Lost mistake picture

Confidence Man - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Charlie is talking to Claire at the start and he says about there being a doctor at the caves, Claire has her hands on her baby bump. Camera changes and one hand is raised and the other is holding a bottle of water. (00:05:40)


Lost mistake picture

The Moth - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Sayid goes to climb the tree for the second antenna, Kate has got most of her rocket stick sticking out of the backpack. When she turns to leave, there is only a small amount sticking out. (00:22:40)


Lost mistake picture Video

The Moth - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: We see Drive Shaft preforming the song We All Everybody for the first time during a live performance. In this clip, Liam's microphone is constantly changing position without him touching it. (00:14:40)


Lost mistake picture

House of the Rising Sun - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: When Sayid walks over to Michael, Michael has his suitcase open and a blue shirt and some white items visible in it. When Michael throws the shirt from his hands down behind him, the remaining white items have vanished. (00:26:20)


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The Glass Ballerina - S3-E2

Benjamin Linus: Your flight crashed on September 22,2004. Today is November 29th. That means you've been on this island for sixty-nine days. And yes, we do have contact with the outside world, Jack. That's how we know that during those sixty-nine days, your fellow Americans re-elected George W. Bush, Christopher Reeve has passed away, Boston Red Sox won the World Series.
[Jack begins to laugh.]
Benjamin Linus: What?
Jack Shepard: [Still laughing.] If you wanted me to believe that, you probably should have picked somebody else besides the Red Sox.
Bejmain Linus: No, they were down 3-0 against the Yankees in the Championship Series and then won eight straight.
Jack Shepard: [Skeptically.] Sure, sure. Of course they did.
[Ben turns on a VCR.]
Joe Buck: Back to Foulke... Red Sox fans have longed to hear it! The Boston Red Sox are world champions! A clean sweep of the St. Louis Cardinals, and the Red Sox celebrate in the middle of the diamond here at Busch Stadium.

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Lost trivia picture

Trivia: In series 2, episode 2, at around the 35 minute mark when the camera goes underwater to show the shark swimming past, the shark has the Dharma logo on the back end of it. (00:33:35)

Sam Johnson

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Season 1 generally

Question: When Claire is pregnant with her baby, her belly looks very realistic. Does anyone know how they make it look so real?

Answer: Using a mold, a realistic pregnancy belly is made of latex (rubber), including the distinct belly button, to suit the proportions of Emilie de Ravin who plays Claire. It is then painted with a special paint/adhesive compound that adheres to the surface and for shots of the actual belly, additional veining and stretch marks are airbrushed on.

Super Grover

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