Visible crew/equipment: When Gage and DeSoto are driving away from Rampart, discussing DeSoto's possible purchase of a new house, dispatch calls about a traffic accident. In this exterior closeup shot of Squad 51, the reflection of the camera's flatbed vehicle is visible on Squad 51's red surface.

Visible crew/equipment: When Gage and DeSoto are stuck cleaning the squad again before The Inspection, Captain Stanley walks in and the actor's T-mark is visible on the floor just before he steps on it. Additionally, when Stanley walks away, and Chet catches up to him, another T-mark is visible on the floor near the doorway.

Loose Ends - S6-E12
Visible crew/equipment: At the hospital, when Gage sells the picnic tickets to Dixie and Dr. Early, just as Dr. Brackett walks up to the nurses' station, both Brackett's and Johnny's T-marks are visible on the floor.

Visible crew/equipment: At Rampart, when Dixie walks over to Dr. Brackett, who stands behind the station, the tape mark is visible on the floor, just before she steps precisely on it.
Visible crew/equipment: When the guys are wearing their helmets, multiple head set lights are usually reflected on the black surface, more often than not.
Inventions - S3-E22
Visible crew/equipment: On site at the chemical leak, when Captain Stanley talks into his handie-talkie and says "Engine 36, we're not doing any good with this, let's try light water," in the next shot, while the camera pans to the right, we can see a cameraman (filming Deluge 105's closeups that we see during this scene) holding his handheld, standing in front of an engine and facing Deluge 105, just before the camera focuses on the guys with the hoses.
The Wedsworth-Townsend Act - S1-E1
Visible crew/equipment: When 127's snorkel is raised to rescue the man who was electrocuted atop a utility pole, as he's being loaded, in the first closeup within the snorkel, we can notice two things. We can see someone wearing denim at the left of the screen between 127's guy and Johnny, and we also see the ground past Johnny's head. Then as the snorkel is still being lowered, in the shot from the same POV, once again at the left we see that crew member wearing denim, who is outside the snorkel basket, and also see the ground, but the ground has not changed. This reveals that these two closeups were shot at ground level.
Welcome to Santa Rosa County - S6-E10
Visible crew/equipment: Right after rescuing the two injured climbers, when John and Roy are in the back of the pickup truck with them, just as the pickup drives off to follow Sheriff Bittner's squad car, we can see the reflection of crew and the camera rig on the Land Rover's windows.
The Lighter-Than-Air Man - S5-E8
Visible crew/equipment: When Crockett leaves Medford's room with the glass that Medford drank from, there's a mirror over the sink, and in the mirror's reflection we can see the camera's moving shadow on the wall, right beside Crockett's reflection.
Visible crew/equipment: At the refinery fire, after the stokes is loaded onto the snorkel and then John and Roy climb in, two shots after Captain Stanley's closeup, in the shot tilting up at the descending snorkel basket, a crew member who is crouching down can be seen on the tower behind it (presumably it's the second cameraman shooting all the footage from that angle).
Visible crew/equipment: When Johnny and Roy are back at the command post and hand over the looter (Tony Dow) to the deputy, the four actors' marks are visible on the ground where they stand.
Visible crew/equipment: At the gas station with the broken pump nozzle, when Roy and Johnny are tending to the woman with the cut on her head, the outlines of Roy's mic transmitter and cable are visible on the left side of his shirt, above his belt. Additionally, note that the office's left pane of glass has been removed to prevent the reflection of the camera facing it.
Visible crew/equipment: While Johnny and Gage are in the press box with the cardiac arrest, when Brackett tells Johnny to administer the bicarb and epinephrine, the bulging outline of the mic transmitter is visible on the left side of Johnny's shirt.
Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and Johnny are stuck in the elevator with the cardiac patient, the outline of the lav mic transmitter is visible on the front, left side of Roy's shirt, above his belt.

Visible crew/equipment: When the boy who was shot by a pellet gun is wheeled into the treatment room, at the start of the next shot there is a closeup of the domed surgical light fixture, which provides a reflection of crew and equipment, albeit upside-down.
Visible crew/equipment: When the injured father and daughter are wheeled into the treatment room, an actor's tape mark is visible on the floor under the daughter's gurney, and another tape mark is visible on the floor under the father's gurney.

Visible crew/equipment: At Rampart, when Gage and DeSoto walk into the staff lounge, where Dixie and Dr. Brackett are seated at the table, there is an actor's T-mark on the floor behind Dixie, where DeSoto stands.

Visible crew/equipment: When Roy is in the ER due to the dizziness, two actors' T-marks are visible on the floor near the door, where moments later Dr. Bracket and Dr. Early stand before leaving. Additionally, Dr. Early's mark (during The Exam) becomes visible when Dixie shifts her position, just as Dr. Bracket asks, "Any pain here, Roy?"
Visible crew/equipment: When the Animal Control guy and the officer are in the grocery store, a few shots after the tiger jumps over the counter, the hand of a crew member (presumably the tiger's trainer) is visible behind the boxes holding a piece of food, as the tiger walks toward it (away from the camera).
Visible crew/equipment: When Station 51 arrive at the movie studio, after the car's explosion Captain Stanley tells dispatch to respond another engine, mobile aid unit, and another ambulance. In the next shot from the interior of Engine 51, the cameraman and camera are visible in the passenger side mirror.
Answer: I was rewatching a few first season episodes of Charlie's Angels (1976), and in S1xE6 "The Killing Kind," I recognized the same actor. So, to finally fully answer your question, the two baseball players in School Days are played by Rod Perry and Sean Fallon Walsh.
Super Grover ★