
Back-Up - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Evans complains to Dixie that she's been waiting two hours to have her cigarette burn taken care of, in her closeups her handbag strap is over her shoulder, but in wide shots her handbag is hanging from her arm.

Super Grover

Back-Up - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: Roy and Johnny are at the nurses' station discussing the problem of non-emergency calls for paramedics, then it cuts to Dixie in the waiting room, when a nurse asks Dixie if the ER can take a pediatric patient who needs treatment immediately, and Dixie tells her to go to Morton in treatment 3. Then when Dixie speaks to Mrs. Evans we see that young girl being brought to treatment 3. During the next two minutes while Dix walks up the hallway, she quickly speaks to Brackett, then to an impatient parent, then to that nurse again, then Brackett again, and finally to Roy. When Roy asks Dixie where Johnny is, Dixie tells him in treatment 3 (dubious how she would even know that fact), and when Roy walks in to get Johnny that pediatric patient who was just brought to treatment 3 is not in there, instead Morton is examining Wild Bill.

Super Grover

Back-Up - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: After Johnny and Roy get back to the station and find Bill, who's filling in for Chet, in the kitchen cooking Chet's awful stew recipe, the tones drop and Squad 51 is dispatched to "man unconscious." Just as the bay door opens we can see Engine 51 parked in the bay, but when the squad heads down the driveway the engine's now gone. This presents another problem, because if the footage shows the engine gone, then why is Bill still at the station cooking stew instead of being with the rest of the engine company?

Super Grover

Camera Bug - S4-E10

Continuity mistake: When Roy's using the Ambu bag on the unconscious teenager from the school fire, while the stretcher's being wheeled to treatment 3's door, Roy has a stethoscope hanging around his neck, but in the next shot as they enter treatment 3 the stethoscope has vanished.

Super Grover

One of Those Days - S5-E9

Continuity mistake: When Early is examining the boy who had the grand mal seizure in the waiting room, after using his penlight Early puts it back into his pocket just before he examines the boy's ears in the closeup, but in the wide shot that penlight is on the gurney and Dixie picks it up then puts it into her pocket. Yet in Early's closeups the penlight is still in his pocket, and in the wide shots it's gone.

Super Grover

One of Those Days - S5-E9

Continuity mistake: When Early examines the boy who had a seizure in the waiting room, Early uses a tongue depressor and his penlight to check the boy's throat. During his examination, in the wide shot the penlight is in Early's right hand and the tongue depressor in his left, but in the closeup they've switched hands. Additionally, in that wide shot Dix is holding the otoscope with her right hand, but in the closeup her right hand in under the boy's head.

Super Grover

Surprise - S4-E6

Continuity mistake: When 51's with Cora, the woman who was thrown into the middle of a cactus patch, they lower the ladder horizontally so it's beside her for the rescue, but while Roy treks across the ladder in the next shot of Cora the ladder is nowhere to be seen, then when Roy reaches her we see that it's indeed right beside her.

Super Grover

The Screenwriter - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: When Brackett is talking to Roy and Johnny in the hallway outside treatment 3 about the guy who will likely lose his injured leg, Brackett is wearing a tie with a pattern, and when he walks into treatment 3 Brackett's tie is tied differently.

Super Grover

Inventions - S3-E22

Continuity mistake: When Early and Morton are talking to the cab driver, in the overhead shot there's a hat on the desk, but in the shots facing Early the hat vanishes and other things on the desk rearrange themselves.

Super Grover

Propinquity - S3-E20

Continuity mistake: After the ambulance Roy is riding in is involved in a traffic accident, when Johnny arrives he jumps into the back with the injured attendant and patient, and we can see that the stretcher's footrest is light brown. But when the attendants exit, they carry the stretcher out of the back of the first ambulance then wheel it to the second ambulance, and the footrest is now red. It would seem that they merely transferred the patient from the first ambulance's stretcher to the second ambulance's stretcher while still in the ambulance, but they couldn't have done that because two full size stretchers cannot fit into the back of that first station-wagon style ambulance, especially with attendants back there, so they would have had to do the patient transfer on the ground outside. Hence the problem.

