity mistake: When the guy who was injured in the manhole is brought into the ER, Dix tells them to bring him to treatment 6 (which is around the corner from the other treatment rooms, and has no color lines that run past its door), then we see him wheeled into treatment 6 in the shot from the hallway. However, in the next shot from inside the treatment room we can see they're not in treatment 6, but actually in treatment 1, note the red, green, and yellow lines on the hallway floor in front of its doorway, and treatment 6 has no color lines that run past its doorway.

Super Grover

5th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

4th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Alley Cat - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: When Station 51 is at the scene of the plane crash, in the long shot Roy climbs down to the wrecked plane and tosses his helmet, but wears his gloves when he starts looking for survivors, then in the next closeup his gloves have vanished.

Super Grover

4th May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Frequency - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: At the construction site, after the younger patient has been taken to the ambulance, when Roy tells Johnny that it was pretty good radio work, Johnny's holding his helmet, but in the next shot as Johnny stands up his helmet is gone, though there is a helmet near the drug box behind him.

Super Grover

1st May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

Emergency! mistake picture

Boot - S2-E19

Continuity mistake: After Brackett gets off the phone with Dr. Meier, he walks back to treatment 1, and when Brackett speaks to Morton about the patient being on warfarin, the stethoscope around Brackett's neck vanishes in his closeups, and reappears in wide shots.

Super Grover

1st May 2014

Emergency! (1972)

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