Emergency! mistake picture

To Buy or Not to Buy - S5-E14

Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and Johnny leave Rampart and are heading back in the squad, about 16:40 minutes in, as they are discussing whether Roy has told his wife about house hunting, you can see two signs on the ceiling of the squad's cab. The signs say 'Emergency Saturday 8PM Rehearsal Mark VI Prod'. Possibly they are magnetic signs for the squad doors so people don't mistake the squad for a real fire department vehicle? (00:16:20)

Transition - S4-E15

Visible crew/equipment: When the three victims of the accident are all in treatment 2 with Morton, in the wide shot just as Brackett, Early, Roy, John, and Gil walk in, at the top of the screen we can see the boom mic dipping down into view.

Super Grover

Kidding - S4-E17

Visible crew/equipment: Just as 51's guys are removing the novelist from the car that's filled with carbon monoxide fumes, a crew member's reflection, as well as the screen from production equipment, can be seen on the car's driver side window.

Super Grover

The Old Engine Cram - S5-E2

Visible crew/equipment: At training center, after 18's guy falls into the trench with the sulfur trioxide, as they're removing his turnout coat just as Roy opens the drug box, seen behind Marco are four crew members who are near the tanker with the sulfur trioxide, past the trench.

Super Grover

Emergency! mistake picture

Computer Terror - S6-E9

Visible crew/equipment: At the scene of the scaffold accident on the side of the building, near the top of the crane, there is a small covered booth that hangs from the crane. We can see the reflection of the hidden second cameraman and his camera in the mirrored windows of the building, as he leans in and out of that booth to film some of the footage we see during this scene.

Super Grover

Promotion - S3-E7

Visible crew/equipment: When Squad 51 is heading to 1511 West Hill, responding to the attempted suicide, in the closeup of Roy and Johnny en route, we see the reflection of Squad 51 as they're driving past houses/stores on Johnny's side. Just about as Roy says, "It should be it over there," in the reflection we see two crew members riding on the squad - one on top of the squad, and the other one standing on the back.

Super Grover

Emergency! mistake picture

Insomnia - S3-E8

Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and John are in The Boat with the victim of the explosion, the ambulance arrives and just as it passes by we are able to see a nice reflection of crew members, location set's 9-bank array lighting, reflector screens, a ladder and other equipment.

Super Grover

Cook's Tour - S1-E4

Visible crew/equipment: At the construction site, when Johnny and Roy climb the tower mast, they stop on the blue platform with the crane operator's cab before continuing up to the main jib. When Roy, Johnny, and the man they rescue walk back across the jib the man slips, and there are a few shots showing the underside of the blue platform, and we can see people moving around on that platform overhead. There should only be four people on the tower crane: Roy, Johnny, the man they rescue, and the officer holding the bullhorn, who's standing at the other end of the jib, by the mast. Nobody is supposed to be on that platform.

Super Grover

An Ounce of Prevention - S6-E13

Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and Johnny are on Tom Jensen's show, the outline of Johnny's lavalier mic transmitter is visible on the front, right of Johnny's shirt, over his belt, as he and Roy begin their demonstration, and also after Jensen's crew member electrocutes himself when Johnny and Roy carry and lay him down near the table. This has nothing to do with the wired mics that are clipped onto Roy's and Johnny's ties for Tom Jensen's show.

Super Grover

Upward and Onward - S6-E22

Visible crew/equipment: When Johnny and Roy are on the soap opera set treating the 'doctor', the outlines of the lav mic transmitters are visible on the front, left sides of Johnny's and Roy's shirts, above their belts, and the outline of Jody's mic transmitter is visible on the back of her brown sweater.

Super Grover

Family Ties - S6-E16

Visible crew/equipment: During the structure fire, while the first teenager is being carried down the ladder from the attic window, in the two closeups of Captain Stanley if we look past Engine 116, in the background we can see Universal Studios' GlamorTrams driving by, which provided tours of the studio's backlots. This rescue was filmed at the "Corner House" located on the original "Colonial Street" in the studio's backlot.