Super Grover

Fools - S3-E16

Continuity mistake: When Chet is being timed while putting on his gear, Squad 51 is parked much further up than the engine, providing more room in the apparatus bay behind the squad to run the drill. Then when Station 51 is dispatched to the explosion, the squad's parked normally. Additionally, we see the front bay door is closed, but that's impossible considering how far up Squad 51 was parked during the drill.

Super Grover

Understanding - S3-E13

Continuity mistake: After John spots a cute nurse talking to Dixie, when he zeros in on Dix for the nurse's name Dixie's holding a pad in her left hand, but in the next closeup her left hand's empty as she gives John an entire run-down on that nurse.

Super Grover

The Promise - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Richard jumps out of Rampart's 6th floor window, the bottom of his feet are very filthy (impressive for someone in bed in a catatonic state), but when he wakes up while lying on the ledge and Johnny tries to control him, Richard's feet are now pretty clean.

Super Grover

Insomnia - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: When Engine 51 gets the run in the middle of the night, Johnny's so tired that he stands on Engine 51's tailboard half asleep, and as it rolls out of the bay and makes a right turn, Roy shouts out to him that the run is not for them. There are two problems with this. The entire back of Engine 51 is different between the closeup and wide shot - the surface, the lights, the license plate area, etc. Also, the engine makes a right turn out of the bay, but Roy's looking out towards the left while he's shouting, as if the engine's turning left.

Super Grover

On Camera - S5-E12

Continuity mistake: On the way into the treatment room with the unconscious boy, Gage is on the left side of the gurney holding the IV bag. Suddenly, he's on the right side, away from the bed.

Movie Nut

Limelight - S6-E24

Continuity mistake: While Brackett and Morton are working on the boy who was shot with a pellet gun, when Morton is about to intubate the boy, we see that the O2 mask has been removed from his face and lying behind the boy's head, but when Morton hooks up the hose to the ventilator, we see the O2 mask and its elastic are still around the boy's neck. Then when Brackett says, "Prep him," the mask is gone.

Super Grover

The Boat - S6-E19

Continuity mistake: While 51 is breaking into the bookie's apartment, after Chet uses the axe on certain areas of the door he puts the axe down, and in the shot from inside the apartment Chet reaches in through the hole on the door to undo the chain and remove the bar, but when the door opens there's another new axe mark over the top lock that was not made by Chet.

Super Grover

Firehouse Quintet - S6-E18

Continuity mistake: During 51's basketball game against 16, when Chet takes his first shot and makes the basket the scoreboard now shows 51's at 16 and 16's at 30, then Chet makes the second basket, but the scoreboard shows 51's still at 16 and 16's at 32.

Super Grover

Loose Ends - S6-E12

Continuity mistake: When Johnny and Roy, who are off duty, show up at the nurses' station so Johnny can sell some more tickets, note the paramedic status board on the wall in the base station room. In the closeups 51's red and yellow magnets show that both the engine and squad are at the station, but in the wide shots both magnets are in the other columns.

Super Grover

To Buy or Not to Buy - S5-E14

Other mistake: On scene at the traffic accident, when the woman and the boy with non-serious injuries are seated at the back of the ambulance, neither Roy or Johnny are going along with them to Rampart, yet Johnny puts the drug box inside the back of the ambulance with them, and the ambulance drives off. With their drug box! Captain Stanley even says that he'll advise dispatch that they're available for a run at the scene, while the guys will be looking for the dog.

Super Grover

More mistakes in Emergency!
More quotes from Emergency!

Trivia: On May 16, 2000, 28 years after the debut of "Emergency!" on television, due to the profound impact "Emergency!" had on the American EMS system, key props and memorabilia from the show were inducted into the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History, Division of Cultural History - the Public Service sector, located in Washington, D.C. Some of the items included: Original scripts, Biophone, trauma boxes, defibrillators, monitor, radios, turnout gear, helmets, and Roy's and Johnny's uniforms.

Super Grover

More trivia for Emergency!

Show generally

Question: Why is the driveway in front of the station always wet? Day or night, whenever they pull in or out it looks like it was just hosed down.

Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.


More questions & answers from Emergency!

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