Visible crew/equipment: After Captain Stanley's clam chowder lunch, the tones drop for the unknown type rescue, and when Cap hands Roy the piece of paper with the location, the reflection of a female crew member is visible on Squad 51's vent window, beside Roy.
Visible crew/equipment: At Vic's party, when Roy and Johnny are walking up the steps of the house (just before seeing Monique), the reflection of the cameraman holding the handheld camera is visible in the door's glass, when he steps backwards as the guys walk in.
Visible crew/equipment: While Roy and Johnny are climbing up to rescue the boy on the bridge, there's a closeup of the boy as he breathes heavily. When this shot pans to the right we see Roy (his stunt double actually) place the rope behind his back, and a mysterious dark gloved hand quickly appears behind Roy (and it's not Johnny's hand).
Visible crew/equipment: While Roy and John are on scene with the "car over cliff" Johnny heads down to the car too quickly, and when he ends up falling his mic transmitter and cable slip out from their hidden area, and become visible on the front of his shirt.
Visible crew/equipment: After the man with trichloroethylene poisoning is hosed down and loaded onto the ambulance, while Roy's on the Biophone with Rampart, John's uniform jacket is pulled open with his hands on his hips, and we can see the outline of his mic transmitter in his shirt pocket with the wires coming out of the pocket.

Visible crew/equipment: While rescuing the invalid, when Roy climbs out of the second floor window he suffers an electrical shock, and when he falls in the closeup we can see the crash mat that he lands on when part of it flips up from the force of his weight. Also note that all the shrubs below the window have vanished.
Visible crew/equipment: At the structure fire, right after Captain Stanley and Roy throw the rope down to Johnny and the boy, and Cap tells Marco to use fog, in the next overhead shot as the guys use the axe on the partition fire, at the right side of the screen we can see a crew member wearing a short sleeve grey T-shirt, who's standing at the stairway landing right outside the door, as he's using the FX smoke/fog machine which is blowing smoke through the doorway.
Fair Fight - S6-E5
Visible crew/equipment: While John's trapped with the two men in the cave-in, he digs and finds the opening to the pipe, and when he starts shouting up to Roy, the cameraman's knee/leg is right beside John's left hand, at the lower right corner of the screen. It really is.
Visible crew/equipment: At the scene of the traffic accident, after Captain Stanley tells Johnny and Roy that the victim may have a fractured pelvis, just as Johnny places the Biophone on the roof of the car the camera's angle tilts down to face the victim, and we can see the reflection of the cameraman/crew member on the car window.

Visible crew/equipment: While Brackett is on Copter 10, after the dispatcher tells the pilot that the truck driver has been heard on the CB saying that he's trapped in the cab, repeating the same location, when we see the bird's-eye view of Copter 10 flying below, the shadow of the filming helicopter is right beside the shadow of the Copter 10 chopper, at the top of the screen. (00:11:35)
Visible crew/equipment: After Station 51 is dispatched to the possible heart attack, when they arrive at the scene it cuts to the interior shot of the pregnant woman walking to the door, and we can see the shadow of the cameraman moving across the lamp and curtains.
The Tycoons - S5-E23
Visible crew/equipment: After Station 51 is dispatched to the fire, a dumpster fire already put out by Phyllis, when Mike parks the engine, the reflection of crew members are visible on the jumpseat window, and the location's array lighting is visible on the engine's surface.
Transition - S4-E15
Visible crew/equipment: When Dixie and Carol stand in the ER hallway, talking about the three accident victims coming in and being swamped, there are two tape marks on the floor near their feet, where Carol and the other nurse were standing just before Dix walked over.
Welcome to Santa Rosa County - S6-E10
Visible crew/equipment: After Roy and John eat lunch with the sheriff and decide to head to the lake after lunch, when they both get into the squad car, we can see the reflection of the cameraman, who's wearing jeans and a dark shirt, in the wing mirror, as he walks closer to the car and bends down. We can also see the legs of another crew member standing behind him.
Daisy's Pick Blind Date - S4-E7
Visible crew/equipment: After rescuing the injured man from the burning theater, when Roy and John are on the roof getting the stokes with the victim onto 36's snorkel, we can see a crew member's arm/hand, wearing a white patterned long sleeve shirt, standing at the right side of the screen.
Visible crew/equipment: At the scene of the plane that hit the building, after the explosion, when Foam 10 arrives there's a closeup of the firemen using the foam tubing, and behind the doorway one of the 'firemen' kicks the foam tubing, but notice that he's not really a fireman, he's actually a crew member who's wearing a turnout coat, though he's also wearing jeans and work boots.

Visible crew/equipment: At the start, after the boy ties a bowline knot in the rope attached to the van, when the mom gets into the van with her daughter, the reflections of two crew members, the cameraman and the top of the camera are all visible in the vent window, in two shots.
Visible crew/equipment: When they wheel Dianne (the OD) into the ER it's one long continuous shot from receiving to treatment 1, shot from the POV of the patient lying on the stretcher. As she's wheeled into treatment 1, the camera faces Johnny so we can see up the hallway behind him, and the entire admitting desk and waiting area are all blacked out, and there are two men, one of which (possibly the director) is sitting on a chair facing up the hallway where Johnny is and the scene is taking place.
Visible crew/equipment: At the apartment complex fire, after Roy removes the ladder from Engine 51, the Pasadena engine rolls up, and when the Pasadena Captain walks toward Captain Stanley, the second cameraman wearing a brown blazer can be seen standing on the very top of Engine 51 to the left, shooting the overhead footage of the Pasadena engine that was just shown.

Visible crew/equipment: After Station 51 is dispatched to the back hoe that flipped over trapping the driver, when Roy gets out of Squad 51 upon arrival, the reflections of a crew member and part of the camera are visible on the squad's door.
Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.