Super Grover

Inventions - S3-E22

Visible crew/equipment: On site at the major chemical leak, when Johnny burns his hand and falls backward, on the ground behind him there's a crew member that can be seen crouching behind stacked cement bags, looking in Johnny's direction.

Super Grover

Inheritance Tax - S3-E9

Visible crew/equipment: When the two ambulance attendants remove and roll the stretcher away from the ambulance, towards the stockbroker with chest pains, just as the words "Directed by Dennis Donnelly" appear onscreen, the moving shadow of the cameraman holding a handheld camera is visible on the ground.

Super Grover

Emergency! mistake picture

The Professor - S2-E15

Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and Johnny are with 110 and are on scene at the downed airplane, as they remove the pilot from the aircraft, the silver fire starting canister used for the stunt is visible under the plane, before it becomes engulfed in flames.

Super Grover

Emergency! mistake picture

Cook's Tour - S1-E4

Visible crew/equipment: At the construction site, when Roy and Johnny walk across the tower crane's main jib, there's a shot of the entire top of the crane, and we can see the cameraman at the tower peak, who is shooting the footage of the stunt guys from the overhead angle. He wasn't in the previous long shot of the crane. This does not refer to the officer who is standing on the main jib.

Super Grover

To Buy or Not to Buy - S5-E14

Other mistake: On scene at the traffic accident, when the woman and the boy with non-serious injuries are seated at the back of the ambulance, neither Roy or Johnny are going along with them to Rampart, yet Johnny puts the drug box inside the back of the ambulance with them, and the ambulance drives off. With their drug box! Captain Stanley even says that he'll advise dispatch that they're available for a run at the scene, while the guys will be looking for the dog.

Super Grover

More mistakes in Emergency!

Trainee - S2-E8

Roy: I think you're on some sort of an ego trip, Ed. And in my book that makes you a very dangerous character.
Ed: [Laughs.] Ego trip, huh? Well, I didn't realize that psychiatry was part of the paramedic's training.
Roy: Oh that's good, Ed, you be funny. But that isn't gonna change anything. You wanna know what I figure? Well, I figure when you were working in Vietnam, it was rough. So rough you started playing over your head. And you were making it, you were doing real good. Considering it was a combat situation. And pretty soon you started getting all blown up about how Ed Marlowe is just as good as the real doctors. And you've been living on that ever since. And the trouble is, Ed, you are good. Except for two little problems. You can't quit competing with real doctors. And you can't face being wrong. You see, those people we treat out there, I mean the people we work for, the people who pay for this whole operation, they're real people, Ed, with real problems. And they have a right to expect more than just being used by you for some sort of trip. [Completely exasperated.] I guess what I'm trying to say to you, Ed, is that in my book you're just plain unprofessional.
[Ed walks out.]
John: Do you think it did any good?
Roy: Do you?

Super Grover

More quotes from Emergency!

Trivia: On May 16, 2000, 28 years after the debut of "Emergency!" on television, due to the profound impact "Emergency!" had on the American EMS system, key props and memorabilia from the show were inducted into the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History, Division of Cultural History - the Public Service sector, located in Washington, D.C. Some of the items included: Original scripts, Biophone, trauma boxes, defibrillators, monitor, radios, turnout gear, helmets, and Roy's and Johnny's uniforms.

Super Grover

More trivia for Emergency!

The Mouse - S4-E20

Question: The old man that comes in with his wife that can't breathe, the one that the head nurse tries to counsel and tempts him with a cup of coffee. I believe he is Alfred Hitchcock, though his name is not listed anywhere. Alfred Hitchcock is known for his cameo appearances in his own shows and in other shows. Can someone confirm that this is him? This is driving me nuts... It is toward the end of the episode, but I cannot give you times.

Answer: I believe you are speaking of the old man, Mr. Wilson. He's played by J. Pat O'Malley.


Correct, it was J. Pat O'Malley...he also played the grandfather with his grandson when their rocket exploded, and also played "Old Bill" in the episode with Ann Prentiss, where Gage saves the little girl from the burning tree house, and her mother falls in love with him.

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